Page 4 - HOH July 3 2021
P. 4

                                                                                         world news Diasabra 3 Juli 2021

                           Philippine villagers fear twin perils: Volcano and COVID-19

            (AP)  —  Thousands  of  and  is  considered  a  perma-    grounds, would not become  anyone began showing CO-
            people were being evacu-     nent danger zone along with  coronavirus  hotspots.  Dis-  VID-19 symptoms.            An  alarming  surge  in  infec-
            ated from villages around  a number of nearby lakeside  placed  villagers  were  asked                              tions  has  started  to  ease  in
            a  rumbling  volcano  near  villages in Batangas province  to wear face masks and were  “It’s  doubly  difficult  now.  Manila and outlying regions.
            the Philippine capital Fri-  south of Manila.             sheltered  in  tents  set  safely  Before, we just asked people  But  daily  cases  remain  high
            day, but officials said they                              apart, requiring considerably  to rush to the evacuation cen-  and  lockdowns  have  been
            faced  another  dilemma  An eruption of Taal last year  more space than in pre-pan-    ters  and  squeeze  themselves  reimposed  in  several  prov-
            of  ensuring  emergency  displaced hundreds of thou-      demic times.                 in as much as possible,” said  inces that have reported case
            shelters will not turn into  sands  of  people  and  briefly                           disaster-response officer Jun-  spikes.
            epicenters  of  COVID-19  closed Manila’s international  In Laurel town, Imelda Reyes  france De Villa of Agoncillo
            infections.                  airport.  However,  the  vol-  feared for her and her family’s  town.                  President  Rodrigo  Duterte
                                         cano  agency’s  chief,  Renato  safety in their home near the                          and  his  administration  have
            The alert was raised to three  Solidum, said it was too early  volcano  and  in  the  crowded  “Now,  we  have  to  keep  a  faced  criticism  over  a  vac-
            on a five-level scale after Taal  to know if the volcano’s cur-  grade  school-turned-evacua-  close  eye  on  the  numbers.  cination  campaign  saddled
            Volcano  blasted  a  dark  gray  rent unrest will lead to a full-  tion  center  where  they  took  We’re  doing  everything  to  with  supply  problems  and
            plume into the sky Thursday.  blown eruption.             shelter Friday.              avoid  congestion,”  De  Villa  public  hesitancy.  After  re-
            The five-minute steam- and                                                             told The Associated Press by  peated  delays,  vaccinations
            gas-driven explosion was fol-  The  preemptive  evacuations  “If we stay home, the volcano  telephone.              started in March.
            lowed by four smaller emis-  that began late Thursday in-  can explode anytime,” Reyes
            sions  but  the  volcano  was  volved residents in five high-  told  The  Associated  Press.  A  nearby  town  safely  away  Duterte  blamed  the  prob-
            generally calm on Friday, vol-  risk  villages  in  the  lakeside  “But here, just one sick per-  from  the  restive  volcano  lems  on  wealthy  Western
            canologists said.            towns  of  Laurel  and  Agon-  son can infect all of us. Both  could  accommodate  up  to  countries  cornering  vaccines
                                         cillo.                       are dangerous choices.”      12,000  displaced  Agoncillo  for  their  own  citizens,  leav-
            Level  three  means  “magma                                                            residents  in  pre-pandemic  ing poorer countries like the
            is near or at the surface, and  More than 14,000 people may  Reyes,  who  washes  laun-  times but could only shelter  Philippines behind.
            activity  could  lead  to  haz-  have to be moved temporar-  dry  and  has  four  children,  half  of  that  now.  A  laidback
            ardous  eruption  in  weeks,”  ily  away  from  the  volcano,  wept  in  desperation  as  she  town  of  more  than  40,000  The  1,020-foot  (311-me-
            according  to  the  Philippine  said Mark Timbal, a spokes-  said  she  and  her  husband,  a  people,  Agoncillo  has  re-  ter) Taal, one of the world’s
            Institute  of  Volcanology  and  man  for  the  government’s  corn farmer, wanted to leave  ported  more  than  170  CO-  smallest  volcanoes,  erupted
            Seismology. Level five means  disaster-response agency.   the  evacuation  camp  for  a  VID-19 cases but only about  in  January  last  year,  displac-
            a life-threatening eruption is                            friend’s  house  in  northern  a dozen remain ill. At least 11  ing  hundreds  of  thousands
            occurring  that  could  endan-  Town   officials,   however,  Nueva  Ecija  province  but  residents have died, he said.  of people and sending clouds
            ger communities.             faced  an  extra  predicament  lamented  they  did  not  have                          of  ash  to  Manila,  about  65
                                         of ensuring emergency shel-  money for the bus fare.      The  Philippines  is  a  COV-  kilometers  (40  miles)  to  the
            The  agency  asked  people  to  ters, usually school buildings,                        ID-19  hotspot  in  Asia,  with  north,  where  the  main  air-
            stay away from a small island  basketball  gymnasiums  and  Most evacuation camps have  more  than  1.3  million  con-  port  was  temporarily  shut
            in a scenic lake where Taal sits  even Roman Catholic church  set up isolation areas in case  firmed cases.         down.

                                    Ethiopia denies trying to 'suffocate' Tigray region

            (AP) — Ethiopia’s govern-    forces  from  the  neighbor-  field  operations  with  Medi-  destroyed, at least 3,800 met-  sumes  basic  services  before
            ment  on  Friday  rejected  ing  Amhara  region  were  to  cal Teams International, told  ric  tons  of  food  had  been  any talks.
            accusations that it’s trying  blame.  Amhara  authorities  The Associated Press.       blocked  from  reaching  parts
            to  “suffocate”  the  people  have  occupied  western  Ti-                             of  western  Tigray,  WFP  The security situation in Ti-
            of Tigray by denying them  gray and forced out hundreds  Sandberg  said  area  residents  emergency coordinator Tom-  gray was generally calm after
            urgently needed food and  of  thousands  of  ethnic  Ti-  also told him that there was  my  Thompson  told  report-  the retreat of Ethiopian forc-
            other aid, as transport and  grayans.                     no other way to cross, while  ers  in  Geneva.  He  warned  es  and  those  of  neighboring
            communications links re-                                  Tigray  forces  conveyed  to  that  “more  people  will  die”  Eritrea,  who  have  been  ac-
            mained severed to the re-    Ethiopia’s      government  him  that  they  wouldn’t  ob-  if  access  doesn’t  materialize,  cused  by  witnesses  of  some
            gion that faces the world’s  blamed Tigray forces for the  struct NGO access to the re-  but added that an air bridge  of the worst atrocities in the
            worst  famine  crisis  in  a  bridge’s  destruction.  But  an  gion.                   might  be  set  up  in  coming  war. Officials with Eritrea, an
            decade.                      aid  worker  who  travelled  to                           days.                        enemy of Tigray leaders after
                                         the site said area residents de-  In  a  stunning  turn  earlier                       a 1998-2000 war along their
            Foreign  Minister  Demeke  scribed to him how they saw  this  week,  Ethiopia  declared  The U.N. agency said trucks  border,  have  not  responded
            Mekonnen  spoke  to  report-  Amhara  special  forces  plac-  a unilateral cease-fire on hu-  are  loaded  and  ready  to  re-  to requests for comment.
            ers a day after a bridge that’s  ing objects on the bridge and  manitarian grounds while re-  plenish  its  nearly-exhausted
            crucial for accessing much of  driving  away  after  the  blast.  treating  from  Tigray  forces.  food  stocks  inside  Tigray,  Amhara   authorities   have
            the region of 6 million people  “They  still  seemed  in  shock  But  the  government  faces  where  5.2  million  people  warned Tigray forces against
            was destroyed and the United  at what had happened,” Rog-  growing  international  pres-  need  emergency  food  aid.  trying  to  retake  the  region’s
            Nations indicated that special  er Sandberg, vice president of  sure as it continues to cut off  “We’ll be out of food in the  western  areas.  But  the  Ti-
                                                                      the  region  from  the  rest  of  northwest by this weekend,”  gray  forces  spokesman  told
                                                                      the  world.  Aid  workers  say  Thompson said.            the AP this week they would
                                                                      fuel  and  other  supplies  are                           “liberate”  the  region  from
                                                                      running low.                 Ethiopia’s  foreign  minister  “enemies,” and thousands of
                                                                                                   said  the  government  has  a  fighters  were  seen  heading
                                                                      In  a  strikingly  outspoken  roadmap  for  dialogue  to  re-  west.
                                                                      statement,  the  World  Food  solve  the  Tigray  crisis  that’s
                                                                      Program  said  on  Friday  that  expected  to  include  “rank  Ethiopia’s  government  has
                                                                      a  second  key  bridge  leading  and  file  members  of  the  said  the  cease-fire  will  last
                                                                      into  Tigray  was  destroyed  (Tigray  People’s  Liberation  only  until  the  crucial  farm-
                                                                      on Thursday, while no WFP  Front)  who  show  readiness  ing season in Tigray is over,
                                                                      flights  bringing  in  U.N.  or  to  choose  a  peaceful  path.”  meaning September. But the
                                                                      other aid workers have been  But  Tigray  forces,  recently  WFP  said  farmers  have  al-
                                                                      allowed  by  Ethiopia  since  designated  by  Ethiopia  as  a  ready missed the peak plant-
                                                                      June 22.                     terrorist  group,  now  control  ing month of June because of
                                                                                                   most of the region and have  seed and fertilizer shortages.
                                                                      Even before the bridges were  demanded  that  Ethiopia  re-
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