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A30    world news
                       Diahuebs 20 Mei 2021

                                 India sets global record for daily coronavirus deaths

            (AP)  —  India  on  Wednesday  reported  more                                                   Murad Banaji, a mathematician modeling India’s
            coronavirus  deaths  in  a  single  day  than  any  While megacities such as Mumbai and New Delhi  cases.
            other  country  at  any  time  during  the  pan-  have  seen  signs  of  improvement  in  recent  days,
            demic, while infections continued to spread  there is concern that the virus is spreading through  In many parts of Uttar Pradesh, people are dying of
            through vast rural areas with weak health sys-  the vast countryside where a majority of the people  fever and breathlessness even before getting tested
            tems.                                           live and where health care and testing are limited.  for  coronavirus.  Crematoriums  have  run  out  of
                                                                                                            wood and hundreds of bodies are washing up on
            The Health Ministry reported a record 4,529 deaths  The  situation  is  particularly  alarming  in  Uttar  the banks of the Ganges River.
            in the past 24 hours, driving India’s confirmed fa-  Pradesh, India’s most-populous state with 200 mil-
            talities to 283,248. It also reported 267,334 new in-  lion  people,  where  a  court  Monday  said  citizens  “The  villagers  often  ignore  fever  and  body  ache.
            fections, as daily cases remained below 300,000 for  have been left “at God’s mercy.” Even though new  Before the relatives can understand what is hap-
            the third consecutive day. The numbers are almost  cases have been declining over the past week, the  pening, the patient dies,” said Raja Bhaiya of the
            certainly undercounts.                          state has more than 136,000 confirmed active in-  nonprofit group Vidya Dham Samiti, which works
                                                            fections.                                       to raise awareness about the pandemic in the state’s
            The previous record for most daily deaths from the                                              Banda district.
            coronavirus was set on Jan. 12 in the United States,  Government officials are racing to limit the spread
            when  4,475  people  died,  according  to  data  from  of  the  virus  in  the  state’s  villages.  Teams  have  Bhaiya said the “only testimony of death in the vil-
            Johns Hopkins University.                       reached  nearly  90,000  villages  and  the  virus  has  lage is the cries of women and children, and these
                                                            been detected in about 21,000 of them, the Press  cries are very frequent now.”
            With over 25 million cases since the pandemic be-  Trust of India news agency cited senior health of-
            gan, India’s confirmed infections are second only  ficial Amit Mohan Prasad as saying.          India’s vaccination drive is also faltering just at the
            to the U.S.                                                                                     time when it is needed the most. The number of
                                                            Health experts say the true extent of the virus is  daily administered doses has fallen by about half
            Experts  say  new  infections  in  India,  which  had  hard to gauge, in part because of weak data, and  over the last six weeks, from a high of 4 million a
            been  rising  steeply,  may  finally  be  slowing.  But  that the government response has come too late.  day on April 2 to around 2 million or less this week.
            deaths have continued to rise and hospitals are still
            crowded with patients. Over the last month, In-  “The national story hid what was going on in rural  Many states say they don’t have enough vaccine to
            dia’s COVID-19 fatalities have jumped six-fold.  India and it continues to be fairly invisible,” said  administer.

                        Malawi destroys 20,000 expired doses of AstraZeneca vaccine

                                                                      India with a very short shelf  have  still  been  damaged  in  to 0.04 new cases per 100,000
                                                                      life. But this week, WHO re-  one  way  or  the  other,”  he  people  on  May  18.  Official
                                                                      versed  its  position  and  said  said.                   deaths  from  COVID-19  are
                                                                      that  the  vaccines  should  be                           also  declining,  according  to
                                                                      destroyed.                   The  destruction  of  the  vac-  statistics from Johns Hopkins
                                                                                                   cines  was  witnessed  by  sev-  University.
                                                                      “Any vaccine that has passed  eral  top  officials  “in  order
                                                                      its expiry date ... should not  to  enhance  transparency,”  Malawi, like many other Af-
                                                                      be administered,” said WHO  health   secretary   Charles  rican  countries,  has  relied
                                                                      in a statement dated May 17.  Mwansambo said.             on  the  AstraZeneca  vaccine
                                                                      “While  discarding  vaccines                              that  has  been  distributed
                                                                      is  deeply  regrettable  in  the  Malawi  will  still  have  ad-  by  COVAX  and  the  African
            (AP) — Malawi has burned  used  during  the  vaccination  context  of  any  immuniza-  equate  stocks  of  COVID-19  Union.  But  now  supplies
            nearly  20,000  expired  As-  campaign,”  she  said.  “On  tion  program,  WHO  rec-   vaccines  in  both  public  and  of  the  vaccine  have  become
            traZeneca  vaccines,  amid  behalf  of  the  government,  I  ommends that these expired  private  health  facilities,  he  more  scarce  because  India,
            conflicting  advice  over  assure all Malawians that no  doses  should  be  removed  said.  The  government  has  the main supplier of vaccines
            what to do with the doses.   one will be given an expired  from  the  distribution  chain  not  said  where  it  will  get  to  COVAX,  has  stopped  ex-
                                         COVID vaccine.”              and safely disposed.”        more vaccines.               ports  until  it  has  adequately
            Health  Minister  Khumbi-                                                                                           vaccinated  large  numbers  of
            ze  Kandodo  Chiponda  put  The  burned  vaccines  were  WHO said that in March, the  Malawi’s got its first consign-  its  population  of  1.4  billion
            some  of  the  vials  of  the  ex-  the  remainder  of  102,000  African Union’s African Vac-  ment of 360,000 AstraZeneca  people.
            pired doses into an incinera-  doses that arrived in Malawi  cine  Acquisition  Task  Team  doses  in  early  March  from
            tor  to  start  the  destruction  on  March  26  with  just  18  redistributed  925,000  doses  the  U.N.-backed  COVAX  The Serum Institute of India
            Wednesday at Kamuzu Cen-     days  until  they  expired  on  of  the  AstraZeneca  vaccine  initiative  which  is  providing  says it hopes to start deliver-
            tral Hospital in Lilongwe, the  April  13.  All  other  doses  of  produced  by  the  Serum  In-  vaccines to low- and middle-  ing  coronavirus  vaccines  to
            capital.                     the shipment, donated by the  stitute of India with an expiry  income countries. The coun-  COVAX and to other coun-
                                         African Union, were success-  date of April 13 to 13 African  try  received  another  batch  tries  by  the  end  of  the  year.
            “We  are  destroying  (these  fully administered, she said.  countries. “The bulk of these  of 50,000 AstraZeneca doses  The  delay  will  significantly
            vaccines)  because  as  gov-                              vaccine  doses  were  admin-  from the Indian government.  set back global efforts to im-
            ernment  policy  no  expired  The health minister thanked  istered,  but  some  countries  With the AU donation, Ma-  munize  people  against  CO-
            health commodities are to be  WHO,  the  African  Union  have  unused  doses  remain-  lawi  had  a  total  of  512,000  VID-19.  India’s  Serum  In-
            used,” she said. “Historically  and  India  for  donating  the  ing,”  said  the  WHO  state-  AstraZeneca doses.   stitute  is  the  world’s  biggest
            under  the  expanded  immu-  vaccines.                    ment.                                                     vaccine-maker.  The  com-
            nization  program  of  Malawi                                                          So  far  212,615  doses  have  pany  said  in  March  that  it
            no  expired  vaccine  has  ever  “This  has  made  it  possible  Malawi,  a  small  southern  been  given  in  Malawi.  The  was postponing all exports of
            been used.”                  for Malawi to embark on the  African  country  of  about  20  country  has  34,216  con-  coronavirus  vaccines  to  deal
                                         COVID  vaccination  cam-     million  people,  had  already  firmed cases, including 1,153  with  the  explosive  surge  of
            She said burning the vaccines  paign  currently  underway,”  decided  to  destroy  its  ex-  deaths,  according  to  the  Af-  cases on the subcontinent. At
            will  build  public  confidence  she said.                pired vaccine doses, ministry  rica CDC.                  the  time,  the  World  Health
            that all vaccines used in Ma-                             of  health  spokesman  Joshua                             Organization said it expected
            lawi are good.               Last month the World Health  Malango told The Associated  Currently, the country is see-  COVID-19  vaccine  deliver-
                                         Organization  urged  African  Press.                      ing a decrease in the disease,  ies from India to resume by
            “We  are  destroying  publicly  nations  not  to  destroy  ex-                         with the 7-day rolling average  June  and  the  interruption
            in  order  to  stay  accountable  pired doses of the AstraZene-  “We had stopped observation  of daily new cases in Malawi  would affect about 90 million
            to  Malawians.  The  vaccines  ca vaccine after several coun-  of  proper  storage  mecha-  dropping from 0.07 new cases  doses.
            that  expired  are  not  being  tries  received  doses  from  nisms and the vaccines would  per 100,000 people on May 4
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