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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 22 June 2024

             Philippines won’t invoke mutual defense treaty with U.S. after

             Chinese confrontation at disputed shoal

            By JIM GOMEZ                                                                           “That  has  not  been  con-  Madre, has occupied Sec-
            Associated Press                                                                       sidered  in  our  discussions,”  ond  Thomas  Shoal  since
            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —                                                             presidential  assistant  on  1999  but  China  later  de-
            The  Philippines  said  Friday                                                         maritime  concerns  Andres  ployed  coast  guard,  navy
            it has no plan to invoke its                                                           Centino  said  when  asked  and suspected militia ships
            mutual defense treaty with                                                             if  the  Philippines  was  con-  in a territorial standoff that
            the United States after the                                                            sidering activating its treaty  has  become  increasingly
            Chinese  coast  guard  re-                                                             with the U.S.                volatile.
            portedly  rammed,  board-                                                              Executive  Secretary  Lucas  During  the  hourslong  con-
            ed  and  used  machetes                                                                Bersamin  said  the  govern-  frontation  at  the  shoal  on
            and  axes  to  damage  two                                                             ment  did  not  consider  the  Monday,  Chinese  person-
            Philippine  navy  boats  in  a                                                         Chinese  coast  guard  con-  nel  on  board  more  than
            chaotic faceoff that injured                                                           frontation an armed attack  eight  motorboats  report-
            Filipino navy personnel at a                                                           as stated in the mutual de-  edly  rammed  and  then
            disputed shoal in the South                                                            fense treaty with the U.S.   boarded  the  two  Philip-
            China Sea.                                                                             “This  was  probably  a  mis-  pine  navy  inflatable  boats
            President  Ferdinand  Mar-                                                             understanding  or  an  acci-  to  prevent  Filipino  navy
            cos Jr.’s key advisers made                                                            dent.  We’re  not  yet  ready  personnel  from  transferring
            the  remarks  in  a  televised                                                         to classify this as an armed  food and other supplies, in-
            news conference, squelch-                                                              attack,”   Bersamin   said.  cluding firearms, to the Phil-
            ing speculation that Manila                                                            “We saw bolo, axe, nothing  ippine ship outpost.
            might  consider  invoking                                                              beyond that.”                After  a  scuffle  and  re-
            the  1951  treaty  to  secure   In  this  handout  photo  provided  by  Armed  Forces  of  the   In what critics may see as a  peated  collisions,  the  Chi-
            U.S. military help after Mon-  Philippines, Chinese Coast Guard hold knives and machetes as   concession to China, Bersa-  nese  reportedly  seized  the
            day’s confrontation at Sec-  they  approach  Philippine  troops  on  a  resupply  mission  in  the   min said Marcos approved  boats and damaged them
            ond  Thomas  Shoal,  where   Second Thomas Shoal at the disputed South China Sea on June   a recommendation for the  with machetes, knives and
            the  Chinese  coast  guard   17, 2024.                                                                government  to  publicize  hammers.  They  also  seized
            also  seized Philippine  navy                                         Associated Press  the  schedule  when  navy  eight  M4  rifles  which  were
            rifles. The Philippine military  Philippines,  Vietnam,  Ma-  ton has repeatedly warned  personnel are deployed to  packed  in  cases  and  oth-
            chief  condemned  the  in-   laysia,  Brunei  and  Taiwan,  that  it’s  obligated  to  help  transport  food,  water  and  er  supplies  and  wounded
            cident, likening it to an act  have  long  been  seen  as  defend  the  Philippines,  its  other supplies to the Philip-  a  number  of  Filipino  navy
            of  piracy,  and  demanded  an  Asian  flashpoint  that  oldest  treaty  ally  in  Asia,  pines’  territorial  outpost  in  personnel,  including  one
            that  China  return  the  rifles  could  pit  the  U.S.  against  if  Filipino  forces,  ships  and  the shoal. A small Philippine  who  lost  his  right  thumb,
            and pay for the damage.      China if the high seas con-  aircraft  come  under  an  navy contingent aboard a  two  Philippine  security  of-
            The    territorial   disputes,  frontations escalate into an  armed attack, including in  long-grounded  dilapidat-  ficials  told  The  Associated
            which  involve  China,  the  armed  conflict.  Washing-   the South China Sea.         ed  warship,  the  BRP  Sierra  Press on Tuesday.q

             International court unseals arrest warrant for Mali suspect accused

             of crimes in Timbuktu in 2012

             By MIKE CORDER              were not taking part in hos-  in  Mali  who  fell  victim  to  regime in Timbuktu after al-  a  key  member  of  Ansar
             Associated Press            tilities  were  executed,  in-  crimes  that  were  commit-  Qaida-linked  rebels  over-  Dine,  an  Islamic  extremist
             THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  cluding some who had sur-      ted since 2012,” when Ma-    ran the historic Malian des-  group  linked  to  al-Qaida
             (AP)  —  The  International  rendered  and  others  who  lian  authorities  asked  the  ert city in 2012.          that held p ower in northern
             Criminal  Court  unsealed  were in the base’s hospital,  court to intervene.          Al  Hassan  Ag  Abdoul  Aziz  Mali at the time. The judg-
             an arrest warrant Friday for  according  to  the  French-  “Today represents a further  Ag  Mohamed  Ag  Mah-      ment in his trial is scheduled
             a  Malian  accused  of  war  language warrant.           step forward in demonstrat-  moud is accused of being  for June 26.q
             crimes  and  crimes  against  The  court  said  in  a  state-  ing that under international
             humanity in the desert city  ment  that  there  are  “rea-  humanitarian  law  and  the
             of  Timbuktu  in  2012-13,  sonable grounds to believe  Rome  Statute,  the  lives  of
             where  he  is  suspected  of  that  he  would  be  the  un-  all  individuals  have  equal
             leading an al-Qaida-linked  disputed  leader”  of  Ansar  value  and  are  deserving
             Islamic extremist group.    Dine,  the  extremist  group  of  equal  protection,”  the
             The  warrant  for  Iyad  Ag  which held power in north-  prosecution  office  added.
             Ghaly, also known as Abou  ern Mali at the time.         The  Rome  Statute  is  the
             Fadl,  was  originally  issued  It  was  not  immediately  court’s founding treaty.
             under seal in 2017. It charg-  clear   why   prosecutors  The  prosecution  office  de-
             es  him  with  crimes  includ-  asked for the warrant to be  clined to comment on Gh-
             ing  murder,  rape,  sexual  unsealed now.               aly’s whereabouts.
             slavery and persecution of  In a written statement, the  The  announcement  came
             women and girls on gender  court’s  prosecution  office  days  before  the  court  is
             grounds.                    welcomed  the  unsealing  scheduled  to  deliver  its
             It covers crimes in Timbuktu  and  said  the  warrant  for  verdict in the trial of an al-
             and an attack on a military  Ghaly  “reflects  the  con-  leged Islamic extremist who  Fighters from Islamist group Ansar Dine stand guard in Timbuktu,
             base  during  which  more  tinued efforts of the Office  was  tried  on  charges  that  Mali, Aug. 31, 2012, as they prepare to publicly lash a member
             than 40 Malian soldiers who  to  deliver  justice  for  those  he policed a brutal Islamic   of the Islamic Police found guilty of adultery.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
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