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                                                                                                           local Saturday 25 February 2023
            FITCH visits Aruba for an overview of the island’s recovery

            (Oranjestad)—  Last  month,  view  of  the  island’s  finan-  published in approximately
            representatives  from  Stan-  cial structure.             a  month  or  so.  As  soon  as
            dard & Poors visited Aruba.  FITCH is impressed with the  the pandemic hit, they im-
            This  time  round,  the  island  island’s recovery, and they  mediately   downgraded
            received  a  visit  from  rep-  also  realized  that  Aruba  Aruba,  because  they  had
            resentatives  of  the  finance  was  one  of  the  countries  no  idea  what  would  hap-
            agency  FITCH  to  talk  with  that was most affected by  pen  to  the  island’s  econ-
            different  stakeholders  and  the  pandemic.  They  also  omy. The hope now is that
            get a better overview of the  indicated  that  Aruba  was  Aruba  could  receive  an
            island’s recovery.           able  to  see  a  positive  re-  upgraded  rate,  where  this
                                         covery  thanks  to  the  swift  will  indicate  that  recovery
            Aruba is a country that is fi-  and  firm  decision-making  is going well.
            nancially dependent on in-   by the local government.
            ternational  trade.  This  was                            “God  willing,  we  will  pull
            tradition  before  the  pan-  After this visit, the represen-  through  this  financial  im-
            demic  of  Covid-19.  In  or-  tatives  will  go  back  to  the  passe  and  the  rating  will  this so the entire world can  and  every  citizen  on  this
            der to achieve this, it is very  states to evaluate the infor-  become positive very soon.  see  how  Aruba  is  recover-  island are the results of our
            important  that  agencies  mation  they  were  given  in  We will have to wait a few  ing financially. Efforts made  financial  recovery,”  Aru-
            like  FITCH  and  Standard  &  order to publish a new rate  more weeks to get the re-  by  unions  and  the  positiv-  ban  Prime  Minister,  Evelyn
            Poors  have  a  good  over-  for  Aruba,  which  will  be  sults,  and  they  will  publish  ity  from  the  government  Wever-Croes, expressed.q

            The Aruban government to continue its collaboration with Qredits

            Aruba to help local businesses

                                                                      (Oranjestad)—During a public meeting in  also make sure to give 80 people the op-
                                                                      the parlament of Aruba this Thursday, the  portunity  to  participate  in  the  Small  Busi-
                                                                      National  Ordinance  Draft  was  approved  ness Academy. There was also the posibil-
                                                                      in  order  to  empower  the  Minister  of  Eco-  ity  for  young  adults  to  participate  in  the
                                                                      nomic  Relation,  Mr.  Geoffrey  Wever,  to  program called “Be Your Own Boss.” Both
                                                                      help—together with Qredits Aruba—a total  programs aim to provide education for ex-
                                                                      of  50  local  businesses  receive  an  invest-  isting and future businesses.
                                                                      ment loan with a reduced interest fee es-
                                                                      pecially  designed  for  small  business  and  During  the  pandemic,  the  government
                                                                      merchants.                                 had to find ways to help small businesses
                                                                                                                 quickly, seeing the extraordinary situation
                                                                      This is proof that the government does in-  at the time, for which there was no time to
                                                                      deed work with the private sector to em-   wait. At that time, a donation was made
                                                                      power  small  businesses,  create  jobs  and  to  Qredits  Aruba,  which  in  return  made
                                                                      stimulate  entrepreneurship.  Based  on  this  them able to help more than 100 compa-
                                                                      cooperation,  Qredits  invested  1.2  million  nies make ends meet. Minister Wever indi-
                                                                      florins  to  finance  approximately  50  small  cated  that  “no  policies  can  be  made  in
                                                                      companies with a reduced interest rate of  regards to this, and we are grateful for the
                                                                      5.75%.                                     assistence given to small businesses during
                                                                                                                 a difficult time.” The minister is also happy
                                                                      This cooperation between the Ministery of  that Parlament has given the aproval for
                                                                      Economic Relations and Qredits Aruba will  this new draft.q

            The Dominican community of Aruba

            celebrates their independence this Sunday

            This Sunday, February 26th, the community of  falls on the 27th of February, they will be cel-
            the Dominican Republic in Aruba will be cel-  ebrating this Sunday so that the whole family
            ebrating their Independence and Flag Day  can enjoy.
            with a small event in which they extend an  This  is  an  important  day  for  the  Dominican
            invitation to the entire Aruban community to  community, as this is the biggest national hol-
            participate.                                  iday in the Dominican Republic. On February
                                                          27th, 1844, politician and member of the Do-
            To celebrate a day with the family, the Do-   minican army, Juan Pablo Duarte, founded
            minican  community  living  on  the  island  in-  the country together with a secret society to
            formed—per tradition—that they will be cel-   proclaim the country’s independence.
            ebrating their day with a small event starting  The most traditional way of celebrating this
            from  10am  at  the  Carnaval  Village  in  San  day is through parades across different cities.
            Nicolas.  Afterwards,  they  will  unite  at  the  This  also  includes  military  parades  from  the
            Plaza Juan Pablo Duarte, which is located at  Dominican  armed  forces,  in  which  the  sol-
            Leeuwenhoekstraat in the down town area.      diers all wear their uniform and drive around
            Even though the official Independence Day  in tanks and trucks. q
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