Page 9 - aruba-today-20230727
P. 9
LOCAL Thursday 27 July 2023
Episode 29
Oranjestad just celebrated its 195 in total oblivion
Just over seventeen hun- government, but Aruba duties had given rise to a
dred people lived on Aruba was not classed as a gov- division of the little place
in 1816. Trade with the Gulf ernment plantation like Bo- into two sections by means
of Maracaibo was a transit- naire. However, those culti- of a street running almost
trade; shipments were re- vating the little gardens or due north and south.
ceived from Curacao mer- cunucus did not pay leas-
chants and return-cargoes es. Rates were not levied, Plats next informs
consisting of dye-wood but every inhabitant was Cantz’laar: “In conse-
and goatskins were sent obliged to work two days a quence of this division I
there. Eight merchants and week for the government, have, on the strength of
eight shopkeepers reside a kind of statute labor. It Aruba were obliterated in some order and system to art.525 regarding the com-
on our island, as well as was possible, however, to 1841, and replaced by pro- be introduced in placing mander of Aruba, appoint-
78 sailors. Fishing was only have oneself replaced by prietary rights, a measure these houses, so that they ed as warden of the east
carried on in “canoes”. Of a slave. Tree native could receiving renewed official shall not be built at ran- section of De Oranjestad,
the 319 persons whose call- together send one perma- sanction in 1924. Owing to dom in a disorderly and Corn. Raven, inhabitant
ing was known 194 were nent slave. the conditions prevailing scattered manner, but of same, and as warden
planters. There must have under the Company’s sway shall on the contrary be of the west section Pieter
been a moderate prosper- When more people got an and their development un- constructed in rows so as Wuurman (name hardly
ity, since two goldsmiths opportunity to settle here til the time of Van Raders, to facilitate the making of legible), also residing in the
found occupation here. the feudal laws maintained the growth of large hold- streets and roads, in which part of the town coming
by the Dutch West India ings was impossible on our manner a proper village under his supervision”. So
An inventory of fort Zout- Company until 1791, which island. In this Aruba differs may be founded, we have in February of 1827 the “vil-
man makes it very clear had been left intact by the from the other islands, a deemed fit to make known lage” on Horse’s Bay bore
that government –property government afterwards, difference emphasized by our above observations to the name.
was in a sadly neglected could no longer be kept its social consequences. A the commander of the is-
condition, “two benches, up. In 1823 the whole of man who has a holding of land of Aruba by copy of Now during one of many
two tables, two iron pots, Aruba was still regarded as his own also wants his own this letter, enjoining him visits to Aruba, of Gover-
four halivats (an Aruban crown-land. In that year the house. to see to it that our inten- nor Cantz’laar, when this
measure, half vat about 8 residents were permitted tion is complied with and dignitary proposed a toast
gallons), two water-casks, to obtain the ownership of During the first fifteen years to take due care that the to “the prosperity of the
a soldiers’ quarters, 17 the land they had received after Aruba had been sites for the building of the Horses Bay” Those at the
workable and defective as concessionaries by pur- handed over to the Dutch houses will be selected af- table observed that the vil-
muskets, and 20 cartridge- chase. The gold –finds of again about a thousand ter proper deliberation and lage that came in to being
pouches. With regards to 1824 as well made further new residents settled on assigned to those who shall had no name. Cantz’laar
private houses nothing provisions necessary. They the island. Most newcom- have obtained our permis- had the idea to honor our
was reported. The garden came in 1829: the colonial ers were traders establish- sion”. In 1822, therefore, it is King Willem I, however this
of “bakkoval” and Fontein administration maintained ing themselves “on the already foreseen that “on would not do, for there was
according to old usage its rights to the gold, but Bay”. In the Commander’s the Bay”, as the nameless already a Willemstad, on
served as “special allow- would give compensa- Journal of 1st October 1822 spot was still styled, a regu- Curaçao. Then Jacob Thiel-
ance” for the commander. tion. Under Governor Rei- we read: lar village will arise. People en I stood up and proposed
nier F.Baron Van Raders the were coming to live there, Oranjestad (Orange city)
All the soil belonged to the last traces of feudal law on “Since from time to time re- and apparently built their as a solution. The name
quests have been handed houses anyhow all round Oranjestad came to be on
to us for permission to con- the water. On 16th February a Tuesday, the third of Au-
struct houses on Horses’ 1927 Commander Simon gust 1824. Hardly the name
Bay in the island of Aruba, Plats writes to Governor had been heard by those
it does not seem improb- Paulus R. Cantz’laar that preset when they all broke
able that after some years the extension of the village out into cheers and cries of,
a regular village will oc- and the difficulty resulting “Long live the Oranjestad!
cupy the above site. And from this for the ward-ad May it grow and thrive.q
because it is necessary for district-masters to fulfil their