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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 4 april 2023

            Philippines names 4 new camps for U.S. forces amid China fury

            By JIM GOMEZ                                                                                                        ippine  Armed  Forces  and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    allow  us  to  respond  more
            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —                                                                                          seamlessly  together  to  ad-
            The  Philippine  government                                                                                         dress  a  range  of  shared
            on  Monday  identified  four                                                                                        challenges  in  the  Indo-Pa-
            new military camps, includ-                                                                                         cific region.”
            ing  some  across  the  sea                                                                                         In  a  meeting  last  month
            from  Taiwan,  where  rotat-                                                                                        with  Philippine  officials  in
            ing  batches  of  American                                                                                          Manila,  however,  a  Chi-
            forces will be allowed to be                                                                                        nese  Foreign  Ministry  dele-
            stationed  indefinitely  de-                                                                                        gation  expressed  its  strong
            spite strong objections from                                                                                        opposition to an expanded
            China.                                                                                                              U.S. military presence in the
            President  Ferdinand  Mar-                                                                                          Philippines  and  warned  of
            cos  Jr.’s  administration  an-                                                                                     repercussions  for  regional
            nounced  in  February  his                                                                                          peace and stability, a Phil-
            approval  of  an  expansion                                                                                         ippine  official  involved  in
            of the U.S. military presence                                                                                       the talks said at the time.
            to four additional Philippine                                                                                       Philippine diplomats replied
            military bases from the five                                                                                        that  the  decision  to  allow
            existing sites under the 2014                                                                                       an  expanded  American
            Enhanced  Defense  Co-                                                                                              military  presence  was  in
            operation  Agreement  be-    Philippine  Army  Artillery  Regiment  Commander  Anthony  Coronel,  left,  returns  a  salute  from   the Philippines’ national in-
            tween  the  longtime  treaty   a US soldier during a joint military drill called Salaknib at Laur, Nueva Ecija province, northern   terest  and  would  boost  its
                                         Philippines on Friday, March 31, 2023.
            allies.                                                                                            Associated Press   ability to respond to natural
            Marcos  said  the  move                                                                                             disasters,  the  official  said,
            would  boost  the  Philip-   infuriated  Chinese  officials  and has taken increasingly  that  it  says  promote  free-  suggesting  the  move  was
            pines’  coastal  defense.  It  because  they  would  pro-  aggressive   actions   that  dom of navigation and the  not aimed at China.
            dovetails  with  the  Biden  vide U.S. forces with a stag-  have  threatened  smaller  rule  of  law,  angering  Bei-  The official spoke on condi-
            administration’s  efforts  to  ing  ground  close  to  south-  claimant  states,  including  jing.  The  four  new  military  tion of anonymity because
            strengthen  an  arc  of  mili-  ern China and Taiwan, the  the Philippines.            sites  for  American  forces  of  a  lack  of  authority  to
            tary  alliances  in  the  Indo-  self-governed island Beijing  China  and  the  Philippines,  are “suitable and mutually  publicly  discuss  the  sensi-
            Pacific  to  better  counter  claims as its own.          along  with  Vietnam,  Ma-   beneficial”  and  will  “boost  tive issue.
            China,  including  in  any  fu-  The  two  other  military  ar-  laysia,  Brunei  and  Taiwan,  the disaster response of the  The  Chinese  Embassy  also
            ture confrontation over Tai-  eas are in northern Isabela  have  been  locked  in  in-  country”  as  a  springboard  warned  in  a  recent  state-
            wan.                         province and a navy camp  creasingly  tense  territorial  for humanitarian and relief  ment  that  the  Philippine
            The  new  sites  identified  on  Balabac  island  in  the  disputes over the busy and  work  during  emergencies,  government’s  security  co-
            by  Marcos’  office  include  western  province  of  Pala-  resource-rich  South  China  Marcos’s office said.      operation with Washington
            a  Philippine  navy  base  in  wan.                       Sea.  Washington  lays  no  In  a  statement,  the  U.S.  “will  drag  the  Philippines
            Santa Ana and an interna-    Palawan  faces  the  South  claims to the strategic wa-   Department  of  Defense  into  the  abyss  of  geopo-
            tional airport in Lal-lo, both  China Sea, a key passage  ters but has deployed war-   said the new locations “will  litical strife and damage its
            in northern Cagayan prov-    for global trade that Beijing  ships  and  fighter  and  sur-  strengthen  the  interoper-  economic development at
            ince. Those locations have  claims virtually in its entirety  veillance aircraft for patrols  ability  of  the  U.S.  and  Phil-  the end of the day.” q

            Hungary’s Orban tells Trump to ‘keep

            on fighting’ in tweet

            By JUSTIN SPIKE              gust.  The  far-right  Hungar-  charges  against  him  is  un-
            Associated Press             ian leader had traveled to  clear  because  the  indict-
            BUDAPEST,  Hungary  (AP)  the United States to speak  ment  remains  under  seal,
            —     Hungary’s    populist  at  the  Conservative  Politi-  but  they  stem  from  pay-
            prime  minister,  Viktor  Or-  cal  Action  Conference,  or  ments  made  during  the
            ban,  tweeted  a  message  CPAC, in Texas.                2016   presidential   cam-
            of  support  for  former  U.S.  “Keep on fighting, Mr. Presi-  paign  to  silence  claims  of
            President  Donald  Trump  dent! We are with you,” Or-     an  extramarital  sexual  en-
            on  Monday,  urging  him  to  ban wrote in the tweet on  counter.                      President  Donald  Trump  welcomes  Hungarian  Prime  Minister
            “keep  on  fighting”  as  he  Monday.                     Trump  is  expected  to  sur-  Viktor Orban to the White House in Washington, on May 13, 2019.
            faces a criminal indictment  Trump’s  indictment  by  a  render  to  authorities  this                                          Associated Press
            for  making  hush  payments  Manhattan  grand  jury  on  week  in  the  first  criminal
            during his 2016 presidential  Friday  was  a  historic  reck-  case ever brought against   widespread network of offi-  As  Orban  sought  a  fourth-
            campaign.                    oning  after  years  of  inves-  a former U.S. president, but   cial corruption, was the first  straight term as prime minis-
            Orban’s post on Twitter fea-  tigations  into  his  personal,  has  denied  any  wrongdo-  European  national  leader  ter last year, Trump praised
            tured a photograph of the  political and business deal-   ing.                         to publicly endorse Trump’s  him  as  a  “strong  leader”
            two men smiling and shak-    ings, and an abrupt jolt to  Orban, accused by his crit-  presidential  candidacy  in  who  “truly  loves  his  coun-
            ing  hands  during  a  meet-  his bid to retake the White  ics  of  dismantling  many  of   2016,  and  voiced  his  sup-  try,” and lauded his efforts
            ing  at  Trump’s  Bedminster,  House.                     Hungary’s  democratic  in-   port for Trump’s 2020 cam-   to  crack  down  on  illegal
            New Jersey, estate last Au-  The  exact  nature  of  the  stitutions and overseeing a   paign as well.              immigration.q
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