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                                                                                                           local Thursday 27 July 2023

            Visit the island’s hidden                                                Playa Linda Beach Resort

            natural pools                                                          celebrates 40th anniversary

            (Oranjestad)—Amongst  of the island (where the sea        This  year,  Playa  Linda  Beach  Resort  is
            the countless beaches sur-   is largely rough and largely   celebrating  its  40th  anniversary.  During
            rounding the island that are  no  suitable  for  swimming),   the  past  40  years,  Playa  Linda  has  been
            well-known and frequently  the pool itself is very calm.   known for their beautiful resort and ame-
            visited,  there  are  an  addi-  It’s  also  relatively  deep,   nities, and their excellent, dedicated and
            tional two “hidden” natural  and you can climb up the     friendly staff.
            pools  that  are  situated  in  rocks and jump in!
            the  northern  coast  of  the                             Playa Linda was built on a prime beach-
            island,  two  ideal  stops  in  Cave Pool                 side  spot,  replacing  the  island's  very  first
            your tour itinerary.         This relatively new pool ap-  hotel on Palm Beach, the Basi-Ruti. Since
                                         peared  just  a  few  years   its opening, Playa Linda has led the way
            Conchi (Natural Pool)        ago,  when  a  part  of  the   in defining island comfort and ambiance
            For  many  years,  Conchi  dried  up  coral  floor  broke   as well as demonstrating a dedication to  wishes  many  more  years  filled  with  great
            was  the  only  natural  pool  off and created a partition   sustainable development.                success. Congratulations!
            that we had on the island.  between  the  ocean  and
            Located  in  the  Arikok  Na-  what  is  now  the  natural   Aruba Today wishes to congratulate Pla-  For  more  information,  visit  https://www.
            tional Park, near Boca Keto  pool  that  is  hidden  there.   ya  Linda  for  this  amazing  milestone,  and
            and  the  Daimari  Ranch,  Because  it’s  still  so  new,
            Conchi—also known “Cura  there is no official name for
            di Turtuga (Turtle’s Cove) or  it, but most people just call
            just Natural Pool—is reach-  it the cave pool.
            able  with  any  4x4  vehicle
            or by foot if you’re up for a  Just  like  the  Conchi,  the
            long hike. However, since it  new natural pool is situated
            is part of the National Park,  on  the  northern  coast  of
            you  must  first  get  permis-  Aruba. However, this pool is
            sion  from  park  manage-    much easier to reach with
            ment  to  enter.  You  would  any  type  of  vehicle,  and
            have  to  purchase  a  day  there  is  no  hiking  needed.
            pass,  and  receive  a  wrist-  This spot has also become
            band as proof of payment.  a  regular  stop  for  tour-
            Once  you’ve  completed  ing visitors.  When you get
            that, you are set!           there, maybe you won’t be
                                         able to spot the pool imme-
            If you decide to hike from  diately,  because  you  will
            the entrance of the Arikok  probably notice the moon-
            National  Park,  this  is  also  shaped lagoon where wild
            possible:  do  bring  plenty  northern  waves  crash  into
            of protective clothing and  each  other.  Sounds  scary,
            enough water and food—it  but  if  you  look  down  on
            could take you up to three  your right, you’ll see a calm,
            hours to hike there!         crystal blue little pool in the
                                         corner.  To  get  there,  you
            However, when you even-      have to climb down some
            tually  do  get  there,  you  stairs.  Be  careful  when
            will be greeted with crystal  climbing  down  and  follow
            blue  water  surrounded  by  the instructions of your tour
            a  natural  rock  formation  guide if you have one.
            that protects you from the  And  just  like  Conchi,  this
            wild  waves  on  the  other  pool  also  has  a  jumping
            side. Though the pool is lo-  spot,  and  a  rope  to  climb
            cated on the northern side  back up the boulder. q
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