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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 4 april 2023
            Minnesota gun ruling is latest citing Supreme Court decision

            By STEVE KARNOWSKI                                                                                                  ond Amendment rights.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “If  the  Court  were  permit-
            ST.  PAUL,  Minn.  (AP)  —  A                                                                                       ted  to  consider  the  value
            federal  court  ruling  that                                                                                        of  these  goals  and  how
            a  Minnesota  law  prohibit-                                                                                        well  Minnesota’s  age  re-
            ing  18-to-20-year-olds  from                                                                                       quirement  fits  the  ends  to
            obtaining  permits  to  carry                                                                                       be achieved, the outcome
            handguns  in  public  is  un-                                                                                       here would likely be differ-
            constitutional   remained                                                                                           ent,” she wrote.
            on hold Monday while the                                                                                            Attorney  General  Keith  El-
            state  pursues  a  potential                                                                                        lison’s  office,  on  behalf  of
            appeal.                                                                                                             the Minnesota Department
            A  reluctant  U.S.  District                                                                                        of Public Safety, said district
            Judge  Katherine  Menen-                                                                                            and  appeals  courts across
            dez  struck  down  the  state                                                                                       the  country  have  issued
            law on Friday, citing a land-                                                                                       conflicting  rulings  on  the
            mark  U.S.  Supreme  Court                                                                                          rights  of  18-to-20-year-olds
            decision  on  gun  rights  last                                                                                     to  carry  firearms  outside
            year. But after the state at-                                                                                       the  home.  It  said  the  issue
            torney general’s office filed                                                                                       is likely to be settled by the
            an  emergency  motion  for                                                                                          U.S.  Supreme  Court.  So  it
            a stay, she agreed to hold                                                                                          asked the judge to stay her
            off, meaning 18-to-20-year-                                                                                         order while the office con-
            olds still can’t apply for car-  A Glock handgun is holstered on the side of Kristopher Kranz of Bloomington, Minn., as he listens   siders an appeal, or at least
            ry permits in Minnesota until   during public testimony on Aug. 20, 2013, in St. Paul, Minn.                        for  60  days  so  that  state
            the matter is resolved.                                                                            Associated Press  authorities  can  determine
            The ruling is the latest exam-                                                                                      how  to  responsibly  imple-
            ple how the Supreme Court  The  judge  has  not  set  a  it  changed  the  test  that  protects the rights of 18-to-  ment the change.
            case,  known  as  the  Bruen  hearing date.               lower courts had long used  20-year-olds to obtain carry  The  Minnesota  Gun  Own-
            decision, has upended gun  Menendez said in her order  for  evaluating  challenges  permits. But she also wrote  ers  Caucus  hailed  the
            laws  nationwide,  dividing  Friday that she was obligat-  to  firearm  restrictions.  The  that  other  courts  have  judge’s  ruling  as  a  victory
            courts  and  sowing  confu-  ed by the Bruen decision to  justices  said  judges  should  “struggled  with  decipher-  for 18-to-20-year-old adults
            sion  over  what  restrictions  conclude that that Second  no longer consider whether  ing  exactly  how  to  apply  who want to exercise their
            can remain in force.         Amendment      guarantees  the  law  serves  pubic  inter-  Bruen’s instructions.”     constitutional  right  to  bear
            The plaintiffs are three gun  the  rights  of  18-to-20-year-  ests  like  protecting  public  While  Minnesota  adopted  arms.  Bryan  Strawser,  who
            rights groups, including the  olds to bear arms in public  safety. Under the new test,  its  age  restriction  in  2003  chairs the group, said fed-
            Minnesota  Gun  Owners  for self defense.                 courts  must  ask  whether  a  over public safety concerns  eral courts in Georgia, Ten-
            Caucus, and three individ-   The  Bruen  decision,  the  gun  restriction  is  consistent  about   allowing   young  nessee  and  Texas  have
            uals who were over 18 but  high court’s biggest gun rul-  with  the  country’s  “histori-  adults  to  carry  handguns,  ruled the same way.
            under  21  when  the  lawsuit  ing in more than a decade,  cal tradition of firearm reg-  she  concluded  that  the  But gun safety groups said
            was filed in 2021.           held  that  Americans  have  ulation.”  Menendez  con-    high  court’s  ruling  doesn’t  Menendez got the compli-
            They have until Wednesday  a  right  to  carry  firearms  in  cluded  that  that  means  allow   balancing   public  cated  job  of  interpreting
            to file a response.          public for self-defense. And  the  Second  Amendment  safety interests against Sec-    the Bruen ruling wrong. q

             Distraction, speeding, alcohol drive up 2021 traffic deaths

            By TOM KRISHER               prompted  the  agency  to  said  such  cases  likely  are  the  year.  The  number  of  Steve  Kiefer,  a  retired
            AP Auto Writer               kick off a $5 million adver-  under-reported by police.   unbelted  passengers  killed  General   Motors   execu-
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Nearly  tising campaign in an effort  The number of pedestrians  rose  8.1%,  while  fatalities  tive  whose  son,  Mitchel,
            43,000  people  died  in  U.S.  to keep drivers focused on  killed rose 13%, and cyclist  involving  alcohol-impaired  was  killed  in  a  2016  dis-
            traffic  crashes  in  2021,  the  the  road.  Agency  officials  fatalities  were  up  2%  for  driving were up 14%.  tracted  driving  crash,  said
            highest number in 16 years                                                             Speeding-related    deaths  cell  phones  are  a  primary
            with deaths due to speed-                                                              increased 7.9%, while crash  cause  of  distraction.  But
            ing  and  impaired  or  dis-                                                           deaths    involving   large  technology  is  available  to
            tracted driving on the rise.                                                           trucks weighing over 10,000  prevent  it  including  “do
            The  2021  final  numbers,                                                             pounds were up 17%.          not disturb” modes, as well
            released  Monday  by  the                                                              At a news conference Mon-    as apps and in-car systems
            National  Highway  Traffic                                                             day  in  Seattle,  NHTSA  fo-  that watch drivers to make
            Safety Administration, con-                                                            cused on distracted driving  sure  they’re  paying  atten-
            firmed   earlier   estimates                                                           fatalities,  which  speakers  tion.  “All  of  this  technol-
            by  the  agency  showing  a                                                            said  are  entirely  prevent-  ogy is available today, and
            10.5%  increase  in  deaths                                                            able  if  people  stop  using  there’s no reason we can’t
            over  2020.  That’s  the  high-                                                        their  cell  phones,  eating,  use it and roll it out quickly,”
            est number since 2005 and                                                              or  doing  other  things  that  Kiefer said. Distracted driv-
            the  largest  percentage  in-                                                          divert  attention  from  the  ing  deaths  are  related  to
            crease since 1975.                                                                     road.  “Remember  it  only  America’s addiction to cell
            Data shows a 12% rise in fa-                                                           takes a moment to change  phones,  said  Kiefer,  who
            tal crashes involving at least   Emergency workers work the scene of a fatal accident on Aug.   your  life  forever,”  said  So-  started  a  foundation  with
                                          24, 2021 in Tulsa, Okla.
            one  distracted  driver,  with                                        Associated Press   phie Shulman, NHTSA dep-   the goal of ending distract-
            3,522  people  killed.  That                                                           uty administrator.           ed driving. q
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