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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 3 February 2018

            Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA):

            Regional System for Member States to Report

            Substandard and Falsified Medicines

            CARIBBEAN - The health of                                                                                           holders  to  report  to  the
            the Caribbean people can                                                                                            CRS  for  regulatory  analysis
            be  at  risk  if  medicines  are                                                                                    and  action.  Through  this
            not  safe,  effective  and  of                                                                                      system,  CRS  may  share  in-
            good  quality.      Medicines                                                                                       formation  about  problem-
            safety  and  monitoring  sys-                                                                                       atic  products  with  CARI-
            tems are often limited in the                                                                                       COM  states,  pool  data  to
            Region, and there has been                                                                                          identify  signals,  and  make
            a  call  for  regional  pooling                                                                                     recommendations  to  gov-
            of resources, sharing of in-                                                                                        ernments about regulatory
            formation,  and  coordina-                                                                                          actions.
            tion  of  activities,  that  can                                                                                    The  CRS  is  an  initiative  of
            lead to stronger systems.                                                                                           CARICOM and is managed
                                                                                                                                as a regulatory unit by the
            Recently,  the  Caribbean                                                                                           Caribbean  Public  Health
            Regulatory  System  (CRS)                                                                                           Agency (CARPHA), in close
            launched  VigiCarib,  a  vol-                                                                                       partnership  with  the  Pan
            untary  regional  system  for                                                                                       American Health Organiza-
            CARICOM  states  to  report                                                                                         tion/World  Health  Organi-
            adverse    drug   reactions                                                                                         zation (PAHO/WHO).
            (ADRs), suspected substan-
            dard  and  falsified  prod-                                                                                         For more information about
            ucts.The  program  will  help                                                                                       the CRS and VigiCarib visit
            to  protect  patients  and  a  signal  to  manufacturers  tored for safety and quality.  Health  allows  health  pro-
            bolster  their  confidence  in  and  distributors  that  their  VigiCarib,   endorsed   by  fessionals,  members  of  the   We-Do/Laboratory-Servic-
            health care, as well as send  products  are  being  moni-  CARICOM     Ministers   of  public,  and  other  stake-  es-and-Networks/CRSq
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