Page 7 - aruba-today-20240622
P. 7
local Saturday 22 June 2024
Aruba Birdlife Conservation warns about "rock stacking" practice
reaching Baby Beach
Through a Facebook post, Arikok National Park. Al-
the organization Aruba Bird- though this activity is not
life Conservation has raised illegal in Aruba, it may be
an alarm about the phe- time for park authorities to
nomenon of "rock stacking" impose stricter regulations
reaching the area of Baby on this activity.
Beach and warned about the
dangers it poses, especially Tourists often believe that the
for children. meaning behind this activity
is making a wish, but they do
As known, "rock stacking" is not realize its negative im-
not illegal in Aruba, but its pact.
impact on nature is harmful
as the stones form part of the Aruba Birdlife Conservation's
natural habitat of small ani- post not only raises alarms
mal species living in Aruba's about the activity but also
wilderness. Experts warn that now that this phenomenon
"rock stacking" could even has reached Baby Beach,
lead certain species to ex- some of the stacked stone
tinction. towers are up to 1.7 meters
high, which can be very
In Aruba, much of the "rock dangerous, especially for
stacking" also occurs near children. q
Exploring the Mainstreet of San Nicolas
SAN NICOLAS— At Just 11 Over the course of four de- than anywhere else on the
miles southeast from Oran- cades, its demographics island.
jestad you will enter the city had changed immensely
San Nicolas, also known as due to a stream of Afro-Ca- Flow of history
Sunrise City or Chocolate ribbean and South Ameri- if you are looking for his-
City. A city that is rich in can workers who came tory San Nicolas has it. Here
authentic culture and is- to fill the jobs in the oil re- you will find three amazing
land charm. San Nicolas is finery between the 1920’s museums, The Museum of
Aruba’s second largest city until the 1960’s. To this day Industry, the Community
and was once a bustling traces of the multicultural Museum and the Carnival
company town dominated influences in culinary offer- Euphoria, all within walking
by the oil industry since the ings and customs, housing distance from one another.
early 1930’s. and population are clearly The Museum of Industry is ucation or enjoyment. San Nicolas has had quite
visible in San Nicolas - more situated in the Water Tower Carnival Euphoria is show- the aesthetic makeover
in San Nicolas and narrates casing Aruba’s Carnival. with regards to vibrant
Aruba's industrial history See how are Carnival has street art. Each year more
which began in the 19th developed over the past and more stunning murals
century. Here you will learn 65 years. are replacing broken down
about gold, aloe, phos- buildings with colorful art
phate, oil and the tourism The new San Nicolas pieces that keep brighten-
industries which made San In the shadow of the refin- ing up SunriseCity.
Nicolas once a bustling ery, an art capital is quietly
business center. Experi- beginning to grow. This is Must See, Do, Buy & Eat
ence the touching stories the new San Nicolas, a A little bit of everything can
of those who were part of place that is starting to be- be found in the main street.
this history. come a magnet for all that Stores selling shoes, cloth-
Nicolaas Store built in 1940 is young, cool and hip in ing, jewelry you name it.
and renovated in 2014 is Aruba. Indeed, San Nicolas Arts & crafts by Cosecha
the home of the Communi- has all of the ingredients of store & Creative Center, a
ty Museum. The collection is an emerging cultural hub design store in which you
remarkable and spans mil- — varied history, interesting can immerse yourself in dis-
lennia. Ancient fossils stand architecture, and, perhaps covering genuine and lo-
next to tableaus of an au- most importantly, an urban cally made arts and crafts
thentically recreated colo- layout that makes it walk- which reflect the diversifi-
nial kitchen and bedroom able. As you walk around, cation of the Aruban craft
and 19th-century barber- the streets are silent but heritage and the artistic
shop, just to name a few of the walls are loud, filled supply of artisans. Don’t
the items of old-time Aruba with bright, colorful murals miss out on trying the exqui-
that has been preserved. A painted by a collection site food offered by the ca-
collection of artifacts and of artists from around the fes and restaurants or just
other objects of artistic, cul- world. Thanks to the efforts enjoy a peaceful walk ad-
tural, historical, or scientific of various art organizations miring the murals, mosaic
importance can be found in Aruba, such as Art Rules benches and all the history
here for the purpose of ed- Aruba and Aruba Art Fair, San Nicolas has to offer.q