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Thursday 27 July 2023 locAl

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  Emerald      Ambassador
            ity  recently  had  the  great  (35>years   consecutively
            pleasure    to   recognize  visiting Aruba)
            Goodwill  Ambassadors  of
            Aruba.  This  lovely  couple  The honorees were:
            was  respectively  honored  Goodwill  Ambassadors  of
            with a certificate acknowl-  Aruba  Mr.  Marvin  &  Mrs.
            edging their years of visits,  Laisbeth   Espinoza   from
            loyalty, and love for the is-  North   Carolina,   United
            land of Aruba.               States

            The  honor  certification  is  Ms.Kimberley   Richardson
            presented on behalf of the  representing  the  Aruba
            Minister of Tourism as a to-  Tourism   Authority,   and
            ken  of  appreciation  and  staff members of the Man-
            to  say  “Masha  Danki”  to  chebo Beach Resort & Spa
            guests  who  have  visited  bestowed the certificate to
            Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or  the  honorees,  presented
            more consecutively.          them with memorable gifts,
                                         and also thanked them for
            The  three  honoring  levels  choosing  Aruba  as  their
            are as follows:              best-loved  vacation  desti-
            Distinguished        Visitor  nation, and as their home-  “Aruba  is  a  family-friendly  weather all year round    gratitude  and  apprecia-
            (10>years    consecutively  away-from-home.               island”                      “This resort”                tion to Mr. & Mrs. Espinoza
            visiting Aruba)                                           Aruba’s safety                                            for  their  continued  visits  to
            Goodwill      Ambassador  Top reasons for returning to  Aruba’s nice sandy beach-      On  behalf  of  the  Aruba  the “One Happy Island”.q
            (20>years    consecutively  Aruba  provided  by  Mr.  &  es                            Tourism Authority, we would
            visiting Aruba)              Mrs. Espinoza were:          Aruba’s  warm  consistent  like  to  express  our  sincere

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Divi Phoenix

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  Aruba.  This  Goodwill  Am-  heryears  of  visits,  loyalty,  The  honor  certification  is  nix bestowed the Goodwill
            ity  recently  had  the  great  bassador   was   respec-  and  love  for  the  island  of  presented on behalf of the  Ambassador  certificate  to
            pleasure  to  recognize  a  tively  honored  with  a  cer-  Aruba.                     Minister of Tourism as a to-  the honoree,presented her
            Goodwill  Ambassador  of  tificateacknowledging                                        ken  of  appreciation  and  with gifts, and also thanked
                                                                                                   to  say  “Masha  Danki”  to  her  for  choosing  Aruba  as
                                                                                                   guests  who  have  visited  her  favorite  vacation  des-
                                                                                                   Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or  tination,  and  as  her  home
                                                                                                   more consecutively.          away from home.

                                                                                                   The  three  honoring  levels  Top  reasons  for  returning
                                                                                                   are as follows:              to Aruba, provided by the
                                                                                                   Distinguished        Visitor  honoree were:
                                                                                                   (10>years    consecutively  Aruba’s  year-round  sunny
                                                                                                   visiting Aruba)              weather
                                                                                                   Goodwill      Ambassador  Aruba’s hospitable people
                                                                                                   (20>years    consecutively  Aruba’s nice sandy beach-
                                                                                                   visiting Aruba)              es
                                                                                                   Emerald       Ambassador  Aruba’s sunsets
                                                                                                   (35>years    consecutively  “Aruba’s variety of things to
                                                                                                   visiting Aruba)              do – they are all great!”

                                                                                                   The honoree was:             On  behalf  of  the  Aruba
                                                                                                   Goodwill Ambassador June  Tourism Authority, we would
                                                                                                   Marie Foster from New Jer-   like  to  express  our  sincere
                                                                                                   sey, United States.          gratitude  and  apprecia-
                                                                                                                                tion  to  Mrs.  Foster  for  her
                                                                                                   Ms.  Kimberley  Richardson  continued visits to the “One
                                                                                                   representing  the  Aruba  Happy Island”.q
                                                                                                   Tourism Authority, and staff
                                                                                                   members of the Divi Phoe-
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