Page 22 - ARUBA BANK
P. 22

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 3 January 2018

            Growth Expected in 2018, Uncertainty Remains in Medium Term

            ORANJESTAD - The Centrale                                                                                           interest  rate  margin  de-
            Bank van Aruba (CBA) pub-                                                                                           creased to 5.0 percent, the
            lished  both  the  Economic                                                                                         lowest quarterly margin re-
            Outlook 2018 and the State                                                                                          corded since 1998.
            of the Economy for the first                                                                                        The  current  account  of
            two  quarters  of  2017  re-                                                                                        the  balance  of  payments
            cently.  The  highlights  here                                                                                      registered an Afl. 170.6 mil-
            of are presented below.                                                                                             lion  surplus  in  the  first  two
                                                                                                                                quarters of 2017, related to
            Following  two  consecutive                                                                                         strong inflows from tourism.
            years  of  economic  con-    er, there is still considerable  ters  of  2017.  The  business  crease of Afl. 163.3 million in  The  deficit  in  the  capital
            traction, the Aruban econ-   uncertainty surrounding this  perception  index  showed  the half year under review,  and  financial  account,  at
            omy is set to resume growth  project.                     a remarkable growth in the  thereby  raising  the  debt-  the height of Afl. 151.3 mil-
            for 2017 and 2018 expand-    The  expected  growth  is  second  quarter  of  2017,  to-GDP ratio to an unprec-      lion was due mainly to low
            ing  by,  respectively,  2.6  based,  inter  alia,  on  the  indicating  that  there  is  a  edented 87.7 percent.  incoming  foreign  direct  in-
            percent and 2.7 percent in  tourism-induced  recovery  growing confidence in the  Money  supply  decreased  vestment as well as net out-
            real  terms.  Tourism  service  during 2017.              Aruban  economy.  Con-       by  0.8  percent  to  Afl.  flows in the portfolio invest-
            exports are the main driver  Tourism  figures  improved  sumption  indicators  sug-    4,134.2 million in June 2017  ment account.
            of  economic  growth.  Nev-  in  the  first  six  months  with  gest  that  the  level  of  con-  compared  to  December  Official  reserves  declined
            ertheless,  a  key  precondi-  growth  in  tourism  receipts  sumption  picked  up  in  the  2016.  Domestic  credit  ex-  by  Afl.  11.8  million  com-
            tion  for  realizing  growth  is  and  expansions  in  the  second quarter of the year,  tended  by  the  monetary  pared to end-2016. Conse-
            the  (timely)  execution  of  North  American  and  the  yet remains subdued.          sector  expanded  by  0.3  quently, total foreign assets
            the  upgrade  of  the  refin-  (non-Venezuelan)    Latin  Total  government  revenue  percent  carried  by  a  2.1  reserves  (including  revalu-
            ery,  as  well  as  other  large  American markets. Aruba’s  decreased  by  0.8  percent  percent increase in housing  ation differences) reached
            planned  investment  proj-   tourism  performance  also  in  the  first  two  quarters  of  mortgages.              Afl. 1,917.9 million.
            ects. Execution of the refin-  stands   favorably   com-  2017while  total  govern-    The   weighted    average  The  import  coverage  ratio
            ery  project  is  expected  to  pared  to  its  competitors  in  ment  expenditure  (cash  quarterly  interest  rate  on  stood at 5.5 months, which
            result in the medium term in  the  Caribbean,  when  ex-  adjusted)  declined  by  1.1  new  loans  declined  signifi-  is 0.2 months lower than at
            a  higher  level  of  gross  do-  cluding  the  Venezuelan  percent  compared  to  the  cantly  to  6.4  percent,  re-  the end of 2016.
            mestic  project  (GDP),  but  market.                     same period in 2016. Gov-    flecting  mainly  lower  inter-  Both publications are avail-
            with limited annual growth  Private investment acceler-   ernment  debt  amounted  est  rates  on  commercial  able on the CBA’s website
            in domestic output. Howev-   ated  in  the  first  two  quar-  to Afl. 4,188,6 million, an in-  loans.  Consequently,  the  (
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