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                     Thursday 27 July 2023

            Issa Rae offers aspiring female directors a chance to shine

            By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr.                                                                                             woman  into making a suc-
            AP Entertainment Writer                                                                                             cessful film project.
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — From                                                                                             Prince-Bythewood  said  it
            Issa   Rae’s   perspective,                                                                                         was  important  for  the  se-
            there’s  plenty  of  talented                                                                                       ries  to  specifically  high-
            female filmmakers willing to                                                                                        light female directors, who
            work.  However,  she  knows                                                                                         weren’t  hardly  featured    if
            most haven’t been afford-                                                                                           at all  in the original series.
            ed  the  same  support  as                                                                                          “I used to love the show. I
            their male counterparts.                                                                                            used  to  watch  every  sea-
            Now, Rae feels compelled                                                                                            son.  And  there  was  such
            to create a supportive plat-                                                                                        a  normalcy  to  the  winners
            form for aspiring women di-                                                                                         always being ‘white men.’
            rectors through the reboot                                                                                          I  don’t  even  remember  a
            series  “Project  Greenlight:                                                                                       person  of  color  even  be-
            A New Generation,” which                                                                                            ing  in  the  running.  I  don’t
            premiered  this  month  on                                                                                          remember  a  woman,”  she
            Max. She brought back the                                                                                           said. “I didn’t even question
            Ben  Affleck  and  Matt  Da-                                                                                        it back then, which is crazy.
            mon  series  that  debuted                                                                                          Being a part of it now, this
            in  2001  on  HBO  about  un-                                                                                       reboot is way more reflec-
            proven  filmmakers  direct-                                                                                         tive  of  what  the  industry  is
            ing a feature-length movie.                                                                                         and needs to be.”
            It  was  canceled  14  years                                                                                        Throughout  the  process,
            later  after  a  controversial   This  image  released  by  Max  shows  Issa  Rae,  left,  Kumail  Nanjiani,  center,  and  Gina  Prince-  Winbush  was  under  con-
            fourth  season,  which  in-  Bythewood in a scene from the series “Project Greenlight: A New Generation.”           stant  pressure  and  strug-
            cluded  a  heated  discus-                                                                         Associated Press   gled  at  times  to  execute
            sion  between  Damon  and  “The Woman King” director  a  $100-million  budget.  Six  idea  to  highlight  first-time  her vision. She had less than
            producer  Effie  Brown  over  Gina Prince-Bythewood.      women.  It’s  an  industry-  female  directors,  she  said  20  days  to  direct  the  sci-
            diversity.                   Rae  witnessed  Greta  Ger-  wide issue where there are  the  streaming  service  was  ence  fiction  thriller  called
            This  time,  Rae  puts  a  spot-  wig  direct  the  big  budget  limitations  for  the  oppor-  “enthusiastic”  in  what  she  “Gray Matter.”
            light on the next generation  “Barbie”  film,  which  had  tunities  that  women  get.  I  calls  the  easiest  greenlight  The  cameras  rolled  from
            of women who are tasked  2023’s  biggest  opening.  think this series shines a light  from them.                    pre-production  along  with
            to  direct  a  full-length  film  Gerwig  shattered  the  first  on  a  very  small  area  that  Rae and company filtered  casting  through  principal
            too.                         weekend  records  for  a  needs improvement.”             through  10  finalists  before  photography  and  post-
            “The series shows that there  film directed by a woman.  Rae said the idea to revive  selecting Meko Winbush, a  production.
            are  a  lot  of  women  out  The “Insecure” creator ap-   the  series  was  originally  writer-director  who  most-  “Women  aren’t  given  a
            there  who  are  interested.  peared as President Barbie  presented  to  her  by  Mon-  ly  had  experience  mak-   chance  to  direct  genre
            With proper resources and  in  the  movie  starring  Mar-  trel McKay, who is featured  ing  trailers  and  short  films.  movies,” said Rae, who ini-
            given a chance, they can  got Robbie and Ryan Gos-        in  show  and  serves  as  the  The  10-episode  series  pulls  tially had some reservations
            absolutely  deliver,”  Rae  ling.                         president  of  development  back the curtain on the en-   about  selecting  Winbush.
            said in interview before the  “I  saw  it  even  while  pro-  & production at her Hoorae  tire filmmaking process that  “In  hindsight,  it’s  ambitious
            actor’s strike. She is a men-  moting ‘Barbie,’” Rae said.  Media  production  com-    shows the challenges each  to  try  to  make  a  genre
            tor  in  the  series  alongside  “I’m  working  with  a  direc-  pany.  After  the  company  team  faces  while  guiding  movie  in  18  days  with  a
            actor  Kumail  Nanjiani  and  tor who’s one of six to get  approached Max with the  Winbush    who  is  a  Black  very limited budget. q

            Drew Barrymore will host the National

            Book Awards

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Drew  both have long histories of  ing      community,”    David
            Barrymore,  whose  honors  championing  books  and  Steinberger,  chair  of  the
            include  a  Golden  Globe  reading.  Winfrey’s  book  Board  of  Directors  of  the
            and  Screen  Actors  Guild  club  picks  have  helped  National  Book  Foundation,
            award,  will  be  presiding  dozens  of  works  become  said  in  a  statement.  “This
            over  a  more  literary  cere-  bestsellers, while Barrymore  belief echoes the mission of
            mony this fall.              has  praised  books  by  Tina  the National Book Founda-
            Barrymore  will  be  hosting  Fey  and  David  Sedaris,  tion  to  ensure  that  books
            the  74th  annual  National  among others.                have a prominent place in
            Book  Awards,  the  Nation-  “Throughout  their  careers,  our culture.”               Drew Barrymore appears at the 24th Annual Mark Twain Prize for
            al  Book  Foundation  an-    Drew Barrymore and Oprah  The  awards  ceremony  is       American Humor at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
            nounced  Tuesday.  And  Winfrey have each demon-          scheduled  for  Nov.  15,  in   on March 19, 2023, in Washington.    Associated Press
            Oprah  Winfrey,  a  previous  strated their enduring belief  Manhattan,  with  competi-
            winner of an honorary Na-    that books have the power  tive  prizes  to  be  handed  literature.  Barrymore  is  not  the publishing world. Steve
            tional Book Award, will be a  to  change  readers’  lives  out  in  fiction,  nonfiction,  the  first  celebrity  host  of  Martin hosted a handful of

            guest speaker.               by opening doors, sparking  poetry, literature in transla-  the National Book Awards,  times in the late 1990s and
            Barrymore    and    Winfrey  conversations,  and  build-  tion  and  young  people’s  the  unofficial  “Oscars”  of  early 2000s.q
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