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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Friday 3 February 2023

            Frustrated Texans endure winter storm with no power, heat

            By PAUL J. WEBER and                                                                                                of  this  storm,  it  has  proven
            KEN MILLER                                                                                                          very challenging.”
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Unlike  the  2021  blackouts
            AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Thou-                                                                                          in  Texas,  when  hundreds
            sands  of  frustrated  Texans                                                                                       of  people  died  after  the
            shivered  in  their  homes                                                                                          state’s  grid  was  pushed  to
            Thursday after more than a                                                                                          the brink of total failure be-
            day without power, includ-                                                                                          cause of a lack of genera-
            ing many in the state capi-                                                                                         tion,  the  outages  in  Austin
            tal,  as  an  icy  winter  storm                                                                                    this  time  were  largely  the
            that  has  been  blamed  for                                                                                        result  of  frozen  equipment
            at least 10 traffic deaths lin-                                                                                     and  ice-burdened  trees
            gered  across  much  of  the                                                                                        and limbs falling on power
            southern U.S.                                                                                                       lines.
            A  warming  trend  was  ex-                                                                                         The  city’s  utility  warned  all
            pected to bring some relief                                                                                         power may not be restored
            later  Thursday    just  in  time                                                                                   until  Friday  as  ice  contin-
            for  an  Arctic  front  to  drop                                                                                    ued causing outages even
            from  Canada  and  threat-                                                                                          as  repairs  were  finished
            en  northern  states,  and                                                                                          elsewhere.
            in  particular  those  in  New                                                                                      “It  feels  like  two  steps  for-
            England,  with  the  coldest                                                                                        ward  and  three  steps
            weather in decades. Wind                                                                                            back,” said Jackie Sargent,
            chills could dive lower than   Icicles hang from the Angelina Eberly statue in downtown Austin, Texas, during a winter storm on   general manager of Austin
            minus 50 (minus 45 Celsius).  Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023.                                                              Energy.
            Across  Texas,  430,000  cus-                                                                      Associated Press   School systems in the Dallas
            tomers lacked power Thurs-   tomers in the city of nearly  gressive  in  their  communi-  news conference Thursday,  and Austin area, plus many
            day,  according  to  Power-  a million at any given time  cations,” Rizzolo said.      said city officials will review  in   Oklahoma,   Arkansas
    But  the  failures  since Wednesday.          For many Texans, it was the  their  communication  pro-   and  Memphis,  Tennessee,
            were  most  widespread  in  Allison  Rizzolo,  who  lost  second time in three years  tocols in future disasters.   closed  Thursday  as  snow,
            Austin,  where  frustration  power in Austin, told KEYE-  that  a  February  freeze  “I  know  that  top  of  mind  sleet and freezing rain con-

            mounted     among     more  TV  that  she  wished  there  temperatures  were  in  the  for  everyone  is  restoring  tinued to push through.
            than  156,000  customers  were more clarity from the  30s Thursday with wind chills  power  to  each  and  every  Public transportation in Dal-
            over  24  hours  after  their  city  on  what  to  do  or  ex-  below  freezing    caused  home, and crews are work-  las  also  experienced  “ma-
            electricity  went  out,  which  pect.  “I  get  that  there’s  prolonged  outages  and  ing even as we speak and  jor  delays”  early  Thursday,
            for  many  also  meant  their  a  fine  line  between  pre-  uncertainty over when the  have  through  the  night,”  according  to  a  statement
            heat.  Power  failures  have  paredness and panic, but I  lights would come back on.   the  mayor  said.  “Because  from  Dallas  Area  Rapid
            affected about 30% of cus-   wish they’d been more ag-    Mayor  Kirk  Watson,  at  a  of  the  length  and  nature  Transit.q

             Hawaii whale dies with fishing nets, plastic bags in stomach

             By AUDREY McAVOY            “The presence of undigest-   The  whale’s  stomach  con-  beaks, fish skeleton and re-  tic  pollution  is  produced
             Associated Press            ed fish and squid lends fur-  tained  six  hagfish  traps,  mains  of  other  prey  in  the  around  Earth  each  year
             HONOLULU (AP) — A whale  ther  evidence  of  a  block-   seven  types  of  fishing  net,  whale’s stomach.         and about a quarter of that
             that washed ashore in Ha-   age,”  she  said  in  a  news  two  types  of  plastic  bags,  It’s  the  first  known  case  of  ends up around the water.
             waii  over  the  weekend  release  from  the  Hawaii  a light protector, fishing line  a  sperm  whale  in  Hawaii  Marine  debris  harms  nu-
             likely died in part because  Department  of  Land  and  and a float from a net. Re-   waters ingesting discarded  merous species.
             it ate large volumes of fish-  Natural Resources.        searchers also found squid  fishing gear, West said.      Seabirds  can  ingest  as
             ing traps, fishing nets, plas-                                                        The    whale’s    stomach  much  as  8%  of  their  body
             tic bags and other marine                                                             was  so  large  West’s  team  weight  in  plastic.  Endan-
             debris, scientists said Thurs-                                                        wasn’t  able  to  examine  it  gered   Hawaiian   monk
             day, highlighting the threat                                                          completely.  They  suspect  seals and green sea turtles
             to  wildlife  from  the  millions                                                     there  was  more  material  can  get  caught  in  plastic
             of tons of plastic that ends                                                          they  weren’t  able  to  re-  nets  and  die.  Sharks  and
             up in oceans every year.                                                              cover.                       other  apex  predators  eat
             The  body  of  the  56-                                                               Researchers found nothing  smaller fish that feed on mi-
             foot   (17-meter)    long,                                                            wrong  with  other  organs  croplastic, which can then
             120,000-pound (54,431-kilo-                                                           they  examined.  They  col-  endanger their own health.
             gram)  animal  was  first  no-                                                        lected  samples  to  screen  In  addition  to  eating  plas-
             ticed on a reef off Kauai on                                                          for  disease  and  conduct  tics,   large   whales   are
             Friday. High tide brought it                                                          other follow-up tests.       harmed  when  they  be-
             ashore on Saturday.                                                                   Sperm whales travel across  come  entangled  in  fishing
             Kristi  West,  the  director  of                                                      thousands  of  miles  in  the  gear  or  other  ropes  in  the
             the  University  of  Hawaii’s                                                         ocean  so  it’s  not  clear  ocean.
             Health  and  Stranding  Lab,   This  photo  released  by  the  Hawaii  Department  of  Land  and   where  the  debris  came  The  drag  from  debris  can
             said  there  were  enough   Natural Resources shows debris found in a dead sperm whale   from.                     force  whales  to  use  more
             foreign objects in the open-  at Lydgate Beach in Kauai County, Hawaii on Wednesday, Feb.   Scientists  say  that  more  energy to swim and make
             ing of the whale’s intestinal  1, 2023.                                               than  35  million  tons  (31.9  it  harder  for  them  to  eat,
             tract to block food.                                                 Associated Press   million metric tons) of plas-  causing starvation.q
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