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                                                                                                           local Friday 3 May 2024

            One Love Foundation and Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort Host Successful

            3rd Annual Charity Dog Walk & Run, Raising Over $22,000

            The  3rd  Annual  1-Mile  and  5-KM                                                                         and neutering are vital in effectively
            Charity  Dog  Walk/Run,  organized                                                                          and  compassionately  managing
            by One Love Foundation and Bucuti                                                                           the stray population, which in turn
            & Tara Beach Resort, marked a re-                                                                           supports rescue organizations and
            sounding success, drawing nearly                                                                            improves  the  overall  health  and
            200  participants  and  their  furry                                                                        quality of life for animals. These ef-
            friends on King’s Day at Eagle Kids                                                                         forts lead to fewer animals suffering
            Park. The event raised over $22,000                                                                         in the streets, higher adoption rates,
            for Stimami Sterilisami Foundation's                                                                        and a more balanced and compas-
            national spay and neuter program.                                                                           sionate community.

            The morning kicked off with an ener-                                                                        FUNDASHON STIMAMI STERILISAMI
            gizing stretching session led by Zoe                                                                        Founded in 2016 by Bucuti & Tara
            Loefstok,  founder  of  Beach  Yoga                                                                         Beach Resort, the Stimami Sterilisami
            Aruba,  setting  a  positive  tone  for  Additionally,  their  contribution  of  and  Aruba  Water  bottles  for  pet  Foundation  continues  to  lead  af-
            the day. Participants then took to  wonderful  gift  baskets  for  partici-  owners.                        fordable and accessible spay and
            the  paths  along  the  scenic  Eagle  pants greatly enhanced the expe-  -  EMCO:  For  generously  providing  neuter initiatives, playing a critical
            Beach, walking or running the desig-  rience for all participants. - Bucuti  volunteer shirts for the event. - Zoe  role in addressing the population of
            nated 1-mile and 5-kilometer cours-  & Tara Beach Resort: As the initiator  Loefstok from Beach Yoga Aruba:  stray animals in Aruba. This event not
            es with their furry friends.        and largest funder of the Stimami  For leading the pre-event stretch-   only raised significant funds but also
                                                Sterilisami  program,  the  resort  has  ing session.                   heightened awareness of the impor-
            The day concluded with prizes and  played a crucial role as a co-host  - Damaris Ridderstap from the Lanta  tance of these efforts.
            raffles, adding excitement and re-  and main organizer of the event. Ev-  'Riba radio show on Power101.7 FM:
            warding participants for their con-  ery year, they match all funds raised  For her excellent MC skills and gen-  As  a  non-profit  organization  dedi-
            tributions.  Prizes  were  generously  by One Love Foundation, and this  erously donating her time.         cated  to  animal  welfare,  Stimami
            provided by Purina & Compra and  year was no exception, bringing the                                        Sterilisami Foundation ensures that
            One Love Foundation for:            grand total raised during this event  Stimami  Sterilisami  is  immensely  100% of each donation is judiciously
            - Best Royal Costume: Celebrating  to $22,000 thanks to their generous  grateful  to  Sgt.  Peppers  Friends,  utilized to subsidize sterilization costs
            a pup and its owner’s creative cos-  donation. Their ongoing support and  Luna Foundation, Criojio Trappers,  for the general public and rescue or-
            tumes in honor of Dutch culture or  pivotal role in managing the logis-  Animal Relief Foundation, New Life  ganizations. We maintain transpar-
            royalty.                            tics and facilitating volunteers were  for  Paws,  and  United  Dogs,  who  ency and accountability, with our
            - Best Rescue Hero Story: Recogniz-  instrumental in ensuring the event's  brought pups to the event who were  financial records being audited and
            ing  three  heartwarming  adoption  success.                            ready for adoption. Their participa-  open to the public. q
            stories that underscored the positive                                   tion, along with the overwhelming
            impact of rescuing animals.         - Elite Productions & Entertainment:  enthusiasm  from  attendees  who  For  those  inspired  to  support  our
                                                Special thanks to Managing Direc-   registered to walk a rescue dog, was  cause, donations can be made di-
            Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to  tor,  Krish  Mahtani,  for  generously  crucial to the event's success. It was  rectly to our bank account:
            the  following  key  organizers  and  providing  the  sound  system,  truss,  truly heartwarming to witness par-  Donation Details:
            supporters:  -  One  Love  Founda-  and staff for event support.        ticipants teaming up with volunteers  - Bank: Aruba Bank
            tion:  For  three  consecutive  years,  -  Compra  &  Purina:  For  their  sup-  from  these  organizations,  sharing  - Account Number: 6012630190
            they have been the creative force  port  and  generous  donations  of  stories of the pups on social media—  - Account Name: FUNDASHON STI-
            behind  hosting  the  charity  walk/  Purina gift baskets, AGAME hydra-  a gesture that greatly enhances the  MAMI STERILISAMI
            run to support this vital cause. This  tion drinks, and Tropic Ale bananas.  animals' chances of finding loving,  - Swift Code: ARUBAWAX
            year,  they  achieved  their  highest  -  Tara  Eco  Supplies:  For  supply-  forever homes.                FUNDASHON STIMAMI STERILISAMI
            fundraising milestone yet, raising an  ing compostable cups and bowls,                            
            impressive $11,000.                 which were perfectly utilized as in-  Stimami Sterilisami’s program is es-  Aruba Bank 6012630190
                                                dividual water stations for the pups,  pecially important because spaying  KVK: S1744.0

            Feeling parched? Grab refreshment by the side of the road!

            (Oranjestad)—Touring  the  island  in  the  blister-
            ing  heat  can  leave  one  feeling  rather  thirsty
            and looking to cool off. Luckily there are a few
            stands along the roads of Aruba that can offer
            you just what you need: a nice, refreshing bev-

            These “coconut stands” can be found at sever-
            al locations on the island, where you can cool
            off with delicious smoothies, drinks, snacks, and
            of course, fresh coconuts! Perfect during family
            outings around the island, these stands can be
            found in the following locations:
            -       Near the red Anchor in San Nicolas
            -       On the Linear Park in Oranjestad (in front
            of airport runway)
            -       At the California Light House hill
            -       Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruin
            -       Bushiribana  Beach  (Near  the  Ling  &
            Song Supermarket) q
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