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                     Thursday 27 July 2023

            Rudy Giuliani concedes he made public comments falsely

            Continued from Front
            Though  Giuliani  is  not  dis-
            puting that the statements
            were  false,  he  does  not
            concede that they caused
            any  damage  to  Freeman
            or  Moss.  That  distinction  is
            important  because  plain-
            tiffs  in  a  defamation  case
            must  prove  not  only  that
            a  statement  made  about
            them  was  false  but  that
            it  also  resulted  in  actual
            Moss  told  the  U.S.  House
            committee      investigating
            the Capitol riot that her life
            was shattered by the false
            accusations.  She  said  she
            received  hateful  and  rac-
            ist  messages,  some  “wish-
            ing death upon me. Telling
            me that I’ll be in jail with my
            mother.  And  saying  things
            like, ‘Be glad it’s 2020 and
            not 1920.’” Freeman said in   Former President Donald Trump visits Café du Monde in New Orleans, Tuesday, July 25, 2023.        Associated Press
            her testimony: “There is no-
            where I feel safe.”
            Giuliani’s statement was at-  fraud  he  and  former-Presi-  and  were  in  their  posses-  ing in December 2020 that  tigating  efforts  by  Trump
            tached  to  a  filing  arguing  dent  Trump  made  against  sion,  custody,  or  control.”  surveillance   video   from  and  his  allies  to  overturn
            that he did not fail to pro-  them have been false since  The  federal  government  State  Farm  Arena  showed  the  2020  election  results,
            duce evidence in the case  day one.”                      had executed search war-     the  election  workers  com-  have  both  shown  interest
            and  should  not  be  sanc-  Certain  issues,  including  rants at Giuliani’s home and  mitting  election  fraud.  As  in what happened to Moss
            tioned  as  Freeman  and  damages,  still  have  to  be  office in a separate case in  those  allegations  circulat-  and Freeman.
            Moss had requested.          decided by the court. Gott-  New  York  and  had  seized  ed online, the two women  Smith’s  team  has  subpoe-
            “While  Giuliani  does  not  lieb said Freeman and Moss  his electronic devices.       said,  they  suffered  intense  naed Georgia Secretary of
            admit  to  Plaintiffs’  allega-  are “pleased with this ma-  The records that Moss and  harassment, both in person  State  Brad  Raffensperger’s
            tions, he — for purposes of  jor milestone in their fight for  Freeman  said  were  not  and  online.  Moss  detailed  office for any Election Day
            this  litigation  only  —  does  justice, and look forward to  produced “have not been  her  experiences  in  emo-  video from State Farm Are-
            not contest the factual al-  presenting what remains of  in the possession of Giuliani  tional testimony before the  na.  Willis  sought  testimony
            legations,” the filing said.  this case at trial.”        since  their  seizure  in  April  members  of  Congress  in-  about  a  curious  episode
            Giuliani  political  adviser  Freeman  and  Moss  filed  a  2021,”  according  to  the  vestigating  the  Capitol  in-  in which prosecutors say a
            Ted  Goodman  said  in  an  motion this month alleging  court filing, and therefore it  surrection. The Jan. 6 com-  woman traveled from Chi-
            email Wednesday that the  that  Giuliani  had  “failed  is “physically impossible” for  mittee  also  played  video  cago  to  Georgia  in  Janu-
            filing was made “in order to  to  take  any  steps  to  pre-  him to have destroyed the  testimony  from  Freeman  ary 2021 and tried to pres-
            move  on  to  the  portion  of  serve  relevant  electronic  evidence.                 during the hearing in June  sure  Freeman  into  falsely
            the case that will permit a  evidence.” They know such  Moss  had  worked  for  the  2022.                          confessing  to  committing
            motion to dismiss.”          evidence  exists  because  Fulton County elections de-    In a court filing that month,  election fraud.
            Michael Gottlieb, a lawyer  other people provided it to  partment  since  2012  and  Giuliani asked the judge to  The  defamation  lawsuit
            for Freeman and Moss, said  them, their filing says. They  supervised  the  absentee  toss the lawsuit, arguing the  originally named right-wing
            in  an  emailed  statement  asked  U.S.  District  Judge  ballot operation during the  claims  against  him  were  cable  news  channel  One
            that  Giuliani  is  conced-  Beryl Howell in Washington  2020  election.  Freeman  barred  by  First  Amend-        America News Network, its
            ing “what we have always  to impose sanctions.            was  a  temporary  election  ment  protections  for  free  owners and its chief White
            known  to  be  true  —  Ruby  In the court filing, a lawyer  worker,   verifying   signa-  speech.  Howell  rejected  House  correspondent  for
            Freeman  and  Shaye  Moss  for Giuliani argued that his  tures  on  absentee  ballots  that  request,  allowing  the  also pushing the debunked
            honorably  performed  their  client did not fail to preserve  and preparing them to be  lawsuit to proceed.         claims. They were dismissed
            civic duties in the 2020 pres-  or  destroy  any  electronic  counted and processed.   Justice Department special  from  the  suit  in  May  2022
            idential election in full com-  evidence   “because   all  Giuliani and others alleged  counsel Jack Smith and Ful-  after  reaching  an  undis-
            pliance  with  the  law;  and  pertinent  documents  were  during  a  Georgia  legisla-  ton County District Attorney  closed   settlement   with
            the  allegations  of  election  seized  by  the  government  tive  subcommittee  hear-  Fani  Willis,  who  are  inves-  Moss and Freeman.q
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