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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 25 February 2023

            Fundacion Crea Arte Aruba has the immense pleasure to invite our community

            and visitors to  our Dushi Aruba to visit our Saturday night ART FESTIVAL

            Oranjestad  -  This  monthly  are  also  welcome.  Talent-  Because as an artist herself
            event  is  to  promote  our  ed  kids  who    wish  to  sing,   she  knows  the  struggle  of
            local  Artists,  Artisans  and  dance, or play a music in-  the local artist to  promote
            Creative  entrepreneurs  to  strument are very welcome    their own ART. She encour-
            exhibit, show and sell their  too.                        ages  the  artists  to  sign  up
            Art,  their  Artisanal  cre-                              and  join  our  ART  FESTIVAL
            ations, and handmade or-     Fundacion  Crea  Arte  only   Important  note:  participa-
            ganic products.              requires  from  the  inter-  tion is free of charge; bring
                                         ested  participants  to  call,   your  own  table,  chair  and
            The Palm Beach Plaza Mall  watsapp  or  email    to  give   we assign your  spot. We do
            offers  its  fantastic  halls  on  their  information  regard-  it for the love of ART. Show
            the  second  floor  to  the  ing  their  creations  and  or   your  Support  for  our  local  Saturday of every  month.  dacioncreaartearuba@
            participants  of    this  event;  artisan  products  that  will   artists. Calling all artists and         call or watsapp
            Wide spacious halls, a cov-  be  displayed. This is not a   artisans to join us Saturday  For  more  information  and  5637111.    We  thank  you
            ered  area  under  the  roof,  farmers’ market; no plants,   25 February from 4 to 9pm  questions  about  this  event  in  advance  for  your  kind

            elevators  and  rolling  stairs,  no  animals,  no  clothes,   at Palm Beach Plaza Mall’s  please feel free to contact  collaboration  toward  the
            clean  restrooms,  well  ven-  and the likes are  allowed.   second floor and each last  us!  Send an e-mail to: fun-  ARTS.q
            tilated  corridors,  ample  The  rules  of  the  premises
            parking spaces. What else  are  to  keep  it  clean  and
            can  you  ask  for.    This  is  a  at 10 o’clock all items must
            fine moment and opportu-     be    removed.  To  help  the
            nity for all artists to join.   promotion  and  marketing
                                         efforts  of  the  ART  FESTIVAL
            Artists can work and create  sponsors,  volunteers  and
            Art  during  the  month  and  donations are very needed
            come on the last Saturday  and very welcome.
            of each  month to promote
            themselves,  show,  exhibit  Our  ART  FESTIVAL  is  under
            and  sell  their  creations.  the direction of miss Miriam
            Youngsters and teens who  de  L’IsLe,  who  is  the  mo-
            create Art and desire to sell  tor    behind  this  endeavor.
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