Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20210116
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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 16 Januari 2021

                      Mr. WorldWide to NASCAR: Pitbull joins Trackhouse ownership

            (AP)  —  New  NASCAR  “I've been a fan of the NAS-
            team  Trackhouse  Racing  CAR  story  since  the  movie
            has  brought  entertainer  ‘Days  of  Thunder,’"  Pitbull
            Pitbull on as an ownership  said  in  a  statement.  “We  are
            partner  for  an  organiza-  going  to  show  the  world
            tion making its debut next  NASCAR is not only a sport
            month at the Daytona 500.    but a culture.”

            Trackhouse  made  the  Fri-  Pitbull noted the announce-
            day  announcement  with  a  ment coincided with his 40th
            video  on  Twitter  in  which  birthday  on  Friday:  “So  get
            the  Grammy  winner  is  fea-  ready! Dale!” he ended with
            tured dancing to an “I believe  his  signature  tagline  that
            we will win” chant. He also  translates to “Let's go!”
            holds signs that say: “Knuck-
            le  Up,  Fight  Hard.  Buckle  Trackhouse  was  launched
            Up. Fight hard."             late last year by former driver
                                         Justin Marks, who struggled
            The       Cuban-American,  to find a charter that guaran-
            known  also  as  “Mr.  World-  tees entry into every Cup Se-
            wide,"  joins  NBA  Hall  of  ries race on the schedule. He
            Famer  Michael  Jordan  as  ultimately  leased  one  from
            celebrity  owners  entering  Spire Motorsports to get his
            NASCAR this year. Jordan is  organization on the grid.
            a part owner of 23XI Racing                               99  Chevrolet  but  it  will  not  owner. Juan Pablo Montoya,  part owned by Felix Sabates,
            with Denny Hamlin.           The  team  has  hired  Dan-  be  NASCAR's  first  pairing  a Colombian, drove for Chip  a Cuban. Suarez is Mexican.
                                         iel  Suarez  to  drive  the  No.  of  a  Latino  driver  and  team  Ganassi  Racing  when  it  was

                            PSG coach Pochettino tests                                              Olympic champion says she

                                      positive for virus                                                was assaulted by sports

            (AP)  —  Paris  Saint-Ger-   Friday.                                                                        official
            main coach Mauricio Po-                                   PSG's  players  hugged  each
            chettino  has  tested  posi-  Pochettino  took  over  this  other in a big group after the   (AP)  —  Olympic  sailing  was  left  feeling  “exhausted
            tive  for  the  coronavirus  month after Thomas Tuchel  final whistle as they celebrat-  champion  Sofia  Bekato-   and humiliated.”
            and  will  miss  the  French  was fired, and on Wednesday  ed.                         rou of Greece has accused  The  43-year-old  Bekato-
            league game at Angers on  he  won  the  first  silverware                              an unnamed sporting offi-    rou, who also won bronze at
            Saturday  as  he  self-iso-  of his career when PSG beat  Pochettino  was  not  wear-  cial of sexually assaulting  the  2008  Beijing  Olympics,
            lates.                       Marseille  in  the  Champions  ing a face mask when he was   her in 1998 during prepa-  made  the  allegation  Thurs-
                                         Trophy.                      hugged  by  Neymar  after    rations  for  the  Sydney  day while speaking at an on-
            Pochettino's  assistants,  Je-                            he scored a late penalty, nor   Games.                    line  event  organized  by  the
            sus   Perez   and   Miguel  PSG had players missing for  when  joining  in  trophy  cel-                            ministry of culture and sport.
            D’Agostino, will take charge  that game after testing posi-  ebrations with the players.  Bekatorou, who won gold at  A transcript of the event was
            against Angers, PSG said on  tive for COVID-19.                                        the  2004  Athens  Olympics,  released Friday.
                                                                                                   said  the  male  official  from
                                                                                                   the Hellenic Sailing Federa-  She did not name the official
                                                                                                   tion performed a “lewd act”  but described him as having a
                                                                                                   after inviting her to his hotel  senior rank in the federation.
                                                                                                   room to discuss team prepa-  In  a  statement  Friday,  the
                                                                                                   rations.                     sailing federation said it had
                                                                                                                                not  received  any  formal  or
                                                                                                   Bekatorou said she had made  informal  complaint  from
                                                                                                   it  clear  that  the  act  was  not  Bekatorou  but  urged  her  to
                                                                                                   consensual,  adding  that  she  make one.
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