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a8    local
                    Thursday 16 June 2022

            Fourth SuperNova event will be taking place soon

            ORANJESTAD - On June 13,
            2022,  The  Prime  Minister
            of  Aruba,  Evelyn  Wever-
            Croes, held a press confer-
            ence  at  the  site  of  FUTURA
            to announce another initia-
            tive  of  SuperNova  for  girls
            about STEM.

            SuperNova       contributes
            to  and  stimulates  gender
            equality  as  indicated  in
            SDG  5,  which  guarantees
            that  no  one  is  left  behind.
            The  Prime  Minister  empha-
            sized  the  importance  and
            priority,  as  female  Prime
            Minister, wherever possible,
            to  create  more  opportu-
            nities  and  possibilities  for
            women and girls.

            The  pandemic  hurt  the
            world, but women and chil-
            dren were mostly affected.
            The  Prime  Minister  empha-  vancements  made  in  the  that  the  jobs  in  the  STEM  ing  globally  in  comparison  place  on  June  18,  2022,
            sized  that  support  for  this  past.                    sector  (Science,  Technol-  to other sectors. Thus is very  for  girls  between  6  and  9
            group  is  essential  to  make                            ogy,   Engineering,   and  important to motivate and  years  old.  This  year's  sub-
            up  for  the  loss  of  the  ad-  The  Prime  Minister  stated  Mathematics)  are  increas-  prepare our girls to explore  ject:  STEM  (Science,  Tech-
                                                                                                   STEM.                        nology,  Engineering,  and
                                                                                                   “Not  all  girls  will  pursue  a
                                                                                                   spark  of  interest  and  intro- ARUBA
                                                                                                   career  in  the  STEM  sector.
                                                                                                   But  we  can  start  a  unique

                                                                                                   duce  them  to  this  sector         CLEAN
                                                                                                   and  show  them  that  STEM
                                                                                                   is an attractive sector with
                                                                                                   many possibilities for girls.

                                                                                                   Historically,  this  sector  has
                                                                                                   been mainly dominated by
                                                                                                   men. But slowly, we are no-
                                                                                                   ticing  a  change,  although
                                                                                                   not  in  balance  yet.  That  is
                                                                                                   why  the  Government  sup-
                                                                                                   ports  this  SuperNova  and         IS MORE
                                                                                                   hopes  to  see  many  girls
                                                                                                   participating.  The  fourth       DUSHI
                                                                                                   SuperNova  event  takes
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