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Thursday 10 November 2022 locAl
Business sentiments remained practically unchanged in third
quarter of 2022
Results for the third quarter of 2022
The Central Bank of Aruba (CBA) concluded its Business Perception Sur- The current economic condition index withered by 0.1 index point to
vey (BPS) for the third quarter of 2022. The BPS assesses the economic 105.1, down from 105.2 in the second quarter of 2022. The short-term
sentiments of local businesses. future economic condition index remained unchanged at 103.7 in the
third quarter of 2022 (See Chart 2). The percentage of respondents ex-
In the third quarter of 2022, the Business Perception Index (BPI), com- pecting positive economic growth in the next 12 months increased by
prising the current and short-term economic conditions, remained un- 9.3 percentage points to 43.9 percent.
changed at 104.6. This outcome resulted from a slight decrease in the
current economic conditions (See Chart 1) .
Chart 2: Current economic and Short-term future economic condition
Chart 1: Business Perception Index Index
Source: Centrale Bank van Aruba
The complete report of the Business Perception Survey is available on the
website of the CBA
For more information on the Centrale Bank van Aruba, please visit the
Source: Centrale Bank van Aruba website www.cbaruba.orgq
Can I have a …, please?
ORANJESTAD — Want to cals. Try a pastechi, a Ca- but with a local touch. All
taste something differ- ribbean pastry filled with these snacks are ridicu-
ent for a change?? How cheese or meat and fried lously addictive. Freshen up
about a different breakfast up deliciously. Or perhaps with a delicious fruit shake
from what you are used to you might want to try a cro- (batido) made out of wa-
at your hotel. Hop in your quette, a crusty little meat termelon, strawberry, ba-
car, drive around and any- ball. A dedito is also a good nana, papaya or just mix
where around the island option, it’s a stick made any fruit together. What
you will come across a lo- out of cheese or hotdog. makes these little snack
cal snack shop. If you want to try some- shops more attractive is the
thing more familiar go for a warmth of its people and
Here you will find all types homemade hamburger or with the smile you are be-
of snacks loved by the lo- a ham and cheese toast, ing served.q