Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210925
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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diasabra 25 september 2021

                                                                   Officials: All migrants are gone from Texas

                                                                                                border camp

                                                              (AP) — No migrants remained Friday at the
                                                              Texas  border  encampment  where  almost
              ¨Pappie awor bo ta serca mammie, tata Pa Djidji y Doedoe,   15,000 people — most of them Haitians — had
              y serca bo ruman stima Edilio Martinus cu semper a laga un   converged  just  days  earlier  seeking  asylum,
              bashi den bo curason¨                           local and federal officials said.

              A fayece cristianamento nos tata, welo y bisawelo stima.  It’s a dramatic change from last Saturday, when the
                                                              number  peaked  as  migrants  driven  by  confusion
                                                              over the Biden administration’s policies and misin-
                                                              formation on social media converged at the border
                                                              crossing  connecting  Del  Rio,  Texas,  and  Ciudad
                                                              Acuña, Mexico.

                                                              At a news conference, Del Rio Mayor Buno Lo-
                                                              zano called it “phenomenal news.”               “There will be consequences,” Biden told report-
                                                                                                              ers.  “It’s  an  embarrassment,  but  it’s  beyond  an
                                                              Many face expulsion because they are not covered  embarrassment  —  it’s  dangerous,  it’s  wrong,  it
                                                              by protections recently extended by the Biden ad-  sends the wrong message around the world and
                                                              ministration to the more than 100,000 Haitian mi-  sends the wrong message at home. It’s simply not
                     Paulino Calvin Martinus                  grants already in the U.S., citing security concerns  who  we  are.”  Later,  Department  of  Homeland
                       miho conosi como Wim Martinus          and  social  unrest  in  the  Western  Hemisphere’s  Security  Secretary  Alejandro  Mayorkas  spoke
                         Oud Havenmeester di Aruba            poorest country. The devastating 2020 earthquake  cautiously  about  the  pending  investigation  into
                         *19-12-1935 - †19- 09-2021
                  Viudo di Margaretha Martinus Van Veenendaal   forced many of them from their homeland.      the use of horses. Asked about the discrepancy,
                                                                                                              White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden
              Na nombver di su:                               The United States and Mexico appeared eager to  “was not prejudging an outcome. He was speak-
              Yiunan:  Guillermo Martinus                     end the increasingly politicized humanitarian sit-  ing from the heart.” She said he is not interfering
                                                              uation that prompted the resignation of the U.S.  with any investigation.
              Inez de Groot Martinus y Klaas de Groot         special envoy to Haiti and widespread outrage af-
              Denise                                          ter images emerged of border agents maneuvering  Mayorkas  said  about  2,000  Haitians  have  been
              Eelke                                           their horses to forcibly block and move migrants.  rapidly expelled on 17 flights since Sunday and
                                                                                                              more  could  be  expelled  in  coming  days  under
              Esther Kiks Martinus y Dimitri Kiks             On  Friday,  President  Joe  Biden  said  the  way  the  pandemic powers that deny people the chance to
              Calvin Kiks                                     agents  used  their  horses  was  “horrible”  and  that  seek asylum.
              Maxim Kiks                                      “people will pay” as a result. The agents have been
                                                              assigned to administrative duties while the admin-  Youtube video thumbnail
              Mercedes Hellal Martinus y Smahil Hellal
              Drice                                           istration investigates.                         He said the U.S. has allowed about 12,400 to en-
              Sana                                                                                            ter  the  country,  at  least  temporarily,  while  they
                                                                                                              make claims before an immigration judge to stay
              Ruman muhe stima Annie Martinus                                                                 in the country under the asylum laws or for some
                                                                                                              other legal reason. They could ultimately be de-
              Oportunidad pa condolencia diasabra 25 di September 2021                                        nied and would be subject to removal.
              di 7’or pa 9’or pm na Auora Funeral Home.
              Wim su despedida lo tuma luga den seno familiar.                                                Mayorkas said about 5,000 are in DHS custody
                                                                                                              and being processed to determine whether they
                                                                                                              will be expelled or allowed to press their claim for
                                                                                                              legal residency. Some returned to Mexico.

                                                             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada    A U.S. official with direct knowledge of the situ-
                                                             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.    ation said six flights were scheduled to Haiti on
                                                             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                      Friday, with seven planned Saturday and six Sun-
                                                             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                         day, though that was subject to change. The of-
                                                             Salmo: 23                                        ficial was not authorized to speak publicly.

                                                             Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                   In Mexico, just over 100 migrants, most of them
             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada                                                    single men, remained Friday morning in the riv-
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.                                                    erside camp in Ciudad Acuña.
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                                         Dozens of families who had been there crossed
             Salmo: 23                                                                                        back to Del Rio overnight after Mexican authori-
                                                                                                              ties left the area. With the river running higher,
             Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa fayecimento                                            some Border Patrol agents helped families who
             di nos ser stima:                                                                                were struggling to cross with children.

                                                                                                              Some  migrants  also  moved  to  small  hotels  or
                                                                                                              private homes in Ciudad Acuña. Authorities de-
                                                                                                              tained six migrants at one on Thursday afternoon.

                                                                                                              Luxon, a 31-year-old Haitian migrant who with-
                                                                                                              held his last name out of fear, said he was leav-
                                                                                                              ing with his wife and son for Mexicali, about 900
                                                                                                              miles west along Mexico’s border with Califor-
                                                                      Mirna Perez Perez                       nia.
                    Sra. Felepina Tromp-Arends                         *20-05-1953 - †23-09-2021
                        *24-12-1935 - †23-09-2021                                                             “The  option  was  to  go  to  a  place  where  there
                                                             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.        aren’t  a  lot  of  people  and  there  request  docu-
             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues                                                         ments to be legal in Mexico,” he said.
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