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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 27 July 2023

             Whistleblower tells Congress the U.S.  is concealing ‘multi-decade’

             program that captures UFOs

            By NOMAAN MERCHANT                                                                                                  did  not  address  UFOs  that
            Associated Press                                                                                                    are not suspected of being
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            extraterrestrial objects.
            U.S.  is  concealing  a  long-                                                                                      Grusch says he became a
            standing    program    that                                                                                         government  whistleblower
            retrieves  and  reverse  en-                                                                                        after his discovery and has
            gineers  unidentified  flying                                                                                       faced  retaliation  for  com-
            objects, a former Air Force                                                                                         ing forward. He declined to
            intelligence officer testified                                                                                      be more specific about the
            Wednesday  to  Congress.                                                                                            retaliatory tactics, citing an
            The  Pentagon  has  denied                                                                                          ongoing investigation.
            his claims.                                                                                                         “It was very brutal and very
            Retired Maj. David Grusch’s                                                                                         unfortunate,  some  of  the
            highly anticipated testimo-                                                                                         tactics  they  used  to  hurt
            ny  before  a  House  Over-                                                                                         me both professionally and
            sight  subcommittee  was                                                                                            personally,” he said.
            Congress’  latest  foray  into                                                                                      Rep.  Glenn  Grothman,  R-
            the  world  of  UAPs    or  “un-                                                                                    Wis.,  chaired  the  panel’s
            identified  aerial  phenom-                                                                                         hearing  and  joked  to  a
            ena,”  which  is  the  official                                                                                     packed  audience,  “Wel-
            term  the  U.S.  government                                                                                         come to the most exciting
            uses instead of UFOs. While                                                                                         subcommittee  in  Congress
            the  study  of  mysterious                                                                                          this  week.”  There  was  bi-
            aircraft  or  objects  often   U.S.  Air  Force  (Ret.)  Maj.  David  Grusch,  testifies  before  a  House  Oversight  and  Accountability   partisan interest in Grusch’s
                                         subcommittee hearing on UFOs, Wednesday, July 26, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
            evokes  talk  of  aliens  and                                                                      Associated Press  claims  and  a  more  sober
            “little  green  men,”  Demo-                                                                                        tone  than  other  recent
            crats  and  Republicans  in  classified programs relating  engineering  program  to  ment, Defense Department  hearings  featuring  whistle-
            recent  years  have  pushed  to  the  task  force’s  mission.  which I was denied access,”  spokeswoman  Sue  Gough  blowers celebrated by Re-
            for more research as a na-   At the time, Grusch was de-  he said. Asked whether the  said investigators have not  publicans and criticized by
            tional  security  matter  due  tailed  to  the  National  Re-  U.S. government had infor-  discovered  “any  verifiable  Democrats.  Lawmakers  in
            to  concerns  that  sightings  connaissance  Office,  the  mation about extraterrestri-  information to substantiate  both  parties  asked  Grusch
            observed by pilots may be  agency  that  operates  U.S.  al life, Grusch said the U.S.  claims  that  any  programs  about  his  study  of  UFOs
            tied to U.S. adversaries.    spy satellites.              likely  has  been  aware  of  regarding the possession or  and  the  consequences
            Grusch  said  he  was  asked  “I  was  informed  in  the  “non-human” activity since  reverse-engineering  of  ex-  he  faced  and  how  they
            in  2019  by  the  head  of  a  course  of  my  official  du-  the  1930s.  The  Pentagon  traterrestrial materials have  could find out more about
            government  task  force  on  ties of a multi-decade UAP  has denied Grusch’s claims  existed  in  the  past  or  exist  the   government’s   UAP
            UAPs  to  identify  all  highly  crash retrieval and reverse  of  a  coverup.  In  a  state-  currently.”  The  statement  programs.q

             Biden chooses former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley to lead the

             Social Security Administration

            By FATIMA HUSSEIN            of his work,” Biden said in a  his  administration  and  en-  as  Maryland’s  governor  higher  budget  deficits  or
            Associated Press             statement.  “As  Governor,  hanced the way millions of  from  2007  to  2015  and  potential cuts to other pro-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     he made government work  people  accessed  critical  was  Baltimore  mayor  for  grams.
            dent Joe Biden on Wednes-    more    effectively   across  services.”  O’Malley  served  two  terms.  He  also  ran  as  All of the options are politi-
            day    nominated    former                                                             a  Democratic  presidential  cally controversial.
            Maryland     Gov.    Martin                                                            candidate in 2016  but has  Currently, full Social Security
            O’Malley to lead the Social                                                            ruled out running in the fu-  benefits are available at 67,
            Security Administration.                                                               ture.                        an age minimum that’s in-
            If   confirmed,   O’Malley                                                             The  annual  Social  Security  creased by two years since
            would  run  one  of  the  big-                                                         and  Medicare  trustees  re-  the  program  was  first  cre-
            gest social programs in the                                                            port released in March says  ated roughly 90 years ago.
            nation  and  grapple  with                                                             the program’s trust fund will  Everett Kelley, president of
            the surrounding uncertainty                                                            be unable to pay full ben-   the  American  Federation
            over its funding. Roughly 70                                                           efits in about 10 years.     of Government Employees
            million people  including re-                                                          If the fund is depleted, the  workers  union,  applauded
            tirees, disabled people and                                                            government will be able to  O’Malley’s      nomination,
            children  receive Social Se-                                                           pay only 80% of scheduled  and said he “is a strong ad-
            curity benefits.                                                                       benefits, the report said.   vocate for working people
            “Governor  O’Malley  is  a                                                             There are few options avail-  and  labor  rights,  and  he
            lifelong public servant who                                                            able to keep the program  has  the  skills  and  experi-
            has  spent  his  career  mak-  Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley stands onstage following   healthy:  raise  taxes,  raise  ence  necessary  to  tackle
            ing  government  more  ac-   an inauguration ceremony for Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh   eligibility  age,  cut  costs  or  the various challenges fac-
            cessible  and  transparent,   inside the War Memorial Building in Baltimore, Dec. 6, 2016.   rely  more  on  general  rev-  ing SSA like the recruitment
            while  keeping  the  Ameri-                                           Associated Press   enues to cover the gap in  and  retention  of  its  dedi-
            can  people  at  the  heart                                                            funding, which could mean  cated workforce.”q
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