Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210116
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u.s. news Diasabra 16 Januari 2021
MTA: Bus driver refuses drug test after careening off bridge
(AP) — A bus dramatical- were taken to hospitals. No Speed appeared to be a factor
ly plunged off a bridge in other vehicles were involved. in the crash, the Metropoli-
New York City late Thurs- tan Transportation Authority
day, leaving its front half One part of the articulated said, adding no mechanical
hanging over a highway bus — essentially two buses issues were detected in the
ramp, its fall broken only connected by a pivot that al- bus. The MTA said it was
by the road below. lows it to navigate turns — conducting “a full investi-
remained on the bridge, with gation and will implement
The 55-year-old driver broke the other half vertical, its lessons learned in order to
his jaw in the crash and re- smashed front end resting on prevent it from happening
fused to submit to a drug and a ramp connecting the two again.”
alcohol test after arriving at expressways.
the hospital, authorities said The driver, whose name was
Friday. “The bus fell approximately not released, was driving his
50 feet onto the access road. regular route. He has more
Seven passengers suffered The patients suffered injuries than 11 years of service and
minor injuries in the crash, consistent with a fall from a good safety record, the
which happened after 11 such a great height,” Deputy MTA said. The driver passed
p.m. near an interchange of Fire Chief Paul Hopper said a breath test at the scene of cohol test at the hospital, said ficer.
the Cross Bronx and Major in a social media post. the crash but then refused to Patrick Warren, the MTA’s “This is obviously troubling,”
Deegan expressways. They submit to a later drug and al- chief safety and security of- Warren said.
Optimistic banks start moving 'bad' loans back to 'good'
results. unpayable on their balance
sheet to show whether they “The fear of a wave of CO-
JPMorgan reported a record have enough money to meet VID-related bankruptcies has
profit of $12.14 billion, up depositors’ and regulators’ not occurred,” said Octavio
from a profit of $8.52 bil- needs. Marenzi, CEO of Opimas, a
lion a year earlier. Roughly a capital markets management
quarter of that profit — $2.9 This largely had to do be- consultancy firm.
billion — came from JPM- cause millions of customers
organ “releasing” some of and businesses who were In releasing funds from
the funds it had set aside last financially fine in February loan-loss reserves, the banks
year to cover potential loan 2020 were suddenly in deep cited the improvement in
losses caused by the pan- trouble in March 2020, as the economy. Though still
demic and subsequent reces- local and state governments not fully recovered from the
sion. Citigroup had a similar shut their economies down shutdowns of March and
story, releasing $1.5 billion of to combat the early stages of April, the economic picture is
its loan-loss reserves that it the pandemic. better than it was six or nine
(AP) — The pandemic and JPMorgan and Wells Fargo had set aside earlier last year. months ago. And with mass
recession aren’t over by a saw fourth quarter profits Wells Fargo released a mod- But trillions of dollars’ worth vaccination efforts now un-
long shot, but banks are rise; Citigroup’s profit fell est amount of money from of government stimulus and derway, banks are feeling a bit
feeling optimistic enough in the last quarter of 2020, its reserves — less than $200 the reopening of businesses better on where things stand.
to start taking potentially but increased from the third million. in many parts of the country
“bad” loans off their books quarter. has resulted in less financial But there’s still a significant
and move them back into Still, those amounts are just a carnage than what bank exec- degree of uncertainty when
the “good” pile. The three banks have a more fraction of the tens of billions utives and investors initially it comes to the banks. JPM-
positive, though cautious of dollars into their so-called expected. Notably the Pay- organ still has more than $30
The financial performance outlook for the economy, loan-loss reserves to cover check Protection Program, billion tied up in its loan-loss
of the big U.S. banks has im- which was reflected in an potentially bad loans in the which helped businesses cov- reserves, and banks like Citi
proved from earlier in 2020, accounting maneuver each first months of the pandem- er basic expenses like payroll, and Wells have similar figures
when the virus pandemic employed that contributed ic. Banks are required to set helped keep some businesses on their balance sheets.
walloped the global economy. significantly to their better aside loans that may become afloat.
Mike Pence calls Kamala Harris to offer congratulations
(AP) — Vice President Mike while presiding over Congress' cer- While Trump has remained largely Naval Observatory shortly before the
Pence has called his soon-to-be tification of the Electoral Vote count behind closed doors fuming since 2009 inauguration.
successor Kamala Harris to offer last week. his loss, Pence has been stepping up It's unclear whether Pence will do the
his congratulations, according to Pence will also attend Biden’s Jan. 20 and fulfilling many of the ceremo- same for Harris. Much of Washing-
two people familiar with the con- inauguration, which Trump is refus- nial duties of the presidency, includ- ton is under heightened security after
versation. ing to attend. ing greeting greeting members of the last week's violent insurrection at the
One of the people familiar with the National Guard now protecting the Capitol, with law enforcement of-
It's the first known contact between Thursday afternoon conversation de- Capitol building Thursday evening. ficials warning of more potential for
the elected members of the outgoing scribed it as a “good call,” with Pence The call to his successor is a con- violence in advance of Biden's inau-
and incoming administrations. Presi- congratulating his successor and of- tinuation of the traditional show of guration.
dent Donald Trump has not reached fering assistance. They spoke on con- comity between outgoing and in-
out to President-elect Joe Biden and dition of anonymity to describe the coming leaders that Trump, in con- While Biden said he welcomed
has repeatedly questioned the legiti- private conversation. trast, has flouted. In 2008, then-Vice Trump's decision to avoid his inau-
macy of Biden’s win. President Dick Cheney called Biden guration, he also said he'd be “hon-
But Pence has become an unexpected The call came less than a week before to wish him congratulations the night ored” to have Pence attend, and that it
defender of Biden's. The vice presi- Biden and Harris take office, and just of his win, and invited Biden and his was important to maintain “historical
dent resisted pressure from Trump to over a week after the storming of the wife Jill to tour the vice-presidential precedent” with respect to a peaceful
object to the Democrat's election win Capitol by Trump's supporters. residence on the grounds of the U.S. transfer of power as much as possible.