Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

Friday 3 May 2024 LOCAL

            Aruba’s most family-friendly beaches

            (Oranjestad)—One of the big-  atmosphere, there are also  belongings. In this area, the
            gest concerns that parents  several services that may ac-  shore is also shallow, falling
            have when travelling with their  commodate your stay, like  right around your knee before
            children is a guarantee of their  a parking lot, sun tent rent-  slowly getting deeper: perfect
            safety and healthy enjoyment.  als, chairs, bathrooms and a  for kids to safely play.
            Therefore, we thought it would  snack bar right at the far left                        Baby Beach, these sites are  of the best places to snorkel,
            be a great help to travelling  of the beach.              Eagle Beach/Palm Beach in  one of the best beaches for  as this area is filled with little
            parents to list off some the                              the hotel area               your children to play and build  fish and corals, even close
            most family-friendly beaches  Mangel Halto in Pos Chiquito  Yet another highly popular  sand castles.               to the shore.
            around the island.           Mangel Halto is situated in  beach site, Eagle Beach and
                                         the back streets of the Pos  Palm Beach is where most of  Boca Catalina in Malmok      Palm Island
            Baby Beach in San Nicolas    Chiquito city. Though there  our visitors go to tan, swim  Boca Catalina is a small bay  Ok, this one is technically not a
            Baby Beach is one Aruba’s  are several stairs on the sides  or  play  in  the  white  sand.  beach  near  the  Malmok  beach, but a must-visit attrac-
            most  popular  and  visited  of the beach cliff leading you  Because they are near the  beach  area  further  down  tion for family fun. This small
            beaches,  and  for  good  down, the best spot for fami-   low-rise and high-rise hotel  the  hotel  areas.  Though  it  water park oasis is located
            reason: This sandy and quiet  lies to hang out is across the  areas,  these  beaches  are  may  not  be  a  very  sandy  further down the Mangel Halto
            lagoon is a great place for  bridge, passed the mangrove  the most accessible for visi-  beach,  it  is  relatively  quiet  Beach and is reachable by
            parents to sit back and re-  trees near the entrance sign.  tors on foot. These beaches  and tranquil. This is a great  boat. This water park offers 6
            lax while their children play  Here, there are small and big  also offer many palapas free  place for family to lay down  hours of fun activities, food,
            in the shallow shores of the  palapas, perfect for big and  to use, but you can also rent  a  big  blanket  and  have  a  drinks, and a chance to see
            beach. Beside the relaxing  small families to set up their  chairs and tents. Much like  little picnic. This is also one  pink flamingoes up close! q

            Episode CXXIII- 123 - Cultural legacy

            NOORD — On the American  is no common religion or spiri-
            continent, from Alaska to Tier-  tual life. There are no sacred
            ra del Fuego we will find many  texts or a mythology that all
            different native cultures that  tribes believe in. However, in
            structured their economy in  the particular mythology of
            hunting, fishing and agricul-  each tribe there is always a
            ture that are deeply relating  Great Spirit, a greater god.
            to the natural survival envi-  There is also the belief that
            ronment and totally related  the earth’s natural resources
            with their spiritual world.  should be used and that, if
                                         possible,  something  should
            Within this context, we know  be given in exchange or re-
            that the vocabulary of all in-  turn for these. Furthermore,
            digenous languages lacks a  the  spiritual  leaders  of  the  whites to take advantage of  vision and will not be able   sociological aspects of inter-
            word that means “religion”:  tribe  (mistakenly  called  by  the knowledge of these tribes,  to live the ancestral feeling   preting native stories. Etnia
            their  beliefs  and  spirituality  the white “shamans”) were  since  before  oral  tradition  and connection.       Nativa is rife with poignant
            were  so  intrinsically  linked  believed to be capable of  could  be  part  of  the  Intel-                        and  original  observations
            to everything that these in-  communicating with the spirit  lectual Property Law; some  Symbolism, folk rites, and tribal   and is an essential tour for
            digenous people did, (be it  world.                       American  companies  had  customs, and designs are a      anyone interested in islands
            economic, political, artistic,                            used medicinal and botani-   native way of life. Thieves of   Native American cultures and
            etc.) a term that was not nec-  Although  writing  systems  cal knowledge of indigenous  land, language, cultural iden-  legacies.
            essary to designate them.    existed before the arrival of  people to obtain economic  tity and spiritual values are   Aruba should speak; the result
            Native culture is the result of  the colonists, the indigenous  benefit by becoming expro-  still going on in to our days.  could free the mind.
            the raw material available,  people did not put their his-  priators of tribal authors of the  Etnia Nativa is a tour de force
            creativity and the desire to  tory,  beliefs  or  wisdom  in  particular discoveries.  of Native Aruban cultural criti-  Did  you  say  that  you  love
            improve on a communal as  writing the way of the white                                 cism ranging widely across   Aruba, its origins and cultural
            well as on a personal level.  man did. Culture was transmit-  For whom the native culture  the terrains of the artistic, liter-  heritage?  Than this private
            There is no culture common to  ted orally from generation to  is strange, they will not ex-  ary, philosophical, linguistic,   encounter with our columnist
            all indigenous tribes and there  generation. This has led some  perience the spirit of a real  historical, ethnographic, and   anthropologist is just that. Ses-
                                                                                                                                sions created in a gorgeous
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                                  setting for visitor with special
                                                                                                                                interests. Appointment is re-
                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                                        quired.  etnianativa03@gmail.
                                                                                                                                com or WhatsApp us 297 592
                                                               your Aruban exprerience                                          2702 for a private reservation.
                                                        Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels                           \q
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