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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 30 September 2022

               Injury-hit Barcelona visits Mallorca with

               hole in defense

            (AP)    —    When     Xavi  tively, in games to prepare for  Netherlands.  Neither  has
            Hernández  oversaw  the  the  World  Cup  in  Novem-      been a first-choice player for
            remodeling of Barcelona’s  ber. Bellerín hurt his left leg  Xavi this season.
            squad  this  summer,  the  while training for Barcelona.
            coach made sure he was so                                 Of the injuries, Araújo’s ap-
            well covered at right-back  That  leaves  Barcelona  wait-  pears to be the most serious.
            that his club could afford  ing  to  see  if  veteran  Sergi  The  23-year-old  defender
            to loan out United States  Roberto  can  recover  from  underwent surgery this week
            defender  Sergiño  Dest  to  a  muscle  problem  that  has  in Finland to repair an abduc-
            AC Milan.                    sidelined him for three weeks  tor muscle in his right thigh
                                         in time for the trip to the Ba-  that  he  damaged  in  Uru-
            But  after  a  spate  of  injuries  learic Islands.       guay’s 1-0 loss to Iran on Fri-
            that has decimated Barcelona                              day.
            over the international break,  If not, Xavi may be forced to
            Xavi may have a huge hole in  shoehorn a player with little  Over  the  next  three  weeks,
            his defense ahead of Sunday’s  or no experience at right back  Barcelona  faces  two  Cham-
            game at Mallorca.            into the position, draft a play-  pions  League  group  games
                                         er  from  Barcelona’s  youth  against  Inter  Milan  and  a
            Jules Koundé, Ronald Araújo  team,  or  opt  to  play  with  clásico  against  Real  Madrid
            and  Héctor  Bellerín,  who  three  centerbacks  and  two  on Oct. 16.
            have played at right back this  wing backs.
            season, are all out for an un-                            The only good news for Xavi
            determined  period  of  time.  Barcelona  will  also  be  with-  is  that  Robert  Lewandowski   games.             Barcelona  to  its  stadium.  Its
            Koundé and Araújo, who can  out  midfielder  Frenkie  de  returned  in  perfect  shape                              only win during that stretch
            play  at  center  back  as  well,  Jong  and  foward  Memphis  from  his  stint  with  Poland.   Mallorca,  coached  by  Mexi-  came in 2009 with Barcelona
            were  hurt  while  playing  for  Depay  after  they  were  both  The striker leads the Spanish   can  Javier  Aguirre,  has  lost  already  crowned  the  league
            France and Uruguay, respec-  hurt  while  playing  for  the  league with eight goals in six   12  of  the  last  13  visits  by  champion.

                        Yankees star Judge hits 61st home run, ties Maris’ AL record

             (AP)  —  Aaron  Judge  had  many fans consider baseball’s  61 with another Yankee right
             gone  seven  games  since  “clean” standard for the sport.  fielder that hit 61 home runs
             his last home run, 34 plate                              and  MVPs,  world  champi-
             appearances of fans quiet-  Judge’s two-run homer lifted  ons, this is pretty cool.”
             ing to a hush and snapping  the  Yankees  to  an  8-3  vic-
             photos with every pitch.    tory  over  the  Toronto  Blue  Judge  has  seven  games  to
                                         Jays and brought relief to the  break  the  record,  starting
             Then  with  the  score  tied  6-foot-7 slugger, who admit-  with  a  series  opener  against
             in  the  seventh  inning  on  ted having to try to block out  Baltimore at Yankee Stadium
             Wednesday  night,  he  drove  distraction.               on Friday night.
             a  94.5  mph  belt-high  sinker
             to left, a no doubt rocket. He  “Getting  a  chance  to  sit  at  “Definitely  some  relief  get-
             had tied Roger Maris’ Ameri-  60 for a while there with the  ting  to  61.  You  try  not  to
             can  League  record  of  61  Babe was nice,” he said, “but  think  about  it,  but  it  creeps
             home runs in a season, what  getting a chance to now sit at  into  your  head,”  Judge  said.
                                                                      “I  was  hoping  it  would  get
                                                                      over the fence. I didn’t know
                                                                      at  first.  I  didn’t  want  to  be   Boston pitcher Tracy Stallard.  2012.
                                                                      standing at home plate when   Maris’  mark  has  been  ex-
                                                                      it hits the wall.”           ceeded six times, but all have  Fans  fixated  on  him  in  the
                                                                                                   been tainted by the stench of  Bronx during the last home-
                                                                      The  ball  dropped  into  To-  steroids.  Mark  McGwire  hit  stand.
                                                                      ronto’s  bullpen  and  was   70  home  runs  in  1998  and
                                                                      picked up by Blue Jays bull-  65  the  following  year,  and  He  became  just  the  fifth
                                                                      pen coach Matt Buschmann.    Bonds topped him with 73 in  player to hold a share of the
                                                                      He  and  Toronto  closer  Jor-  2001. Sammy Sosa had 66, 65  AL season record. Nap Lajoie
                                                                      dan  Romano  held  onto  the   and 63 during a four-season  hit 14 in the AL’s first season
                                                                      ball before turning it over to   span starting in 1998.   as  a  major  league  in  1901,
                                                                      Yankees  reliever  Zack  Brit-                            and  Philadelphia  Athletics
                                                                      ton, who made sure it got to   McGwire  admitted  using  teammate Socks Seabold had
                                                                      Judge.                       banned steroids, while Bonds  16 the next year, a mark that
                                                                                                   and  Sosa  denied  knowingly  stood until Babe Ruth hit 29
                                                                      Judge  moved  past  the  60   using  performing-enhancing  in 1919. Ruth set the record
                                                                      home  runs  Babe  Ruth  hit   drugs. Major League Baseball  four times in all, with 54 in
                                                                      in 1927, which had stood as   started testing with penalties  1920,  59  in  1921  and  60  in
                                                                      the  major  league  mark  un-  for PEDs in 2004.          1927, a mark that stood until
                                                                      til  Maris  broke  it  in  1961.                          Maris’ 61 in 1961.
                                                                      All three stars reached those   Judge is hitting .313 with 130
                                                                      huge numbers playing for the   RBIs,  also  the  top  totals  in  After  the  game,  plate  um-
                                                                      Yankees.                     the  AL.  He  has  a  chance  to  pire Brian O’Nora presented
                                                                                                   become  the  first  AL  Triple  Judge  with  the  lineup  card.
                                                                      Maris hit No. 61 for the Yan-  Crown  winner  since  De-  Judge isn’t sure what he will
                                                                      kees on Oct. 1, 1961, against   troit’s  Miguel  Cabrera  in  give the Hall of Fame.
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