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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 26 augustus 2022

                             Student loan forgiveness could help more than 40 million

            (AP) — More than 40 mil-     ments for what he called the  according to the administra-
            lion  Americans  could  see  “final  time.”  The  pause  is  tion. About 60% of borrow-
            their student loan debt re-  now  set  to  run  through  the  ers  are  recipients  of  federal
            duced — and in many cas-     end  of  the  year,  with  repay-  Pell  Grants,  which  are  re-
            es eliminated — under the  ments to restart in January.   served  for  undergraduates
            long-awaited  forgiveness                                 with the most significant fi-
            plan  President  Joe  Biden  “Both  of  these  targeted  ac-  nancial need, meaning more
            announced  Wednesday,  a  tions  are  for  families  who  than half can get $20,000 in
            historic but politically di-  need  it  the  most:  working  relief.
            visive move in the run-up  and  middle  class  people  hit
            to the midterm elections.    especially  hard  during  the  Sabrina  Cartan,  a  29-year-
                                         pandemic,” Biden said at the  old  media  strategist  in  New
            Fulfilling  a  campaign  prom-  White House Wednesday af-  York  City,  is  expecting  her
            ise, Biden is erasing $10,000  ternoon.                   federal debt to get wiped out
            in  federal  student  loan  debt                          entirely.  When  she  checked
            for those with incomes below  The  cancellation  applies  to  the balance Wednesday, it was
            $125,000  a  year,  or  house-  federal  student  loans  used  $9,940.
            holds  that  earn  less  than  to attend undergraduate and
            $250,000.  He’s  canceling  an  graduate  school,  along  with  Cartan used the loans to at-  University  has  more  than  monthly payments on federal
            additional  $10,000  for  those  Parent  Plus  loans.  Current  tend  Tufts  University,  and  $40,000 in student loans. As  student debt.
            who  received  federal  Pell  college  students  qualify  if  with Biden’s plan she will be  an undergraduate student she
            Grants to attend college.    their loans were issued before  able to help her parents repay  took  jobs  to  minimize  her  The proposal would create a
                                         July  1.  For  dependent  stu-  the additional thousands they  debt, but at $10,000 a semes-  new payment plan requiring
            It’s seen as an unprecedented  dents,  their  parents’  house-  borrowed for her education.  ter, the costs piled up.  borrowers  to  pay  no  more
            attempt  to  stem  the  tide  of  hold income must be below  As  a  first-generation  college                       than  5%  of  their  earnings,
            America’s  rapidly  rising  stu-  $250,000.               student, she called it a “level-  As  a  Black  woman,  she  felt  down  from  10%  in  similar
            dent debt, but it doesn’t ad-                             ing moment.”                 higher  education  was  a  re-  existing  plans.  It  would  for-
            dress the broader issue — the  Most people will need to ap-                            quirement  to  obtain  a  more  give  any  remaining  balance
            high cost of college.        ply for the relief. The Educa-  “I know there are people who  stable  financial  future,  even  after 10 years, down from 20
                                         tion Department has income  feel  that  this  isn’t  enough,  if that meant taking on large  years now.
            Republicans   quickly   de-  data for a small share of bor-  and  that  is  true  for  a  lot  of  amounts of debt, she said.
            nounced the plan as an insult  rowers,  but  the  vast  major-  people,”  said  Cartan,  who                        It  would  also  raise  the  floor
            to  Americans  who  have  re-  ity  will  need  to  prove  their  already  has  repaid  about  “In  order  for  us  to  get  out  for repayments, meaning no
            paid  their  debt  and  to  those  incomes through an applica-  $10,000  of  her  loans.  “I  can  of a lot of the situations that  one  earning  less  than  225%
            who  didn’t  attend  college.  tion  process.  Officials  said  say for me personally and for  have been systemically a part  of  the  federal  poverty  level
            Critics  across  the  political  applications will be available  a lot of people, that is a lot of  of our lives, we have to go to  would need to make monthly
            spectrum  also  questioned  before the end of the year.   money.”                      school,”  Simpson  said. “And  payments.
            whether Biden has authority                                                            so we end up in debt.”
            for the move, and legal chal-  Biden’s  plan  makes  43  mil-  For   Braxton   Simpson,                             As a regulation, it would not
            lenges are virtually certain.  lion  borrowers  eligible  for  Biden’s  plan  is  a  great  first  The  plan  doesn’t  apply  to  require  congressional  ap-
                                         some  debt  forgiveness,  with  step, but it’s not enough. The  future  college  students,  but  proval. But it can take more
            Biden also extended a pause  20  million  who  could  get  23-year-old  MBA  student  Biden  is  proposing  a  sepa-  than a year to finalize.
            on federal student loan pay-  their  debt  erased  entirely,  at  North  Carolina  Central  rate  rule  that  would  reduce

                              Gender dysphoria covered by disability law, court rules

            (AP)  —  A  federal  ruling  landmark federal law protects  benefits, advocates said.  ment,  government  benefits  puberty  blockers,  cross-sex
            that  gender  dysphoria  is  transgender  people  who  ex-                             and  services  and  public  ac-  hormones  and  sex  reassign-
            covered  by  the  Ameri-     perience  anguish  and  other  “It’s  a  very  important  and  commodations, Barry said.  ment surgery have not been
            cans with Disabilities Act  symptoms  as  a  result  of  the  positive  ruling  to  increase                        proven  safe  or  effective  in
            could  help  block  conser-  disparity  between  their  as-  people’s  access  to  gender-  “This decision destigmatized  treating gender dysphoria.
            vative  political  efforts  to  signed  sex  and  their  gender  affirming care,” said Rodrigo  a health condition — gender
            restrict  access  to  gender-  identity.                  Heng-Lehtinen,    executive  dysphoria — and it says that  And  Florida  Gov.  Ron  De-
            affirming  care,  advocates                               director of the National Cen-  what  Congress  did  in  1990  Santis, who is widely touted
            and experts say.             The  ruling  could  become  a  ter for Transgender Equality.  wasn’t OK,” Barry said.  as  a  potential  2024  Repub-
                                         powerful  tool  to  challenge                                                          lican  presidential  candidate,
            A panel of the 4th U.S. Cir-  legislation  restricting  access  The ruling is binding in the  The  sheriff’s  office  did  not  recently  tweeted  that  chil-
            cuit  Court  of  Appeals  last  to medical care and other ac-  states  covered  by  the  Rich-  respond  to  phone  messages  dren  should  not  be  able  to
            week  became  the  first  fed-  commodations  for transgen-  mond-based  4th  Circuit  —  seeking comment.          take  puberty  blockers  “or
            eral  appellate  court  in  the  der  people,  including  em-  Maryland,  North  Carolina,                          mutilate their body by getting
            country to find that the 1990  ployment  and  government  South Carolina, Virginia and  Some  Republican  leaders  a sex change.”
                                                                      West Virginia — but will in-  who have led efforts to limit
                                                                      evitably  be  cited  in  cases  in  access to transition treatment  But  leading  medical  entities
                                                                      other states, said Kevin Barry,  for  youths  have  labeled  it  a  contradict  those  positions,
                                                                      a law professor at Quinnipiac  form  of  child  abuse.  Texas  Heng-Lehtinen said.
                                                                      University.                  Gov.  Greg  Abbott  this  year,
                                                                                                   for  instance,  ordered  the  “This health care is under at-
                                                                      The  decision  came  in  the  state’s child welfare agency to  tack politically in a lot of the
                                                                      case of a transgender woman  investigate reports of gender-  country, but medically all of
                                                                      who sued the Fairfax County  affirming care for children as  the  credible  professionals
                                                                      sheriff  in  Virginia  for  hous-  abuse.                 involved  —  the  American
                                                                      ing  her  in  a  jail  with  men.                         Psychiatric  Association,  the
                                                                      The  decision  is  not  limited  A new rule in Florida restricts  American  Medical  Associa-
                                                                      to  transgender  people  chal-  Medicaid  coverage  for  gen-  tion  and  others  —  have  all
                                                                      lenging jail policies, but also  der dysphoria treatments for  recognized for years that this
                                                                      applies broadly to all areas of  youths and adults. The state  is  essentially  primary  care,”
                                                                      society  covered  by  disability  health  agency  previously  re-  Heng-Lehtinen said.
                                                                      rights law, including employ-  leased  a  report  stating  that
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