Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210925
P. 32

A32    sports
               Diasabra 25 september 2021

                             Americans take a 3-1 lead in opening Ryder Cup session

                                                “I don’t know if anyone could have  the act, too, holing a 25-foot putt and  draig  Harrington  said.  “They  have
                                                beat Xander and Patrick today,” Mc-  blowing  a  kiss  to  the  crowd  on  the  done their job. It wasn’t their morn-
                                                Ilroy said. “They played really good  15th hole for a 3-up lead with three  ing. Let’s hope it’s their afternoon.”
                                                — four birdies in a row. Geez, yeah,  holes to play.
                                                they played great.”                                                     U.S. captain Steve Stricker watched it
                                                                                    Spieth tried to extend the match with  all unfold and had close to a dream
                                                The Americans won the two matches  a  shot  that  was  as  much  about  the  start. But he stuck to his plan for the
                                                in between, not trailing on the back  landscape  of  Whistling  Straits  than  afternoon, and there were a few sur-
                                                nine of Whistling Straits in either of  the Ryder Cup.                  prises.
                                                them, and built a 3-1 lead going into
                                                afternoon fourballs.                Well below the green left of the par-3  He  split  up  Cantlay  and  Schauffele
                                                                                    17th in deep grass, he blasted a 52-de-  — Cantlay was with Thomas, while
                                                That makes seven straight times the  gree wedge toward the green, a shot  Schauffele  was  paired  with  Johnson
                                                Americans have not lost the opening  with such force that his momentum  —  and  then  put  in  all  four  players
                                                session.  Three  years  ago  in  France,  carried him backward. The safe move  who sat out in the morning.
                                                they also had a 3-1 lead only to get  was to keep running, almost to Lake
                                                shut  out  that  afternoon  as  Europe  Michigan, before he could regain his  Harrington  did  the  same  —  Rahm
                                                cruised to another decisive victory.  balance. It was all for naught; Thomas  was with Tyrrell Hatton, while Garcia
                                                                                    missed the 6-foot par and that was it.  sat out fourballs. Poulter also sat out,
                                                In a strange twist, neither captain kept                                with  McIlroy  and  longtime  friend
                                                any of the teams together — even Jon  Dustin Johnson and Collin Morika-  from  Irish  golf  Shane  Lowry  in  the
                                                Rahm  and  Sergio  Garcia,  the  lone  wa, who have combined to win three  lineup.
                                                bright spot for Europe in foursomes.  of the last seven majors, fell behind
            (AP) — The first point of the Ry-                                       briefly against Paul Casey and Viktor  Everyone will have played on the first
            der Cup belonged to Europe and  Rahm looked every bit like the No. 1  Hovland  until  winning  two  straight  day.
            its fearsome new Spanish Arma-      player in the world by rolling in putts  holes to regain the lead on the front
            da.  The  rest  of  the  opening  ses-  from  everywhere  as  he  and  Garcia  and  two  straight  holes  early  on  the  The Americans see this Ryder Cup as
            sion belonged to the Americans,  seized  control  around  the  turn  and  back nine in a 3-and-2 victory.   crucial to change the tide in what has
            just like usual.                    held  on  to  beat  Jordan  Spieth  and                                 been  European  dominance  for  the
                                                Justin Thomas, 3 and 1.             Brooks  Koepka  and  Daniel  Berger,  last  quarter-century.  They  have  six
            Patrick   Cantlay    and   Xander                                       both  Florida  State  alumni,  never  rookies and their youngest team.
            Schauffele,  tough  as  ever  in  four-  Garcia  earned  his  23rd  win,  tying  trailed in beating the English duo of
            somes,  won  the  first  five  holes  and  Nick Faldo for the Ryder Cup record.  Lee Westwood and Matt Fitzpatrick,  “It’s just the first session,” Garcia said.
            closed  with  four  straight  birdies  for                              2 and 1.                            “A lot of things can happen. We have
            a 5-and-3 victory over Rory McIlroy  Spieth  and  Thomas,  who  were  3-1                                   a good session this afternoon and ev-
            and Ian Poulter.                    in  France,  couldn’t  keep  up  with  “They did play well, so I’m not un-  erything is back to normal.”
                                                Rahm’s great putting. Garcia got into  happy with that,” Europe captain Pa-

                         Name drop: Cleveland set to say goodbye to Indians for good

            (AP) — There’s no more debate or decisions  At some point, Guardians merchandise will go on
            forthcoming.  There’s  still  some  anger  and  sale and the massive script “Indians” logo crowning  The name change became inevitable last year when
            disbelief, but also the excitement that comes  the ballpark’s massive left-field scoreboard will be  owner Paul Dolan announced his intention to ex-
            along with change.                              taken down, a moment many Clevelanders could  amine the use of Indians after being moved by the
                                                            have never imagined possible.                   social unrest sweeping America in the wake of the
            The Cleveland Indians are about to become his-                                                  George Floyd murder in Minneapolis.
            tory.                                           And while the end of Indians has been known for
                                                            a while, it still seemed to sneak up on some fans.  Cleveland’s  steps  toward  the  change  don’t  really
            On Monday, one of the American League’s charter                                                 matter at this point. There’s no turning back. It’s
            members will play its final home game of 2021, and  “It kind of hit us when we came in,” Kathy Wain-  happening.
            also its last at Progressive Field as the Indians, the  wright of Elyria, Ohio, said as she and her husband,
            team’s name since 1915, when “Shoeless” Joe Jack-  Mark, grabbed a bite to eat and a couple pregame  For Sandy Alomar Jr., the end is conflicting.
            son was the starting right fielder on opening day.  beers before the Indians hosted the Royals.
                                                                                                            A six-time All-Star catcher and current first-base
            Much more than the makeup of a rainout against  Before entering the ballpark, the couple walked to  coach for Cleveland, Alomar has a personal attach-
            the Kansas City Royals, the home finale will signify  the corner of Ontario Street and Carnegie Avenue  ment  to  Indians,  the  name  he’s  worn  across  his
            the end of one era and beginning of a new chapter  to take a photo of the home plate entrance where a  chest for 23 seasons — 11 as a player, 12 as coach.
            for the team, which will be called the Cleveland  lighted “Indians” sign welcomes fans.
            Guardians next season.                                                                          He respects the team’s decision and understands
                                                            “I knew it was the last time I’d get to see it that  the rationale behind the change, but that doesn’t
            That’s going to take some time getting used to. The  way,” Mark said.                           make this any easier for him.
            Indians are all Clevelanders have ever known.
                                                            The team is not planning any ceremony to honor  “It’s an emotional time for me,” he said. “All I’ve
            “I’m not a betting man,” longtime radio play-by-  the  Indians’  final  performance  at  home.  Unfor-  known is being a Cleveland Indian. I’m an Indian
            play  broadcaster  Tom  Hamilton  said,  pondering  tunately for many Cleveland fans, it’s happening  forever.”
            what’s ahead. “But I have to guess the over-under  at the same time that the Browns are hosting the
            on how many times we’ll say Indians is one mil-  Chicago Bears just one mile away at FirstEnergy
            lion.”                                          Stadium.

            After the Oct. 3 season finale in Texas and with no  The Indians’ last home at-bat has been another del-
            postseason for a team that hasn’t won the World  icate line to navigate for the club, whose decision to
            Series  since  1948,  there  will  be  a  transition  pe-  change the name elicited heavy criticism from fans
            riod before Indians — a named deemed racist by  who felt the team caved to a small, vocal minority.
            some — is dropped and Guardians appears on new
            uniforms with logos that were unveiled in July to  Others thought it was long overdue, and probably
            mixed reviews.                                  should have happened when the team ditched the
                                                            contentious Chief Wahoo logo a few years back.
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