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               Thursday 10 November 2022
            Berlin expands old airport shelter as refugee housing scarce

            By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER As-                                                                                           But even with new federal
            sociated Press                                                                                                      funds,  new  housing  units
            BERLIN (AP) — The German                                                                                            cannot  be  built  as  quickly
            capital is expanding a tem-                                                                                         as  people  keep  arriving,
            porary refugee shelter at a                                                                                         city officials say.
            former  airport  to  accom-                                                                                         At Tegel airport, some 1,500
            modate 3,600 Ukrainians, as                                                                                         Ukrainian  refugees  have
            it struggles to put up more                                                                                         currently  found  a  tempo-
            civilians  fleeing  Russian  at-                                                                                    rary  home    most  of  them
            tacks on vital infrastructure                                                                                       mothers  with  their  children
            ahead  of  the  upcoming                                                                                            as  the  German  capital's
            cold winter months.                                                                                                 regular refugee homes with
            While  two  former  termi-                                                                                          almost 28,000 beds are full.
            nals  at  Tegel  Airport  were                                                                                      On Wednesday, some new
            already  opened  for  Ukrai-                                                                                        arrivals were sitting on long
            nian refugees in the spring,                                                                                        in  the  vast  former  arrival
            Berlin's  state  government                                                                                         hall, slurping down hot veg-
            is  now  racing  to  outfit  two                                                                                    etable  soup,  while  others
            big  tents  on  the  tarmac                                                                                         crouched  close  together
            with heaters for the winter.                                                                                        on old metal seats near the
            It  has  also  opened  a  third                                                                                     walls charging their phones
            terminal for the registration                                                                                       on multiple sockets.
            of  further  arrivals  and  put                                                                                     A family of five with a baby
            up  900  new  beds,  officials   Refugees line up for food inside the temporary refugee shelter at the former airport Tegel in Berlin,   in  a  stroller  and  the  father
            said Wednesday.              Germany, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2022.                                     Associated Press  using  a  wheelchair  was
            "With  Russian  President  Pu-                                                                                      lining  up  in  the  old  board-
            tin  targeting  the  country's  ties at terminal C.       where in Europe, the num-    around the country are no  ing pass and security con-
            heat  and  water  infrastruc-  Germany has taken in 1 mil-  ber of people applying for  longer able to provide de-  trol area to get registered,
            ture and the temperatures  lion  refugees  from  Ukraine  international   protection  cent housing for refugees.    while  several  elderly  wom-
            going  down  below  zero  since  Russia  attacked  the  has also reached highs not  The  federal  government  en huddled up in big coats
            soon, the numbers of refu-   eastern  European  country  seen  since  well  over  1  mil-  tried  to  allay  local  com-  were  standing  in  front  of
            gees can skyrocket at any  almost  nine  months  ago.  lion  people  sought  refuge  munities'    concerns    last  the  former  airline  gates  to
            time,"  said  Katja  Kipping,  In  addition,  more  asylum  on  the  continent  seven  week,  saying  it  is  willing  to  go  through  police  checks
            the  Berlin  state  govern-  seekers  than  in  previous  years ago.                   provide  4.25  billion  euros  and  have  their  fingerprints
            ment's senator for social is-  years are coming here from  Last week, the head of the  ($4.26  billion)  for  this  and  and   biometric   pictures
            sues,  as  she  toured  newly  countries such as Syria, Mol-  German association of cit-  next year to help take care  taken.q
            opened  registration  facili-  dova  or  Afghanistan.  Else-  ies warned that many cities  of  refugees  and  migrants.

            France sets its military goals as war

            is back in Europe

            By  SYLVIE  CORBET  The  As-  ries  and  a  future  that  we  ar weapons.
            sociated Press                have no reason to accept  Macron was to be airlifted
            PARIS  (AP)  —  President     with   fatalism,"   Macron  Wednesday  afternoon  to
            Emmanuel  Macron  said        said,  as  he  was  unveiling  France's  newest  nuclear
            Wednesday  that  France's     France's  so-called  "nation-  attack submarine, the Suf-
            military   strategy   must    al strategic review," meant  fren,  before  meeting  later
            strengthen  the  country  as   to define how the country's  in the day with some elite
            an  independent,  respect-    defense will look in 2030.  Navy  commando  mem-
            ed  nuclear-armed  power      France wants to be an "in-  bers.
            through the end of the de-    dependent,     respected,  France's    new    strategic
            cade,  warning  against  a    agile power at the heart of  document  provides  that    French President Emmanuel Macron delivers his speech at the
            risk of escalation and other   the European strategic au-  the country will maintain a   French Navy base of Toulon, southern France, Wednesday, Nov.
            global  effects  of  Russia's   tonomy" with strong links to  "capacity  to  lead  military   9, 2022.
            war in Ukraine.               the  Atlantic  alliance,  Ma-  operations, including those                                        AssociatedPress
            "Europe  is  not  sheltered   cron described.             of  high  intensity,  alone  or
            anymore  from  missile  and   As  war  is  back  on  the  Eu-  within a coalition."    to  make  changes  to  the   called   Barkhane    force
            drone strikes. And we must    ropean  continent,  France  French  troops  will  main-  "status, format and missions   after  France  withdrew  its
            integrate  this  reality,"  Ma-  wants  to  focus  on  boost-  tain  their  large  presence   of  the  current  French  mili-  troops from Mali earlier this
            cron said, speaking on the    ing  the  European  Union's  abroad in an area stretch-  tary bases in the Sahel and   year following tensions with
            Dixmude helicopter carrier,   defense capacity building  ing  from  sub-Saharan  Af-   West Africa." A new organi-  the ruling junta.

            docked  in  the  Mediterra-   the bloc of 27 nations' s se-  rica  to  the  Middle-East,   zation, based on coopera-  French  operations  to  help
            nean military base of Tou-    curity is still largely depen-  through the Horn of Africa,   tion  between  French  and   fighting  Islamic  extremists
            lon which is home to more     dent on the U.S. and NATO.  Macron said.                 local armed forces, will be   in Africa's Sahel region are
            than 24,000 troops.           He  insisted  a  "credible,  He said France will launch   finalized withing six months   focusing  on  Niger,  Chad
            Russia's  aggression  toward   modern"  nuclear  dissua-  talks  in  the  coming  days   of the discussions, he said.  and  Burkina  Faso,  where
            Ukraine   "may    precede     sion  is  key.  France  is  the  with  its  African  partners   Macron's  speech  marks   the  country  has  about
            broader  geopolitical  rival-  only EU country with nucle-  and regional organizations   the  formal  end  of  the  so-  3,000 troops.q
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