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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 16 June 2022

            Minister Geoffrey Wever inaugurates

            "BeYourOwnBoss" training in San Nicolas

            ORANJESTAD - On Tuesday, June 7, 2022,  to  assist  in  the  financing  and  implemen-
            the Minister of Economic Affairs, Commu-   tation  of  this  necessary  program  for  our
            nications  and  Sustainable  Development,  youth  with  entrepreneurial  ambition  and
            Mr. Geoffrey Wever, inaugurated the kick-  to make the price of participation in the
            off of the training for young people "BeY-  program more attractive.
            ourOwnBoss" in San Nicolas.
                                                       The training started on June 7, 2022, and
            Both  in  San  Nicolas  and  Oranjestad,  a  will end on July 28, 2022. Over eight weeks,
            group  started  this  training.  This  educa-  the  training  will  be  given  twice  a  week
            tional program is a collaboration between  from  6:30-9:00.  The  educational  program
            Qredits Aruba and the Ministry of Econom-  will cover several topics: the entrepreneur,
            ic  Affairs,  Communications,  and  Sustain-  the  customer,  the  business,  the  figures,
            able  Development.  The  goal  is  to  equip  mini-case study and the pitch. Participants
            people with an entrepreneurial spirit with  will  create  an  entrepreneurship  portfolio
            the necessary knowledge and skills for the  and put their ideas into practice through
            entrepreneurial world.                     a pitching moment.   94 persons signed up
                                                       to  participate  in  the  training.  Since  they
            Minister  Wever  is  pleased  with  the  "BeY-  reached the maximum number of partici-
            ourOwnBoss" program which encourages  pants, those who have not been able to
            entrepreneurship  in  Aruba  in  an  engag-  participate in the training  will attend the
            ing, practical, and innovative manner. Af-  upcoming  August  2022  "BeYourOwnBoss"
            ter being sworn in as Minister, the request  training.
            from  Qredits  Aruba  for  cooperation  and
            financial contribution for the educational   "I am very pleased with the interest among
            programs  such  as  "BeYourOwnBoss"  and  participants  to  develop  and  prepare  for
            "Small  Business  Academy"  and  a  support  the  world  of  entrepreneurship.  This  pro-
            program for reduced interest rates for small  gram helps with working on the attitude of
            businesses, was one of Minister Wever's first  an entrepreneur through various exercises.
            projects. Minister Wever believes in stimu-  I wish the group attending the training in
            lating the economy of Aruba, encourag-     San Nicolas and the group attending the
            ing entrepreneurship, and investing in our  training in Oranjestad great success!" Min-
            youth. As a result, his ministry has provided  ister Geoffrey Wever stated.q
            a  financial  contribution  to  Qredits  Aruba
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