Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210116
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A28    u.s. news
                  Diasabra 16 Januari 2021

                        White Army vet charged in shooting Black girl at Trump rally

            (AP)  —  A  white  military                                                                                         ter  a  five-year  military  ca-
            veteran shot and wounded                                                                                            reer, faces 25 years in prison
            a  15-year-old  girl  when                                                                                          if  convicted.  McKinney  re-
            he fired his gun into a car                                                                                         mains jailed after a judge last
            carrying four Black teen-                                                                                           month rejected his request to
            agers during a tense con-                                                                                           reduce a $500,000 bond.
            frontation at a Trump ral-
            ly  near  the  Iowa  Capitol                                                                                        Danielle  Gross,  the  teen
            last month.                                                                                                         driver’s  mother,  said  her
                                                                                                                                daughter was so traumatized
            Michael  McKinney,  25,  is                                                                                         by the shooting that injured
            charged with attempted mur-                                                                                         her  cousin  that  she  didn't
            der in the Dec. 6 shooting in                                                                                       leave  the  house  for  a  week
            Des Moines. McKinney, who                                                                                           afterward.  She  said  the  girls
            was heavily armed and wear-                                                                                         made an ill-advised decision
            ing body armor, told police he                                                                                      to  confront  rallygoers  and
            fired the shot in self-defense.                                                                                     that  the  situation  escalated
            A resident of tiny St. Charles,                                                                                     quickly.
            Iowa,  McKinney  has  posted
            on  Facebook  in  support  of                                                                                       “They were saying some rac-
            the far-right Proud Boys and  crowd.                      AP  he  was  glad  that  McK-  Balducci, said the Jan. 6 mob  ist slurs and the girls argued
            against Black Lives Matter.                               inney  shot  into  the  car  and  attack at the U.S. Capitol that  with them and it went from
                                         The girls’ car ended up sur-  scared  the  girls  away,  saying  included  many  ex-military  there,”  Gross  said,  adding
            In  a  news  release  detailing  rounded by Trump support-  he  worried  that  they  might  members won't help his cli-  that  she  hasn’t  heard  from
            McKinney’s  arrest,  the  state  ers  who  were  yelling  and  be armed.               ent's case, because the public  the police since the day of the
            police  described  an  after-  honking  horns  before  the                             will draw comparisons.       shooting  and  that  she  fears
            noon  shooting  at  a  parking  driver  went  in  reverse  and  “I felt relieved,” said Brekke,                     for her family’s safety.
            lot  and  didn't  mention  the  struck  a  pickup.  It’s  unclear  whose truck was scratched in  But he argued that the “po-
            Trump car rally or the race of  whether the collision was ac-  the collision.          litical factors are extraneous”  Authorities  declined  com-
            those involved. A city police  cidental. McKinney told po-                             and that McKinney’s actions  ment on whether the shoot-
            spokesman  said  initial  re-  lice he fired at that point to  Brekke  said  the  girls  had  should  be  viewed  as  self-  ing  might  have  been  moti-
            ports  indicated  the  shooting  protect himself.         been yelling anti-Trump epi-  defense.  The  teenage  driver  vated  by  race.  Polk  County
            was  traffic-related.  Division                           thets  at  him  and  others  as  may have been using the ve-  Attorney John Sarcone noted
            of  Criminal  Investigation  An investigator says in court  the rally progressed through  hicle as a weapon instead of  that  the  attempted  mur-
            spokesman  Mitch  Mortvedt  documents  that  McKinney  the  heavily  Democratic  city.  merely trying to flee the an-  der  charge  against  McKin-
            said  the  agency  released  the  does not appear to be among  He  said  their  vehicle  drove  gry crowd, he said.  ney  carries  far  more  prison
            immediate facts and circum-  those  rallygoers  who  ex-  wildly, veering in and out of                             time than  a state hate crime
            stances as required.         changed words with the girls  the  caravan,  and  followed  it  Balducci  said  McKinney  charge,  with  a  maximum  of
                                         before the shooting. Bystand-  to the parking lot where the  wore body armor because he  five years.
            But a review by The Associ-  er  video  obtained  by  police  route concluded.         had  been  threatened  during
            ated  Press  shows  the  shoot-  shows  McKinney  approach-                            previous  Trump  rallies,  and  After  the  shooting,  McKin-
            ing was sparked by a belliger-  ing  the  vehicle,  pulling  a  Fans  of  the  president,  who  that  he  feared  for  his  safety  ney apparently tried to cover
            ent political clash between a  handgun from his waistband  were  gathering  to  support  when the car reversed.     his  tracks,  putting  the  spent
            large  group  of  white  Trump  and  firing  into  the  car  from  his  attempts  to  subvert  the                  shell  casing  in  the  trunk  of
            supporters and four unarmed  15 feet (4.5 meters) away, ac-  November  election,  initially  Trump   supporters   have  his car and not initially com-
            Black  girls  all  aged  16  and  cording to court documents.  “were  having  fun”  taunting  blasted authorities for charg-  ing  forward  as  the  shooter,
            under.                                                    the girls, Brekke said.      ing  McKinney,  arguing  that  court records show.
                                         The  bullet  hit  the  leg  of  a  Brekke,  a  retired  airport  se-  his  shot  protected  rallygo-
            The teen driver’s mother said  girl  who  had  been  arguing  curity  worker,  said  he  asked  ers.  They  include  an  Iowa  After  others  identified  him,
            the girls argued with Trump  with members of the crowd  whether  they  were  on  wel-  Department of Public Safety  he admitted his role and sur-
            supporters about politics and  through  the  vehicle's  sun-  fare  and  unemployed.  He  employee who organized the  rendered his pistol. Police say
            were subjected to racial slurs.  roof. The car sped off to take  said they called him a white  event and has fundraised for  he  was  carrying  two  loaded
            Rallygoers  blamed  the  teens  her to a hospital.        supremacist  and  threatened  McKinney’s defense.         magazines  in  his  pants  and
            for  starting  the  confronta-                            him and his wife.                                         had  another  firearm  in  his
            tion,  saying  they  were  ha-  The 73-year-old owner of the                           McKinney, who left the Iowa  vehicle,  which  was  outfitted
            rassing  and  threatening  the  pickup, Bob Brekke Jr., told  McKinney's  attorney,  Kent  National  Guard  in  2017  af-  with Trump decals.

                      Trump to leave Washington on morning of Biden's inauguration

                                                                      (AP) — President Donald  formally  announced.  Offi-      Biden’s   presidency.   Vice
                                                                      Trump  will  leave  Wash-    cials are considering an elab-  President Mike Pence will at-
                                                                      ington  next  Wednesday  orate  event  that  would  have  tend in his place.
                                                                      morning, just before Pres-   the feel of a state visit, with a
                                                                      ident-elect Joe Biden’s in-  red carpet, color guard, mili-  Trump will leave Washington
                                                                      auguration,  to  begin  his  tary  band and 21-gun  salute  two weeks after he incited a
                                                                      post-presidential  life  in  all being discussed.         violent insurrection, with his
                                                                      Florida.                                                  supporters storming the Cap-
                                                                                                   Trump  had  already  an-     itol building in an attempt to
                                                                      He  will  be  sent  off  with  a  nounced  that  he  would  not  halt the peaceful transition of
                                                                      departure  ceremony  at  Joint  be attending Biden’s inaugu-  power.
                                                                      Base  Andrews,  according  to  ration — an historical break
                                                                      a  person  familiar  with  the  with tradition — after spend-  Trump is expected to remain
                                                                      planning who spoke on con-   ing  months  making  baseless  in Florida with a small group
                                                                      dition of anonymity because  allegations  of  voter  fraud  in  of  aides  as  he  mulls  his  fu-
                                                                      Trump's plans have not been  an  attempt  to  delegitimize  ture.
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