Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11
local Tuesday 7 January 2025
Aruban snacks and where to find them
fried snack with typically a meat dos are commonly found in snack
and dough mix filling. The Aruban shops too. You may find some ba-
kroket is based on its Dutch coun- tido shops next the flee markets
terpart, the “bitterbal”. downtown, or if you’re on your way
to San Nicolas, at Mauchi Smooth-
These two snacks are typically ies and Juice Bar.
found in all local snack trucks,
which can be found all over the If you are looking for something a
island, including on the side of the bit more fresh and healthy, why not
ORANJESTAD — Want to taste main road that stretches from San try some coconuts, or shaved ice delights, like the beloved coconut-
based dessert “cocada” or pea-
something different for a change? Nicolas to the Hotel Area. You can from local vendors? These vendors nuts. All in all, in Aruba, you can
How about some Aruban snacks also find pastechis and krokets at carry their little shop at the back of always find some place to take a
that you can find all around the is- local bakeries and snack shops, their truck, so they are ever-mov- break and have a bite of some-
land? Hop in your car, and go to like Bright Bakery in Piedra Plat, ing around the island. However,
these locations to find some of the Huchada in Santa Cruz or Paste- there are a few spots where you thing local!q
most popular and tasty snacks that chi House in the city center. These can almost always find a coconut/ Photo credit:
are beloved by our locals. places may also sell other snacks shaved ice vendor:
and sandwiches too, perfect for 1. Right next to the Red Anchor
One of the staples of Aruban cui- on-the-road lunch break. in San Nicolas, on the way to
sine and snacks is the Pastechi. Baby Beach.
Pastechi is a Caribbean fried pas- While you’re at it, why not accom- 2. Along the main road next to
try that is filled with cheese, meat, pany your snack with a refreshing the airport runway.
chicken, veggies and sometimes “batido”? Batidos are fruit shakes, 3. At the California Light House.
even fish! Or perhaps you might typically made with added milk for 4. At the Alto Vista Chapel.
want to try a croquette, locally some creaminess. However, you
called a “kroket,” which is a crusty can also ask to hold the milk. Bati- These vendors may also sell other
Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!
(Oranjestad)—Located in have survived eras of war That’s right, the iconic Willem III Toren, Fort Zout- the site into the Historic Mu-
the middle of downtown and attempted disman- 5-story, squared tower was man had a more tumul- seum it currently is.
Oranjestad, situated right tling. not part of the original tuous past, including the Despite its small size, The
next to the government structure of the fort, and on-and-off reception of Historic Museum guards a
building “Cocolishi”, is one When anyone refers to Fort is actually called “Willem unwanted members of the rich depository of the com-
of the oldest buildings of Zoutman, they are actu- III Toren”. Constructed in English military several times mercial, military and social
Aruba: Fort Zoutman. First ally referring to two sepa- 1867, this tower was named (The Netherlands was at history of Oranjestad, offer-
constructed in 1796, this rate buildings that, over the after the then-reigning king constant war with England ing a glance into how the
site has been used (or left years, have been merged: of The Netherlands, Willem back in the colonial era). social culture of the town
unused) in many ways and the fort and the tower. III. Willem III Toren was origi- came to be. If you are in-
nally a light tower, but after Over the years, both the terested in history and want
a request from Lieutenant fort and the tower had to learn more about Aruba,
Governor Jan Helenus in functioned as different then Fort Zoutman should
1866, it also became a bell government center points, definitely be included into
tower. including a tax and stamps your itinerary.
office. For some time these
The fort itself was originally two buildings also housed The museum is open Mon-
constructed to protect a police precinct and jail, day to Friday from 9am-
the commerce bay of and even experienced 6pm, and Saturday from
Paardenbaai from pirates abandonment until the Cul- 10am-2pm.q
and other disreputable tural Center Aruba Founda-
characters roaming the tion (CCA) petitioned for its Source: The Old Fort of Aruba
Caribbean Sea. Unlike the renovation in 1964, turning by Jan Hartog.