Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220930
P. 30
A30 world news
Diabierna 30 September 2022
Iran’s protesters chant from buildings amid crackdown
(AP) — Iranian anti-gov- mean that there weren’t any
ernment protesters chant- or that authorities have tight- Authorities are still blocking
ed from windows and ened media restrictions. access to WhatsApp and Ins-
rooftops in parts of Tehran tagram, social media services
early Thursday, but there There was also no sign of used by protesters to organize
were no reports of street burned trash cans or rubble and share information. They
protests in the country’s in the streets of central Teh- are also heavily restricting
capital, where authorities ran early Thursday, as there internet access in the after-
have waged a fierce crack- had been following previous noons to prevent demonstra-
down in recent days. nightly street protests. tions from forming.
It was not immediately clear Tehran’s provincial gover- Iranian police have clashed
whether that signaled a de- nor, Mohsen Mansouri, was with protesters in dozens of
cline in the nationwide pro- quoted by state media as say- cities over the past 12 days.
tests over the death earlier ing the protests in the capital
this month of 22-year-old have ended and security has State TV has reported that at tions and large crowds.” trying to foment unrest. The
Mahsa Amini, who was de- been restored. But people least 41 protesters and police Foreign Ministry summoned
tained by the morality po- could be heard chanting have been killed since the Authorities have meanwhile the French charge d’affaires
lice for allegedly wearing the “Death to the dictator” from demonstrations began Sept. arrested Elahe Mohammadi, on Thursday, accusing
mandatory Islamic headscarf buildings, where it is harder 17. An Associated Press count a journalist who reported on French officials of meddling
too loosely. Her death has for police to arrest them. of official statements by au- Amini’s funeral earlier this in Iran’s internal affairs by
triggered an outpouring of thorities tallied at least 14 month in the Kurdish town expressing support for the
anger at the country’s ruling It was not immediately clear dead, with more than 1,500 of Saqez. She is among sev- protests, according to Iran’s
clerics. how extensive the protests demonstrators arrested. eral journalists to have been state-run IRNA news agency.
were elsewhere in the coun- detained since Amini’s death.
Iranian media have sporadi- try. Students have continued Norway advised against all But even Jomhouri Eslami,
cally covered the demonstra- to demonstrate on some uni- unnecessary travel to Iran a hard-line newspaper, ac-
tions since they began. That versity campuses, includ- and urged its citizens inside Iran’s leaders have blamed knowledged in an editorial
they did not report any new ing Shiraz University in the the country to “exercise cau- the protests on unnamed for- that the protests reflect real
protests in Tehran could south. tion and avoid demonstra- eign entities that they say are anger.
Russia opens more border draft offices amid call-up exodus
(AP) – Russian authorities offices at border checkpoints.
are opening more military
enlistment offices near The bus stations in Samara
Russia’s borders in an ap- and Tolyatti, two large Rus-
parent effort to intercept sian cities in the Samara re-
some of the Russian men gion, on Thursday halted ser-
of fighting age who are vice to Uralsk, a border city
trying to flee the coun- in Kazakhstan.
try by land to avoid get-
ting called up to fight in Finland announced that it
Ukraine. would ban Russian citizens
with tourist visas from en-
A new draft office opened at tering the country starting
the Ozinki checkpoint in the Friday. With the exception of
Saratov region on Russia’s Norway, which has only one
border with Kazakhstan, re- border crossing with Russia,
gional officials said Thursday. Finland has provided the last
Another enlistment center easily accessible land route to
was set to open at a crossing Europe for Russian holders
in the Astrakhan region, also majority of men under age 65 draft. on roads leading to Russia’s of European Schengen-zone
In an apparent effort to calm borders. Russian authorities
on the border with Kazakh- are registered as reservists. visas. The Nordic country
stan. the population, Putin told tried to stem the outflow by has taken in tens of thousands
The Kremlin has said it plans Russia’s Security Council on turning back some men at of people fleeing the military
Earlier this week, makeshift to call-up some 300,000 peo- Thursday that mistakes had the borders, citing mobiliza- call-up in recent days.
tion laws, or setting up draft
been made in the mobiliza-
Russian draft offices were ple, but Russian media re-
set up near the Verkhny Lars ported that the number could tion. He said that Russian
border crossing into Georgia be as high as 1.2 million, a men mistakenly called up for
in southern Russia and near claim that Russian officials service should be sent back
home, and that only reserv-
the Torfyanka checkpoint on have denied.
Russia’s border with Finland. ists with proper training and
Russian officials said they Russia’s Defense Ministry specialties should be sum-
would hand call-up notices has promised to only draft moned to serve.
to all eligible men who were those who have combat or
trying to leave the country. service experience, but ac- The mass exodus of Russian
cording to multiple media men — alone or with their
reports and human rights families or friends — began
Over 194,000 Russian citi- advocates, men who don’t Sept. 21, shortly after Pu-
zens have fled to neighbor-
ing Georgia, Kazakhstan and fit the criteria are also being tin’s address to the nation,
rounded up.
and continued all this week.
Finland — most often by car,
bicycle or on foot — since The official decree on mobi- Airline tickets to destinations
abroad have sold out days
Russian President Vladimir
Putin last week announced lization, signed by Putin last in advance, even at unprec-
week, is concise and vague, edentedly high prices.
a partial mobilization of re-
servists. In Russia, the vast fueling fears of a broader Long lines of cars formed