Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
Monday 30 May 2022 LOCAL
Soul Beach Musical Festival Comedy Jam Concert was a great
of the show. His skills were time. He’s definitely gained
evident as he was able to a fan and I can’t wait to
keep the crowd not only check him out in other spe-
entertained but also en- cials and series.”
Following Chase Anthony
The Stand-Up comedy sec- was Mike Epps, the stand-
tion of the night started off up comedian and multi
with Chase Anthony who’s faceted celebrity who’s
an amazing actor and co- abilities and talents cover a
median who can be seen wide range of categories.
in the current series on BET Some may know him for
Bigger, as well as other his role as Day-Day Jones
shows like Lethal Weap- in Next Friday and its se-
on and Grey’s anatomy quel, Friday after Next. He
among others. His comedy also made appearances
was refreshing and unique in The Hangover and The
to whom he is as a person, Hangover part III as “Black
with relatable stories that a Doug.” Epps was clearly
Oranjestad - The Soul high energy crowds and The Comedy Jam Con- wide variety of age groups a seasoned professional,
Beach Music Festival Com- even higher energy guests cert took place on Friday could relate to, and gave who proved once again
edy Jam Concert took making the best combina- the 27th of May. The show insight into his personal life that legends never die. His
place this weekend and tion for a great show. started with a performance growing up, making it evi- charisma was evident and
they were packed with from Dj Outkast who was dent that Chase Anthony felt throughout the whole
present throughout the is a comedic powerhouse show. He was received with
night, providing with great who lights up the stage as loud cheers and welcomes
music that helped kick off soon as he walks up. Some from the crowd, who were
the show with high power of the people in the audi- extremely excited for his
and energy, pushing it to ence were newcomers and show. It was packed with
the end. The host, Chris first timers to his content funny anecdotes, witty
Spencer, kept the crowd and were very impressed comments and audience
on their toes with an end- with his performance com- interactions that put the
less flow of jokes, commen- menting “it was my first time cherry on top of a wonder-
tary and funny anecdotes watching one of his perfor- ful night.
that set the tone for the rest mances and it was a great