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Friday 3 February 2023
Biden approval steady after document discovery: AP-NORC Poll
Continued from Front old Republican from New
Brunswick, New Jersey, said
Biden, who will address a it seems like the same prob-
joint session of Congress in lem to him, but Trump and
his State of the Union ad- Biden are being treated
dress next week, needs all very differently.
the support he can muster “I think it looks worse for Joe
as he strategizes his expect- Biden. He went on the news
ed reelection campaign, and said he’d always com-
and has been working to ply with the FBI and then
focus voters on his agenda later they discovered he
and big legislative wins in- had documents, too.”
stead of the documents Most Americans have paid
flap. at least some attention to
Biden’s attorneys discov- the ongoing investigation
ered classified items in a into classified documents,
locked closet in November, but they’re not necessarily
as they cleared out his of- following it closely. The poll
fice at the Penn Biden Cent- shows that 28% say they’ve
er, a think tank where he read or heard a lot about
briefly worked after he left the situation, while anoth-
government. The records er 35% say they’ve heard
were turned over to Justice some about it but not a
Department officials. The President Joe Biden talks with reporters after speaking in the East Room of the White House in lot. An additional 37% say
discovery touched off a Washington, Jan 20, 2023. they’ve heard little or noth-
special counsel investiga- Associated Press ing about it.
tion and additional docu- On Wednesday, the FBI
ments have turned up at ion either way. den, they understand.” do not feel like any offi- searched Biden’s home
his home in Wilmington, A majority of Republicans, In follow-up interviews, cial should have classified in Rehoboth Beach, Dela-
Delaware, in searches by 68%, say they disapprove, some poll respondents said documents in their posses- ware, but did not find any
his lawyers and by the FBI. with 6% saying they ap- they distinguish between Bi- sion, especially at personal classified documents there,
Agents also searched Bi- prove and 24% expressing den voluntarily turning over residences. It does make according to his personal
den’s vacation home in Re- no opinion either way. Re- documents and the be- you wonder why they have attorney. The Bidens pur-
hoboth Beach, Delaware, publicans are also some- havior of former President these documents at their chased that home, which
and his former office at the what more likely than Dem- Donald Trump, who refused residences.” overlooks a state park ad-
Penn Biden Center. ocrats to say they’ve heard to hand over hundreds of Trump is facing a special jacent to the beach, in
More people disapprove at least some about the documents, prompting counsel investigation into June 2017, months after he
than approve of his han- situation, 71% to 63%. the FBI to raid his home. his retention of several hun- left the vice presidency.
dling of situation since the “To me, it seems like he’s Still, many are troubled dred classified documents Agents did take some
classified documents were doing the right things, and that leaders can’t seem to and other government handwritten notes and
found, 39% to 23%, An- this happens, people have properly handle sensitive records at his Mar-a-Lago other materials relating to
other 36% say they neither these documents, Trump information. estate in Florida — and his Biden’s time as vice presi-
approve nor disapprove. and now Mike Pence, too,” “I feel like it is a big prob- resistance to giving them dent for review, just as they
Democrats are more likely said Candace Porth, 72, of lem in general,” said Jenifer up, which led to an FBI war- did last month when they
to approve than disap- Phoenix, a Biden supporter. Hudgins, 36, of Gadsden, rant and nighttime search searched his Wilmington
prove, 44% to 15%, with 40% “It happens. I think people Alabama, a Democrat to seize them last August. home, where they also
saying they have no opin- who are supportive of Bi- who voted for Biden. “I Banty Patel, a 46-year- found classified items.q
Phil’s Groundhog Day prediction: 6
more weeks of winter
ebration. People gathered The gathering annually at- lost because no records
Thursday at Gobbler's Knob tracts thousands. were kept, organizers said.
as members of Punxsutaw- The National Oceanic and The 2021 and 2022 fore-
ney Phil's "inner circle" sum- Atmospheric Administra- casts also called for six
moned the groundhog tion compared Punxsutaw- more weeks of winter.
from his tree stump at dawn ney Phil's forecast to the While Punxsutawney Phil
to learn if he has seen his national weather the last may be the most famous
shadow — and they say he 10 years and found "on groundhog seer, he's cer-
did. According to folklore, average, Phil has gotten it tainly not the only one.
if he sees his shadow there right 40% of the time." New York City's Staten Is-
Groundhog Club handler A.J. Dereume holds Punxsutawney Phil, will be six more weeks of This year, Phil's prediction land Chuck made his pre-
the weather prognosticating groundhog, while Vice President winter. If he doesn't, spring came during a week when diction for an early spring
Dan McGinley reads the scroll during the 137th celebration comes early. a mess of ice, sleet and during an event Thursday
of Groundhog Day on Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa.,
Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023. The annual event in Punx- snow has lingered across at the Staten Island Zoo.
Associated Press sutawney, about 65 miles much of the southern U.S. Phil and Chuck are among
(105 kilometers) northeast According to records dat- a broad selection of ro-
PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (AP) predicted six more weeks of Pittsburgh, originated ing back to 1887, Phil has dents that purportedly pre-
— A furry critter in a west- of winter during an an- from a German legend predicted winter more than dict weather.q
ern Pennsylvania town has nual Groundhog Day cel- about a furry rodent. 100 times. Ten years were