Page 6 - HOH
P. 6
local Wednesday 27 July 2022
Aruba’s Fire Department in complete renovation
New structure, materials and trucks
Monday morning, minister reached with American
of Justice and Social Affairs, companies regarding train-
Mr. Rocco Tjon during a ing for the crew of the Fire
press conference informed Department. They have
about renovations at the received information and
Fire Department, a depart- much needed training,
ment that went through according to what was in-
many challenges in the formed by the labor union
last few years; many chal- and the management
lenges which, together with team. Before, the last train-
management team, labor ing took place in 2007,
union and personnel they which means that for many
were able to overcome. years the personnel did not
receive adequate train-
Tjon said that last week, the ing. Aside from promotions,
amount of 2.2 million Florin there was also courses that
was approved, which was were backlogged for the
needed to finalize the pur- personnel, and some of
chase of four trucks for the them have already started
Fire Department of Aruba. while others will begin next
“With this purchase, the month.
fleet for the Fire Depart-
ment will be in good condi- “Obviously this is very im-
tion for the following years”, portant for the proper func-
he assured. tioning of the department,
Andin Bikker also bought a but it’s also important for
Also last week, special few for a group, but not ev- the career of the personnel
clothing arrived to the is- ery crew member was able as well”, Tjon commented.
land so that all firemen can to receive one. Aside from
carry out their duties more the oxygen machines, the The Fire Department Post in
safely. department also received San Nicolas is in the middle
new gloves and helmets of renovations, according
During the press confer- and other tools for their job. to Tjon, and will be com-
ence, minister Tjon showed pletely done by the end of
some images, which the Tjon showed images illus- the year.
reader can also appreci- trating how the trucks that
ate in this edition, that illus- were recently purchased challenges. Tjon said that so Boekhoudt for his signa- He pointed out how the
trate the previous condition are already in production. during the past months, he ture after being approved labor union constructively
of one of the old truck’s tire, It is known that these trucks worked together with the by the Council of Ministers. gave attention to all these
as well as showing how the take a long time to be labor unions, management Now this is in the final phase aspects that for many
crew went to work with bro- completed. team and the Department for the Fire Department, years were the source of
ken shoes. He commented of Human Resources in or- where many workers had unhappiness in the depart-
that the conditions in which Aside from materials, Tjon der to catch up with some to wait years in order to ment. He announced that
they were carrying out their also finds it important to backlog. He announced regulate their legal posi- the budget for this depart-
duties were not optimal regulate the legal position that all promotions that tion, according to Tjon. ment per year is about
and this presented a risk to of the workers. This is also had fallen behind are now two million Florins. In order
their safety. an area where the depart- at the Cabinet of the Gov- Tjon also informed about to attend to all the above
ment confronted many ernor, His Excellence Alfon- agreements that were mentioned issues, Tjon said
According to the manage- that he earmarked another
ment plan for the Ministry 7.5 million in the budget to
of Justice and Social Affairs take all these aspects into
it is important for the crew consideration.q
carrying out their duties to
receive the proper tools in
order to do this optimally,
and most importantly, while
keeping themselves safe.
Last week the department
also received oxygen ma-
chines that were ordered
for each fireman, so that
the following years the Fire
Department will be prop-
erly equipped with these.
The last time such ma-
chines were purchased
was back in 2003 under
Cabinet Oduber 1, and in
2018, ex-minister of Justice,