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A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Tuesday 4 april 2023

            Trump returns to New York to face charges in criminal probe

            By MICHAEL R. SISAK, TERRY                                                                                          also said he had faith in the
            SPENCER and WILL WEISSERT                                                                                           nation’s legal system.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Florida  Trump  supporters
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Former                                                                                          gathered  at  a  West  Palm
            President  Donald  Trump                                                                                            Beach  shopping  center
            flew  Monday  from  Florida                                                                                         on  the  way  to  the  airport,
            to  New  York  for  his  historic                                                                                   hours before he was set to
            booking  and  arraignment                                                                                           pass along the route. Boca
            on hush money charges, as                                                                                           Raton  firefighter  Erik  So-
            the nation’s largest city bol-                                                                                      lensten and his retired col-
            stered security and warned                                                                                          league,  John  Fischer,  put
            potential  protesters  it  was                                                                                      up banners. One was 30 by
            “not a playground for your                                                                                          6 feet (9 by 2 meters), pic-
            misplaced anger.”                                                                                                   turing  police  officers  and
            Trump’s  motorcade  ride                                                                                            firefighters  saying,  “Thanks
            from his Mar-a-Lago club to                                                                                         for having our backs, Presi-
            his red, white and blue Boe-                                                                                        dent Trump.”
            ing  757,  emblazoned  with                                                                                         “We are fire-rescue. We are
            his  name  in  gold  letters,                                                                                       prepared and don’t like to
            was  carried  live  on  cable                                                                                       wait for things to happen,”
            television.  It  took  him  past                                                                                    said Solensten, who took a
            supporters waving banners                                                                                           vacation day to show sup-
            and  cheering,  decrying                                                                                            port  for  Trump.  “He  needs
            the case against him  stem-  Former President Donald Trump waves to supporters upon arriving at Trump Tower, Monday, April   morale  just  like  everyone
            ming from payments made      3, 2023, in New York.                                                                  else  needs  morale.  He’s
            during  his  2016  campaign                                                                        Associated Press  done  more  for  this  coun-
            as politically motivated.    ried Trump years before he  former  federal  prosecutor,  by  nearby  street  closings,  try  than  any  10  presidents
            Trump  is  already  months  got into politics. Trump de-  has  previously  represented  especially  as  the  former  combined.”
            into  a  third  campaign  to  nies  having  sexual  liaisons  Trump’s  former  campaign  president came and went.  Trump  senior  adviser  Ja-
            reclaim the White House he  with either woman and has  chairman  Paul  Manafort.  Additional security was also  son  Miller  said  the  cam-
            lost  to  President  Joe  Biden  denied any wrongdoing in-  The  people  would  not  in the works. A small group  paign had raised $7 million
            in 2020, and he and his ad-  volving payments.            publicly  discuss  details  of  of  supporters  hung  large  since  word  of  the  indict-
            visers  seemed  to  relish  the  It’s   an   unprecedented  the  legal  team’s  plan  and  “Trump   2024”   banners  ment  broke,  but  official
            attention.  Cable  networks  chapter  in  American  his-  therefore  spoke  to  The  As-  across  from  a  makeshift  figures  have  not  yet  been
            followed  his  plane  at  air-  tory,  with  Trump  the  first  sociated Press on condition  pen  of  reporters,  a  block  released. One Trump fund-
            ports  in  Florida  and  New  former  president  to  face  of anonymity.               away from Trump Tower.       raising  email  Monday  car-
            York  with  video  from  the  criminal  charges.  But  he’s  The   former   president  Authorities also have taken  ried  the  subject  line,  “To-
            air,  and  Trump  was  joined  betting  it  could  actually  planned to spend the night  steps  to  close  and  secure  morrow, I will be arrested.”
            aboard by a small group of  boost  his  chances  at  win-  at  Trump  Tower,  then  sur-  the courthouse floor where  Top Republicans, including
            senior  campaign  aides  as  ning  the  presidency  again  render  to  authorities  on  Trump  is  to  appear  before  some  of  Trump’s  potential
            well  as  his  son,  Eric  Trump,  next year. In the meantime,  Tuesday  for  booking  and  a  judge  as  part  of  his  ar-  rivals  in  next  year’s  GOP
            who eagerly posted photos  the  case  is  causing  major  the arraignment.             raignment.                   presidential  primary,  have
            of the wall-to-wall TV cover-  legal, political and cultural  Officials  have  so  far  not  One of Trump’s staunchest  decried  the  case  against
            age from his seat.           events to collide in unprec-  seen  an  influx  of  people  defenders in Congress, Re-  him.
            The  scene  was  quite  dif-  edented ways.               coming into the city, as was  publican Rep. Marjorie Tay-  Biden,  who  has  yet  to  for-
            ferent  in  New  York,  where  Trump’s team was embrac-   the  case  in  Washington  in  lor Greene of Georgia, was  mally  announce  that  he’s
            Trump built a national profile  ing the media circus. After  the  days  before  a  mob  of  helping  to  organize  a  rally  seeking   reelection   next
            in  business  and  entertain-  initially  being  caught  off  Trump  supporters  overran  in  New  York  for  Tuesday  year,  and  other  leading
            ment  but  became  deeply  guard  by  news  of  the  in-  the U.S. Capitol in January  morning,  and  Mayor  Ad-    Democrats  have  largely
            unpopular  as  he  moved  dictment last Thursday eve-     2021. Still, they warned that  ams took the unusual step  had little to say about it, in-
            into politics. Prosecutors say  ning,  he  and  his  aides  are  possessing  a  weapon  in  of calling her out by name.  cluding on Monday.
            their  case  against  him  has  hoping  to  use  the  case  to  certain areas of the city, in-  “Although we have no spe-  Trump’s  former  U.N.  Am-
            nothing  to  do  with  politics  his  advantage.  That  idea  cluding  near  courthouses,  cific  threats,  people  like  bassador,  Nikki  Haley,  was
            and  have  defended  the  clashed  with  the  former  is a crime.                      Marjorie  Taylor  Greene,  campaigning       near   the
            work  of  Manhattan  District  president’s  own  attorneys,  “While there may be some  who  is  known  to  spread  U.S.-Mexico  border  and
            Attorney Alvin Bragg who is  however,  who  asked  the  rabble     rousers   thinking  misinformation  and  hate  suggested  that  coverage
            leading it.                  judge in a Monday filing to  about  coming  to  our  city  speech,  she’s  stated  she’s  of  the  former  president’s
            Trump  is  facing  multiple  ban photo and video cov-     tomorrow,  our  message  is  coming  to  town,”  Adams  indictment  was  distracting
            charges  of  falsifying  busi-  erage  of  his  arraignment,  clear  and  simple:  control  said.                   from  other  key  issues  such
            ness  records,  including  at  which is expected Tuesday  yourselves,”  said  New  York  “While  you’re  in  town,  be  as immigration.
            least  one  felony  offense,  afternoon.                  Mayor  Eric  Adams.  “New  on your best behavior.”        But  she  also  said,  “You’ve
            in  the  indictment  handed  Repeating his frequent de-   York  City  is  our  home,  not  Arriving in Minnesota where  got  a  liberal  prosecutor
            down  by  a  Manhattan  nunciation,  Trump  posted,  a playground for your mis-        he  was  touring  a  factory  that’s  doing  political  re-
            grand jury last week. The in-  “WITCH HUNT” on his social  placed anger. We are the  to  promote  his  adminis-     venge  against  a  former
            vestigation is scrutinizing six-  media network.          safest  large  city  in  Amer-  tration’s  economic  poli-  president.”
            figure  payments  made  to  He  also  bolstered  his  legal  ica  because  we  respect  cies, Biden was asked if he  “We’re dealing with a lot of
            porn  actor  Stormy  Daniels  team  Monday,  adding  a  the rule of law in New York  thought there would be un-     political  drama  that’s  un-
            and former Playboy model  third  high-profile  attorney,  City.”                       rest in New York.            necessary because you’ve
            Karen McDougal.              Todd  Blanche,  according  Trump  Tower  was  open  “No, I have faith in the New  got political, vengeful peo-
            Both  say  they  had  sexual  to  three  people  familiar  Monday,  but  traffic  was  York  Police  Department,”  ple  out  there,”  Haley  told
            encounters  with  the  mar-  with the matter. Blanche, a  expected  to  be  snarled  the  president  replied.  He  Fox News Channel.q
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