Page 13 - HOH
P. 13

                                                                                                           local Thursday 10 November 2022

            Faces of San Nicolas

            Resilience, value, pride, innocence

            and love

                                                                      San Nicolas is Hilario Donk-
                                                                      It’s  worth  noting  that  Jen-
                                                                      na  was  introduced  to  San
                                                                      Nicolas through a tour, and
                                                                      she fell in love with the mys-
                                                                      tical  value  of  its  street  art,
                                                                      and she sent in her curricu-
                                                                      lum in order to participate
                                                                      in the Mural Festival 2022.

                                                                      On the barbershop building
                                                                      in  Promenade,  those  visit-
                                                                      ing San Nicolas can see the
            ORANJESTAD - The fifth year  From  the  moment  Sarah  face  of  energy.  Using  dif-
            of the Aruba Art Fair will go  Quita was approached by  ferent  typical  artifacts  like
            down in history as a collec-  the foundation and me the  straw  hats,  the  child  takes
            tion of faces of San Nicolas  artist, a friendship was born,  his  pride  position  when  he
            and  its  nature.  An  aware-  and together they planned  sees  all  those  walking  on
            ness  campaign  will  begin  to the smallest detail what  the street. With his eloquent
            soon in all schools regard-  became  one  of  the  most  eyes, he stands for symbols
            ing the conservation of the  attractive and moving mu-    of  our  beautiful  country.
            flora and fauna of Aruba. Of  rals  in  the  Aruba  Art  Fair  The  iguana  wishes  to  pro-
            the  ten  local  and  interna-  2022. Even her lucky medal  tect  our  birds  and  our  na-
            tional artists who took part  which  she  always  wears  is  ture.
            in  the  Mural  Festival,  sev-  seen  in  the  mural,  which
            eral of them chose to paint  has  a  wonderful  meaning.  Innocence
            their perception of what the  Sarah  already  went  on  to  Sensational colors surround
            face  of  San  Nicolas  is,  as  Japan, and before she did  the  face  of  one  of  San
            well as the flora, fauna and  this,  she  promised  to  give  Nicolas’ most precious resi-
            nature of Aruba.             her  best  for  this  beautiful  dents. Anthem of the Carib-
                                         work  of  art.  Thanks  go  out  bean is the name of the art
            Resilience                   to  Mr.  Nelo  and  his  family  work projecting the beauty
            Mr.  Dheo,  an  artist  from  who  gave  the  opportunity  of  the  color  of  the  water
            Portugal,  mixes  photoreal-  to use such a beautiful wall.  with the beauty of the inno-
            ism  with  audacious  lines                               cence of the Aruban child.
            under the guide of our very  Value                        Using  different  shades  of
            own  Sarah  Quita  in  order  Jenna Swartz, a young art-  color,  WD  Wild  Painting
            to  create  the  big  mural  ist from Canada, was cho-    from Yakarta who resides in
            on  the  Van  Rensealstraat,  sen  to  commemorate  a  Greece combined the set-
            which  carries  the  name  defender  of  all  that  is  San  ting  sun.  One  of  the  most
            Resilience.  The  view  of  a  Nicolas  and  its  problems,  beautiful events ever seen,
            champion  with  more  than  the  person  who  ran  after  orange  colors  combined
            20  World  titles  under  her  local organizations to bring  with  purples  bidding  our
            name.  The  eyes  that  tell  light to our streets, warring  island  good  bye.  In  a  3D
            about  every  obstacle  that  with  any  official  to  know  painting,  the  artist  makes
            she  overcame,  the  desire  when solutions were being  use of a round mural, show-
            to hear her anthem at the  implemented,  and  who  ing a unique depth.
            end,  when  she  raises  her  every  occasion  was  pres-
            trophy  celebrating  victory  ent to express what’s hap-  Love
            for her country.             pening  to  his  beloved  San  The  young  muralist  Leho
                                         Nicolas.  The  defender  of  from Taiwan illustrated one
                                                                      of Aruba’s most loyal birds
                                                                      when they meet their mate.
                                                                      Illustrating also the colors of
                                                                      sunset  in  his  painting,  the
                                                                      muralist  painted  the  love
                                                                      that he sees in the people
                                                                      of Aruba. This is not the first
                                                                      time  the  muralist  visits  our
                                                                      island.  He  is  someone  that
                                                                      visited  Aruba  many  times
                                                                      on board of the Freewinds,  of  students  and  art  lovers,  attended the Aruba Art Fair
                                                                      and  is  beloved  by  the  teaching  them  the  tech-     2022,  enjoying  the  shows,
                                                                      Chinese  community.  The  nique of combining surreal  parades,  art  and  delicious
                                                                      young  man  took  his  time  lines with paint.            food and ambiance during
                                                                      to  educate  a  large  group  A record amount of visitors  the three days of the fair.q
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