Page 15 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 3 May 2024

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitor at Patrizias!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-                                                                         United States.
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  of
            recognizing  Emerald  Ambassador                                                                            Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  represent-
            of Aruba. The honoree was respec-                                                                           ing  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,
            tively  honored  with  a  certificate                                                                       and staff members of Patrizias be-
            acknowledging  his  years  of  visits,                                                                      stowed the certificate to the hon-
            loyalty,  and  love  for  the  island  of                                                                   oree,  presented  him  with  memo-
            Aruba.                                                                                                      rable  gifts,  and  thanked  him  for
                                                                                                                        choosing  Aruba  as  his  best-loved
            The honor certification is presented                                                                        vacation destination, as his home
            on behalf of the Minister of Tourism                                                                        away from home.
            as a token of appreciation and to
            say “Masha Danki” to guests who                                                                             Top reasons for returning to Aruba
            have  visited  Aruba  10,  20,  or  35                                                                      provided by the honoree was:
            years or more consecutively.                                                                                •       Aruba’s friendly people.
                                                                                                                        •       Aruba’s weather.
            The three honoring levels are as fol-                                                                       •       “The  friendship  I  made  all
            lows:                                                                                                       these years”
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years con-
            secutively visiting Aruba)                                                                                  On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-
            Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years                                                                             thority, we would like to express our
            consecutively visiting Aruba)                                                                               sincere gratitude and appreciation
            Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years                                          Emerald Ambassador                  to the honorees for their continued
            consecutively visiting Aruba)       The honoree was:                    Mr. Charlie Pomaro from New York,  visits to the “One Happy Island”.q

            Lessons from our elders:
            Plants and fruits for medicinal use

            (Oranjestad)—Though west-    be drank after an operation
            ern medicine is now widely  on the ovaries or uterus. This  Arrowroot
            used  for  common  illnesses  gets rid of irritation and in-  Arrowroot is native to tropical
            and  to  keep  our  bodies  flammation.                   America and can be sold as
            healthy  and  happy,  it  is                              a powder or whole. It is said
            still very common in every  When the fruit is unripe and  that you can take arrowroot
            household  in  Aruba  (and  green, this can be used to  powder and make a “sha-        add  a  pinch  of  salt.  Raw  do make sure to drink slowly;
            around  the  world)  to  have  stimulate menstruation flow  lup” (porridge) for stomach  arrowroot  powder  can  be  let it mix with your spit and
            staple home remedies that is  in  women.  This  also  stimu-  pain or when you’re feeling  used to powder babies.    then swallow.
            passed on through genera-    lates  the  passing  kidney  weak. You can make it with
            tions. Here are some tips that  stones. When ripe, the fruit  milk too, but it is advised to  Eggplant/Aubergine    Eggplant kataplan* can also
            our elders have passed on to  can be used for poisoning in  best use just water. You can  Eggplants,  or  aubergines,  be used to treat skin tumors,
            us over the years.           the gut and can help treat  also add prunes for a bit of  are easy to find in supermar-  abscesses and hemorrhoids.
                                         rheumatic diseases, like ar-  sweetness. Arrowroot shalup  kets around the world and  Eggplant kataplan can also
            Pineapple                    thritis.                     is also good to treat an un-  can be grown all year round  be used externally to treat
            Pineapple  has  more  uses                                healthy gut or for diarrhea.    on the island. Related to po-  arthritis.
            than  topping  it  on  your  However,     breastfeeding                                tato and tomato, eggplants
            Christmas  ham.  According  women  who  cannot  pro-      To make arrowroot shalup,  are good to calm nerves. It  *warapa:  term  referring  to
            to elders, the skin of a pine-  duce much milk are advised  boil a bit of water and add  can also be used to lower  a water and sugar solution,
            apple is great to use to re-  not to consume too pineap-  one  tablespoon  of  arrow-  blood  pressure,  by  steep-  a.k.a simple syrup.
            fresh your body. Clean the  ple,  and  people  with  acid  root  powder  and  stir  con-  ing its leaves in boiled water  *kataplan:   porridge-like
            skin  thoroughly  and  make  reflux are recommended to  tinuously  until  you  reach  and drinking it. You can also  mixture  used  externally  for
            tea or warapa* with it. It is  not consume any pineapple  porridge consistency. If you  make eggplant juice to help  wounds or parts of the body
            said  that  this  tea  can  also  at all.                 make  a  shalup  with  milk,  purify your blood. However,  that are painful or swollen.q
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