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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 3 February 2023
            Joe Biden, Bill Clinton mark 3 decades of family leave act

            By AAMER MADHANI                                                                                                    the  program  would  cost
            Associated Press                                                                                                    more than $225 billion over
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            a decade.
            dent  Joe  Biden  is  playing                                                                                       Paid  family  leave  didn’t
            host to former President Bill                                                                                       make  it  into  the  slimmed-
            Clinton to mark the 30th an-                                                                                        down  climate  and  health
            niversary of the Family and                                                                                         care  legislation  that  Biden
            Medical Leave Act, the first                                                                                        signed into law in August.
            piece of legislation that the                                                                                       A group of Democratic law-
            42nd  president  signed  into                                                                                       makers  have  announced
            law  after  taking  office  in                                                                                      they  were  reintroducing
            1993. Biden and Clinton will                                                                                        legislation to establish paid
            take part in an event Thurs-                                                                                        family leave and other up-
            day at the White House to                                                                                           dates to the law. But pass-
            put the spotlight on legisla-                                                                                       ing  legislation  to  establish
            tion that guaranteed many                                                                                           paid  leave  program  will
            American  workers  up  to                                                                                           be an uphill climb for Biden
            12 unpaid weeks off to re-                                                                                          with  Republicans  now  in
            cover  from  major  illness  or                                                                                     control  of  the  House.  Sen.
            childbirth or to take care of                                                                                       Kirsten  Gillibrand,  D-NY,
            sick  family  members.  Clin-                                                                                       who  has  been  pushing  for
            ton signed the bill into law                                                                                        updating  the  federal  law,
            on Feb. 5, 1993.                                                                                                    said  that  she’s  engaged
            Biden  championed  but       President Bill Clinton reaches for a pen as he signs the Family Leave Bill into law during a ceremony   Republican   lawmakers
            failed  to  win  support  for   in the Rose Garden in Washington, Feb. 5, 1993.                    Associated Press   on  the  issue.  “We  are  go-
            paid  leave  for  workers                                                                                           ing  to  find  what  common
            in  2021.  On  Thursday,  he  recommendations  on  de-    millions of Americans,” said  workers  up  to  12  weeks  ground  exists  in  both  the
            signed  a  memorandum  veloping policies so workers  Jen Klein, the White House  of  paid  parental,  family  House and Senate and see
            that calls on heads of fed-  can  get  paid  and  unpaid  director  of  gender  policy.  and  personal  illness  leave  if  there’s  some  measure
            eral  agencies  to  support  leave  to  seek  safety  or  re-  “The  president  will  recog-  and  to  ensure  workers  get  of paid leave that can be
            access  to  unpaid  family  cover  from  domestic  vio-   nize the work that remains  three days of bereavement  done  with  the  Republican
            and medical leave for fed-   lence, dating violence, sex-  to  be  done  to  support  leave per year as part of a  House,” she said.
            eral workers in their first year  ual assault or stalking. Such  workers  including  by  reaf-  massive  $3.5  trillion  social  “I’m  optimistic  that  there’s
            on  the  job.  Workers  aren’t  situations  are  not  covered  firming  this  administration’s  spending plan.      something  we  can  do  to-
            entitled  to  unpaid  leave  by the family leave law.     commitment  to  passing  a  His  plan  called  for  provid-  gether.  I  just  don’t  know
            under the law until they’ve  “This event is a moment to  national  paid  family  and  ing  workers  up  to  $4,000  what it is yet.”
            been employed for a year.    recognize  the  difference  medical leave program.”       a  month,  with  a  minimum  The  current  federal  leave
            The president is also direct-  that  the  Family  and  Medi-  Early  in  2021,  Biden  pro-  of  two-thirds  of  average  law  doesn’t  apply  to  a
            ing the Office of Personnel  cal  Leave  Act  has  made  posed  vastly  expanding  weekly  wages  replaced.  huge swath of the U.S. work
            Management  to  provide  and continues to make for  the family leave law to give  The White House estimated  force. q

            First sweeping federal gun crime report in 20 years released

             By LINDSAY WHITEHURST       Much of the data from the  police  and  policy  makers  guns that police recovered  of  stolen  guns:  more  than
             Associated Press            Bureau  of  Alcohol,  Tobac-  reduce  gun  violence,  said  in crime scenes in 2021 had  1.07  million  firearms  were
             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  co, Firearms and Explosives  Director  Steve  Dettelbach.  been     purchased    within  reported  stolen  between
             most expansive federal re-  report  hasn’t  been  widely  “Information  is  power,”  he  three years, a double-digit  2017 and 2021. Almost all of
             port  in  over  two  decades  available  before,  and  its  said.                     increase  since  2019.  The  those,  96%,  were  from  pri-
             on  guns  and  crime  shows  release is aimed at helping  The  report  shows  54%  of  quicker turnaround can in-  vate individuals.
             a   shrinking   turnaround                                                            dicate illegal gun trafficking  Meanwhile, the report also
             between  the  time  a  gun                                                            or a straw purchase  when  documents  a  more  than
             was  purchased  and  when                                                             someone  who  can  legally  five-fold  increase  in  the
             it  was  recovered  from  a                                                           purchase  a  gun  buys  one  number  of  devices  that
             crime  scene,  indicating                                                             to  sell  it  to  someone  who  convert a legal semi-auto-
             firearms bought legally are                                                           can’t  legally  possess  guns.  matic weapon into an ille-
             more quickly being used in                                                            The  increase  was  driven  gal fully automatic one. Be-
             crimes around the country.                                                            largely by guns bought less  tween  2012  and  2016,  the
             It  also  documents  a  spike                                                         than a year before, it said.  ATF retrieved 814 of those,
             in  the  use  of  conversion                                                          The  number  of  new  guns  but that number jumped to
             devices that make a semi-                                                             overall in the U.S. grew sig-  5,414  during  the  five-year
             automatic  gun  fire  like  a                                                         nificantly  during  that  time  period documented in the
             machine  gun,  along  with                                                            as  gun  sales  shattered  re-  report.
             the  growing  seizure  of  so-                                                        cords during the coronavi-   A  conversion  device  was
             called ghost guns, private-                                                           rus pandemic.                used  in  a  mass  shooting
             ly  made  firearms  that  are                                                         Most  guns  used  in  crimes  that  left  six  people  dead
             hard to trace.                                                                        changed hands since their  and 12 wounded in Sacra-
             The  report  comes  as  the   President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol,   purchase, the report states.  mento last April in what of-
                                         Tobacco,  Firearms  and  Explosives,  Steve  Dettelbach  speaks
             nation grapples with a rise   during  an  event  in  the  Rose  Garden  of  the  White  House  in   It  also  found  what  Deputy  ficers described as a shoot-
             in violent crime, particularly  Washington, April 11, 2022.                           Attorney  General  Lisa  Mo-  out between rival gangs.q
             from guns.                                                           Associated Press  naco  called  an  epidemic
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