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Monday 30 May 2022
Test today, fly tomorrow during the holidays
CDC requirement for travel quality medical clinic that • The Hilton Aruba
to the United States, where specializes in urgent care Caribbean Resort
all air passengers, regard- for tourists and that has • Hyatt Regency Aru-
less of vaccination status, been appointed as the na- ba Resort and Casino
must show a negative CO- tional COVID-19 clinic for • Renaissance Wind
VID-19 test taken no more tourists, and Laboratorio di Creek Aruba Resort
than 1 day before travel to Servicio, a full-service mod- • The Ritz-Carlton Re-
the United States. ern medical laboratory sort.
MedCare Fit2Fly Testing with state-of-the-art equip- Please contact your front
Center at the Cove Mall ment, have partnered up desk for more information
is opposite the Holiday Inn to provide fast and reli- on our Testing Centers at
and is open every day for able COVID-19 testing to these properties.
walk-ins from 8 AM through all. Laboratorio di Servicio is Private bookings
6 PM. MedCare’s other lo- ISO-15189:2012 accredited For your convenience,
cation is situated at The by the Dutch Council for Medcare also offers pri-
Courtyard by Marriott Accreditation (M317). vate testing at your ac-
Aruba Resort, is across the commodation/hotel room
street from the RIU Hotel For your convenience for a one-time service fee
and is open every day from For a selection of resorts in of $120. This fee covers test-
8:00 AM until 2 PM. These Aruba, MedCare has setup ing up to 10 people (one
PALM BEACH — MedCare’s same day test results ( pre- two locations are at a Testing Centers on site: appointment, at one loca-
Fit2Fly COVID-19 Testing viously it was 24 hours) on stone's throw from your re- • Divi All Inclusive, Divi tion and a specific time).
Centers has improved its both PCR and Antigen tests. sort, condominium, or other Dutch Village Beach Re- Additional persons will be
services when it comes to vacation accommodation. sort, Divi Golf, Divi Tamarijn charged $10 per person.
turn around time for results. This in part is to comply with Walk-ins are welcome. • Divi Aruba Phoenix Regular testing fees ap-
As of November its offering the updated December 6, MedCare Clinic, a high- Beach Resort plies.
For more information, please contact:
Phone: +297 280 0630
Open 7 days a week, 7 AM – 7 PM.
MedCare Clinic Aruba -
Medcare Test Center
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