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A4   U.S. NEWS
                     Thursday 27 July 2023

            Pedestrians scatter as fire causes NY construction crane’s arm to


            By  JAKE  OFFENHARTZ  and                                                                                           spond  to  a  request  for
            KAREN MATTHEWS                                                                                                      comment.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    In May of 2008, a collapse
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  tow-                                                                                         of  the  company’s  tower
            ering  construction  crane                                                                                          crane killed two workers on
            caught fire high above the                                                                                          the Upper East Side of Man-
            West Side of Manhattan on                                                                                           hattan.
            Wednesday morning, caus-                                                                                            The company and its own-
            ing its long arm to snap off,                                                                                       er,  James  Lomma,  were
            smash  against  a  nearby                                                                                           acquitted of manslaughter
            building  and  plummet  to                                                                                          and  other  charges;  a  me-
            the street as people ran for                                                                                        chanic  pleaded  guilty  to
            their  lives  on  the  sidewalk                                                                                     criminally  negligent  homi-
            below.                                                                                                              cide.
            Several people suffered mi-                                                                                         It  was  one  of  two  deadly
            nor injuries in the collapse,                                                                                       crane  accidents  in  2008,
            but no one died, New York                                                                                           leading  to  the  resignation
            City Mayor Eric Adams said.                                                                                         of the city’s buildings com-
            “As  you  can  see  from  the                                                                                       missioner,  as  well  as  new
            debris  on  the  street,  this   This rendering provided by Clark County, Nev., on June 2, 2023, shows one of five potential designs   safety  measures  around
            could  have  been  much      for a permanent memorial to be built on the Las Vegas Strip in honor of the victims, survivors and   testing  and  oversight  of
            worse,” the Democrat said    first responders of the Oct. 1, 2017, mass shooting that left 60 dead and hundreds more injured at   crane operations.
            at a news conference, not-   a country music festival in Las Vegas.                                                 Five  years  later,  a  crane
            ing  that  the  street  at  that                                                                   Associated Press   owned  by  the  company
            hour of the morning is often  commissioner  for  the  Fire  A worker at a nearby con-  ties said they also planned  left a concrete cube dan-
            filled with pedestrians, cars  Department  of  New  York.  struction site said everyone  to investigate the structural  gling above a bustling pe-
            and buses.                   “As  the  fire  heats  the  ca-  stopped  and  watched  as  integrity  of  the  residential  destrian  area  for  several
            The  crane  was  operating  ble,  the  cable  weakens  flames engulfed the top of  tower, which is under con-       hours, shutting down a ma-
            45  stories  up  when  its  en-  to a point where it loses its  the crane and a column of  struction  and  expected  to  jor  thoroughfare  in  Mid-
            gine compartment caught  strength,  and  that’s  where  black  smoke  rose  above  rise to 54 stories.              town Manhattan.
            fire  at  around  7:25  a.m.,  the collapse occurred.”    buildings.  Within  a  few  The crane is owned by the  Delecia  McInnis,  a  Long
            authorities said. Photos and  The  person  operating  the  minutes,  firefighters  were  New  York  Crane  &  Equip-  Island  resident  who  saw
            videos  on  social  media  crane  tried  to  put  out  the  shooting  water  down  at  ment Corp., one of the city’s  the  crane  come  down
            show  flames  bursting  from  fire as it spread but had to  the  blaze  from  a  balcony  most  widely  used  crane  Wednesday,  said  she  was
            the crane hundreds of feet  flee to safety, Pfeifer said.  of an adjacent building.    providers, officials said. The  surprised  no  one  was  seri-
            above 10th Avenue at 41st  Nine  civilians  experienced  “I never seen anything like  Queens-based  company  ously injured.
            Street.  The  crane’s  arm,  minor  injuries  in  the  col-  that,”  said  Charles  Pesca-  has been involved in other  “There’s  so  many  things
            which  was  carrying  a  16-  lapse  or  its  aftermath,  ac-  tore,  18,  a  college  helper  crane  problems  in  recent  going  on  at  7  o’clock  in
            ton load of concrete, dan-   cording  to  a  fire  depart-  on a construction site a few  years,  leading  to  criminal  the city, people are going
            gled before breaking off.    ment  spokesperson.  Two  blocks away. “It could have  charges  and  new  safety  to  school,  summer  camp,
            “That  weight  of  16  tons  is  firefighters   experienced  killed a bunch of people.”  measures around New York  there’s  always  someone
            attached by a cable,” said  heat exhaustion and chest  The cause of the fire is be-    City’s crane operations.     around  in  this  area,”  she
            Joseph  Pfeifer,  first  deputy  pains.                   ing  investigated.  Authori-  The  company  did  not  re-  said.q

                                                                      Design for Vegas Strip mass shooting

                                                                      memorial features 58 beams of light

                                                                      shooting in modern U.S. his-  Committee,  which  began  killed in the shooting.
                                                                      tory.                        the planning process more  Another  committee  mem-
                                                                      The  number  58  represents  than  three  years  ago.  The  ber,  Karessa  Royce,  was
                                                                      the toll of people who were  panel  is  expected  to  sub-  among the more than 850
                                                                      killed in the Las Vegas Strip  mit a full recommendation  others who were injured in
                                                                      massacre in October 2017,  including  an  alternate  de-  the  attack.  A  junior  at  the
                                                                      when  a  gunman  opened  sign  to  the  Clark  County  University  of  Nevada,  Las
                                                                      fire  from  a  high-rise  suite  Commission in September.  Vegas,  at  the  time  of  the
            This rendering provided by Clark County, Nev., on June 2, 2023,   at  the  Mandalay  Bay  ho-  “I  will  not  lie  that  this  has  shooting, she said her work
            shows one of five potential designs for a permanent memorial to   tel,  targeting  people  at  a  been a simple process, be-  on  the  committee  helped
            be built on the Las Vegas Strip in honor of the victims, survivors
            and first responders of the Oct. 1, 2017, mass shooting that left   country  music  festival  be-  cause  it  hasn’t,”  commit-  guide  her  through  the  af-
            60 dead and hundreds more injured at a country music festival   low.  Two  people  who  ini-  tee  member  Mynda  Smith  termath.
            in Las Vegas.                                             tially  survived  died  in  sub-  said  through  tears.  “But  at  “When  I  woke  up  in  the
                                                     Associated Press   sequent years from causes  the end of the day, I know  hospital  in  2017  the  day
            By RIO YAMAT                 the design concept chosen  that were attributed to the  this will become something  after  the  shooting,  I  never
            Associated Press             Wednesday at an emotion-     gunshot  wounds  they  suf-  of beauty and healing and  could’ve     imagined    the
            LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  Fifty-  al meeting of a committee  fered.                         love.”                       journey we’d be on togeth-
            eight  towering,  candlelike  tasked with creating a per-  The  announcement  marks  Smith’s  sister,  Neysa  Tonks,  er,”  Royce  said,  her  voice
            beams  will  cast  a  blanket  manent  memorial  at  the  a  major  step  forward  for  a  46-year-old  mother  of  cracking as she clutched a
            of  warm  light  on  visitors  in  site  of  the  deadliest  mass  the  1  October  Memorial  three from Las Vegas, was  tissue in her hand.q
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