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Wednesday 27 July 2022 locAl

             Let’s take care of Aruba!                                                                                   Episode CLXIV-164

             Etnia  Nativa  through  Island  Insight  facilitates  cultural
             awareness,  education  and  safeguards  Aruba’s  heri-
             tage by elevating each reader into an island keeper
             state of mind. Be encouraged to discover in every epi-
             sode the true native effect, live it and discover more
             reasons to love Aruba behind our beaches by  liven up
             your stay in an incredibly wonderful way through this
             cultural blog.

             Our island is a tiny tourist destination with a fragile eco-
             system, covering thousands of years of history. Here is
             where  Etnia  Nativa’s  main  objective  comes  to  mind
             through educating the readers over Aruba’s heritage.
             We  believe  in  when  you  love  and  value  what  you
             have; ones greatest desire becomes to protect it.

             In this episode we will try to share a native perspective
             and concerns regarding Aruba’s vulnerability as a tiny
             peaceful tourist destination threatened by lobbyists at   character. However everyone’s duty to      parameters, it is essential to put an end
             the top and at the bottom, the mennacing poverty,         make  an  unconditional  choice  for  the   to  overexploitation  mitigating  product
             curruption and crime driven by people in desperation      future  and  consider  the  demographic    fatige.
             attempting to climb out of a system that it has fallen in.  and geophysical limitations of our “be-
                                                                       loved rock” an priority (Episode 153).     Aruba  is  immersed  in  a  system  whose
             As Arubans we wonder what will happen to our natural                                                 main  objective  is  based  on  making
             landscape,  geological  aspects,  tradition,  history  and   The  indispensable  quality  of  this  tour-  profit  no  matter  what.  This  way  of  do-
             cultural  way  of  life  that  we  inherited  from  our  Euro-  ist  destination  is  based  on  an  ancient   ing  business  has  proven  to  generate
             Indigenous ancestors? Our island is our home, which       desert landscape, the blue sea that sur-   disastrous results. Like forcing your only
             slowly is been swallow up by overexploitation by those    rounds  beautiful  white  sandy  beaches   golden egg laying goose to dead and
             we choose to protect it.                                  as well as an ancient cultural heritage.   with out consudering and economic al-
                                                                       To all this we must proudly add the un-    ternative that has life and a sustainable
             Etnia  Nativa’s  goal  as  a  native  awareness  and  influ-  surpassed kindness of our native funda-  existencial  approach  in  practice  and
             encer, starts each morning in educating participants      mental pillars and an essential factor in   action.
             through  an  engaging,  truly  local  awareness  experi-  the  early  development  of  insular  tour-
             ence. All this happens in a private area of 880m^2 and    ism industry in adiccion a key factor in   As locals, we urgently need to consider
             within the limits of a beloved home; a small building/    its  success.  These  incomparable  cen-   a sustainable existence within a territo-
             garden/gallery/museum  that  houses  remote  cultural     tral  elements  must  continue  to  provid   ry  that  is  100%  ecologically  aware.  For
             knowledge as well as native plant and if lukcy see free   a  day  by  day  fascinating  satisfaction   which it is essential to recognize and re-
             living animals,endagered bird species visitors can inter-  however limiting the quentity of rooms    spect native species on land in caves,
             act with.                                                 and adapting the cost of vist to all who   over and under the sea, in schools, and
                                                                       comes from all over the world to be part   everywhere. In our own hands rests the
             Aruba is at a point where the government, business,       of  our  native  hospitalty.  We  believe  in   duty  to  request  responsible  legislative
             scientist  and  the  general  public  should  determine   order not to further alter these excellent   respect  that  safeguards  and  guaran-
                                                                                                                  tees the protection of each of the spe-
                                                                                                                  cies in question and the existence of the
                                                                                                                  ecosystem for future generations.

                                                                                                                  If you love Aruba its origins and its cul-
                                                                                                                  tural heritage, be part of the exclusive
                                                                                                                  visitors of Etnia Nativa: a cozy museum/

                                                                                                                  Etnia Nativa a private residential houses
                                                                                                                  collections  of  native  art,  archaeologi-
                                                                                                                  cal artifacts and historic furniture, while
                                                                                                                  the facilities themselves are the result of
                                                                                                                  the  transformation  of  recycled  materi-
                                                                                                                  als. Meet Anthony Croes, our columnist
                                                                                                                  at  his  home!  Book  your  visit  Whatsapp
                                                                                                                  + 297 592 2702- or mail: etnianativa03@
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