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sports Diasabra 25 september 2021
Clubs accuse FIFA of railroading ‘destructive’ biennial WCup
(AP) — European clubs ... in direct and unilateral
joined forces on Friday “ECA has therefore followed breach of certain legal obliga-
to rebuke FIFA for trying with grave concern and alarm tions,” the ECA said.
to railroad through plans FIFA’s launch of active PR
for biennial World Cups, campaigns and much pre- “Aside from the notable lack
warning of a destructive tence,” the club body said in of genuine (or indeed any)
impact on world football. a statement to The Associat- consultation, and as many
ed Press, “apparently seeking stakeholders have pointed
FIFA President Gianni In- to railroad through reforms out in recent days, FIFA’s
fantino has infuriated the to the IMC, particularly the proposals would lead to a di-
European Club Association, introduction of a biennial rect and destructive impact
which is accusing the global World Cup.” on the club game, both do-
governing body of being in mestically and international-
breach of legal obligations All 211 member federations ly,” the ECA added. “In addi-
with its rush to radically of FIFA have been invited to tion, the proposals would put
overhaul the sport and gain online talks on Thursday on players’ health and wellbeing
more control. the new IMC. at risk. They would dilute the
value and meaning of club
FIFA has been pushing in- The plans surfaced again in and country competitions.”
ternal interviews to media May when Saudi Arabia’s
with retired players and for- federation nominally pro- The ECA pointed to how
mer managers as it rushes posed at the congress in May the plans would “diminish
to sweep up support from for FIFA to explore biennial and conflict” with women’s
national associations for the World Cups. The Saudis have football that would lose their from six to 10 matches per to the Super League have
plan to double the frequency emerged as one of the closest right to stage events in a Eu- team from 2024. heightened suspicions within
of men’s World Cups from allies of Infantino, who has ropean summer without a European football about his
every four years to two. made trips this year to see men’s tournament. FIFA has The only leading European motivations for more regular
Crown Prince Mohammed only just started exploring clubs who are no longer ECA World Cups that give FIFA
UEFA has already expressed bin Salman. plans for a biennial Women’s members are Barcelona, Real an even greater influence on
its concerns about FIFA’s World Cup. Madrid and Juventus over a sport with the club game at
conduct and that has been It is former Arsenal manager their ongoing pursuit of a its heart.
echoed by the ECA, which Arsene Wenger who has been “Any decisions relating to European Super League. The
represents 247 clubs. deployed to sell the case for (the international match breakaway was launched and “The reform of the IMC
World Cups every two years calendar’s) future can only collapsed in April, leading to must be founded on jointly
The ECA said it would back in his role as FIFA chief of come about with the consent Paris Saint-Germain chair- agreed outcomes,” the ECA
a more balanced approach to global football development. of football clubs,” the ECA man Nasser Al-Khelaifi tak- said, “balanced in the inter-
club and international foot- He gave presentations to the said, “with player welfare at ing over as head of the ECA ests of all, following honest
ball by reducing the five win- media before bodies such as their heart — and in keeping from Juventus chairman An- and detailed consultation —
dows typically in the year for UEFA on his vision for the with legally binding obliga- drea Agnelli. not simply railroaded in the
players to be released for na- match calendar after 2024 tions which ordinarily should singular interests of FIFA
tional team games to reduce which requires the approval not need re-stating.” Infantino was accused of be- on the back of a series of PR
the burden on players. It is of the ECA so clubs release ing complicit in the forma- campaigns.”
the lack of apparent engage- players for tournaments. The ECA has, however, tion of the breakaway plans
ment by FIFA on the required backed an expansion of the by Europe’s elite before be- FIFA declined to respond to
new international match cal- FIFA was “in light of the Champions League in con- latedly denying he colluded the specific criticism from
endar (IMC) from 2024 that range of predisposed deci- junction with UEFA with with the rebels after months the ECA.
is troubling the clubs. sions and communications the group stage due to jump of silence. Infantino’s links
Brazil calls up 8 EPL players for World Cup qualifying
(AP) — Brazil called up eight against Argentina earlier this navirus protocols. Three of the play-
English Premier League players month. ers were on the field at the time. Squad:
on Friday for World Cup quali-
fiers while hoping to avoid a re- FIFA is hoping the British govern- The English-based players called up Goalkeepers: Alisson (Liverpool),
peat of farcical scenes which saw ment eases the quarantine require- by Brazil coach Tite on Friday are Ederson (Manchester City) and We-
health officials come on the field ments for players in time for this set Alisson and Fabinho from Liver- verton (Palmeiras).
to interrupt the team’s match of qualifiers in October. English clubs pool, Ederson and Gabriel Jesus from
collectively agreed not to release play- Manchester City, Emerson Royal of Defenders: Thiago Silva (Chelsea),
ers to countries on the government’s Tottenham, Thiago Silva from Chel- Marquinhos (Paris Saint-Germain),
coronavirus “red list” for September’s sea, Manchester United midfielder Éder Militão (Real Madrid), Lucas
internationals, which included Brazil. Fred and Raphinha from Leeds. Veríssimo (Benfica), Danilo (Juven-
tus), Alex Sandro (Juventus), Guil-
Quarantine exemptions for Premier Brazil will play Venezuela on Oct. 7 herme Arana (Atlético Mineiro), Em-
League players are being discussed in in Caracas, Colombia three days later erson Royal (Tottenham).
a bid to avoid a fresh dispute. There in Barranquilla and then host Uru-
remains a possibility of an agreement guay on Oct. 14 in Manaus. Midfielders: Casemiro (Real Ma-
being reached to avoid players having drid), Fabinho (Liverpool), Fred
to quarantine for 10 days on their re- Brazil’s soccer confederation has al- (Manchester United), Éverton Ri-
turn. ready requested quarantine waivers beiro (Flamengo), Lucas Paquetá
to the federal government so its Pre- (Lyon), Gerson (Olympique Mar-
FIFA has still to decide the fate of mier League players and Uruguay’s seille), Edenílson (Internacional).
Brazil’s suspended clash with Ar- Edinson Cavani can be fielded in the
gentina. The game was stopped after third match in Manaus. Forwards: Neymar (Paris Saint-Ger-
seven minutes due to four Argen- main), Matheus Cunha (Atletico Ma-
tina players — England-based players Brazil leads South American qualify- drid), Raphinha (Leeds), Gabriel Je-
Emiliano Martinez, Emiliano Buen- ing with 24 points in eight matches. sus (Manchester City), Gabriel Bar-
dia, Giovanni Lo Celso, and Cristian bosa (Flamengo), Vinicius Jr (Real
Romero — allegedly breaching coro- ____ Madrid), Antony (Ajax).