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WORLD NEWS Thursday 27 July 2023
Several ministers are out as Trudeau shakes up
Canada’s Cabinet
Associated Press
TORONTO (AP) — Cana-
dian Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau announced a ma-
jor Cabinet shake-up on
Wednesday as he readies
his team for the next fed-
eral election.
Trudeau removed seven
ministers and changed 23
portfolios. Defense, immi-
gration, justice, public safe-
ty, health, and transport
are among the depart-
ments with new ministers.
Several ministers are out
after saying they wouldn’t
run in the next election,
which must take place by
October 2025, but it could
be called well before then.
Polls indicate Trudeau’s Lib- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau address the world law congress at the United Nations, Friday, July
eral Party is trailing the rival 21, 2023.
Conservatives. Associated Press
“We expect to be able Liberal icon and late Prime a time when the U.S. and trade deal with the U.S.
to govern for a couple of Minister Pierre Trudeau, other countries closed and Mexico amid threats
more years,” Trudeau said. when he first won in 2015, their doors. He also legal- by former U.S. President
“No election is expected but scandals, voter fa- ized cannabis nationwide, Donald Trump to scrap the
before fall, 2025 and we tigue and economic infla- brought in a carbon tax to agreement.
have a great deal of work tion have taken a toll after fight climate change and Deputy Prime Minister and
to do.” eight years in power. brought in affordable child Finance Minister Chrystia
Trudeau channeled the Trudeau’s legacy includes care. Freeland will remain in both
star power of his father, the embracing immigration at And he preserved a free jobs.q
Bank owners and citizens protest deterioration of the
Iraqi dinar
By ALI JABAR and SALAR serve Bank of New York with the U.S. dollar will have He called on “the brothers
SALIM and was first reported by negative consequences at the Iraqi government to
IRBIL, Iraq (AP) — Dozens of the Wall Street Journal on from many perspectives,” work ... to undo the dam-
people protested in front of July 19. Haidar al Shamaa, owner age which occurred to us
the Central Bank of Iraq in “The listing of almost one of a private bank in Bagh- specifically, and to the Iraqi
Baghdad and bank own- third of the private banks dad said at a news confer- banking section in gener-
ers called for official action as banned from dealing ence Wednesday. al.”
to stem a sharp increase The 14 banks facing the
in the dollar exchange ban issued a joint state-
rate Wednesday, after the ment urging the Iraqi gov-
United States blacklisted 14 ernment to address the is-
Iraqi banks. sue and warning that ban-
Over the past two days, ning a third of Iraq’s private
the market rate of the dol- banks from dollar trading
lar jumped from 1,470 dinar would not only impact the
per dollar to 1,570 dinar per dollar price but hinder for-
dollar. The jump came af- eign investment.
ter the U.S. listed 14 private Protesters organized by a
Iraqi banks among banks group calling itself Thuwar
that are banned from deal- Tishreen (October Revo-
ing with U.S. dollars due to lutionaries), which is con-
suspicions of money laun- nected to a movement
dering and funneling funds that started mass protests
to Iran. Demonstrators protest in front of the Iraqi central bank as in Iraq in 2021, also de-
The ban was imposed by currency plummets against the U.S. dollar, in Baghdad, Iraq, manded that the govern-
the U.S. Treasury Depart- Wednesday, July. 26, 2023. Associated Press ment take action to halt
ment and the Federal Re- inflation.q