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P. 8
LOCAL Wednesday 27 July 2022
Cruise ship tourism has recovered with 61%
compared to the first 6 months of 2019
APA expects to see a good recovery for the
remainder of this year
Oranjestad - the moment months of May and June that Aruba Ports Authority
the coronavirus pandemic were the best occupation N.V needs to make in or-
knocked on our doors, like since the pandemic. der to accommodate this
any other country, aruba mega cruise ship at our covery in container (TUEs) Because the Island imports
had to cancel many Cruise June 2022 was the best port. YTD of approximately 90% most products, the increase
ship’s arrivals to the Island. month since the pandem- could be seen. This means in the amount of containers
However little by little we ic, where Aruba received For the rest of the 2022 year, that there will probably be and shipments that come
have started to welcome 6.3% more cruise passen- it’s expected that there will a positive recovery in our to Aruba weekly can be
these ships back and had gers compared to June in be a recovery of about tourism, which translates to seen and felt immediate-
to make certain adjust- 2019. In the month of May, 65% assuming there will be the hotels in high capacity, ly, mainly from the United
ments in other to receive for the first time, Aruba wel- no more global or regional which becomes fuel for the States, but from other parts
them again. after the first comed Royal Caribbean, events that have a nega- growth of our economy. of the world as well.q
2 turbulent months of 2022, which ever since its first ar- tive impact on the Island.
we can see that a positive rival has been visiting the Currently we are in the hur-
recovery started to take Island every 2 weeks with ricane season, which tradi-
place. almost 6000 passengers on tionally lowers the amount
board in the latest visit. of cruise ships, however
In the months of January with the arrival of yet an-
and February, Aruba Ports The APA team along with other mega cruise ship, a
Authority N.V (APA) saw its partners worked very good push to the recovery
approximately 17 cancel- hard to be able to bring is expected with a good
ations and this had an im- this mega cruise ship. It amount of passengers and
pact in our recovery. This takes intense negotiations the spin-off effect that can
took place right when the for months before the ar- be felt in the economy.
recovery was at a good rival of such ships. Not only
pace and the wave of for the promotion of the In the aspect of shipments,
the Omicron variant had cruise ship, but also for the which mainly arrive at the
knocked on the doors. At changes in infrastructure port in Barcadera, a re-
the end of February, this
recovery started to take
off once again and the
occupation of Cruise Ships
recovered drastically.
For the first 6 months of
2022, APA welcomed
263,472 cruise ship passen-
gers, which brought a re-
covery of 61% compared
to the same first 6 months
of 2019. APA welcomed
162 cruise ships, which is 5
less than the same period
in 2019. This means we are
receiving cruise ships how-
ever the recovery is still
underway, for which the