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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 26 augustus 2022

                        S Korea signs $2.25 billion deal with Russia nuclear company

            (AP)  —  South  Korea  has  Moscow over its aggression.
            signed  a  3  trillion  won                               He  stressed  there’s  no  pos-
            ($2.25  billion)  deal  with  Choi  Sang-mok,  Yoon’s  se-  sibility  that  the  technologies
            a  Russian  state-run  nu-   nior  secretary  for  economic  being supplied by South Ko-
            clear  energy  company  to  affairs,  said  South  Korea  rea to the project would clash
            provide  components  for  provided  an  explanation  to  with  international  sanctions
            Egypt’s first nuclear pow-   the United States in advance  against Russia.
            er plant.                    about its plans to participate
                                         in the Dabaa project and that  “Any kind of issue can be met
            South  Korea’s  government  the allies will maintain close  by various uncertainties, but
            said  Thursday  the  contract  consultation as the work pro-  those have  all been resolved
            between the state-run Korea  ceeds.                       as  of  now,  and  that’s  why
            Hydro  and  Nuclear  Power                                we  were  able  to  finalize  the
            and ASE requires the South  South Korea has been partici-  agreement,” Choi said.
            Koreans  to  provide  turbine-  pating in economic pressure
            related  equipment  and  con-  campaign  against  Russia  or-  He  expressed  hope  that
            struction  work  for  the  plant  chestrated  by  the  Biden  ad-  South  Korea’s  participation  ruary this year.  were dented under the poli-
            being  built  in  Dabaa,  about  ministration,  ending  trans-  in  the  Dabaa  project  would                      cies of his liberal predecessor,
            130  kilometers  (80  miles)  actions  with  Russia’s  central  help the country gain a foot-  Yoon’s office said the partici-  Moon Jae-in, who sought to
            northwest  of  Cairo  on  the  bank  and  sovereign  wealth  hold  in  future  nuclear  proj-  pation in the Dabaa project is  reduce the country’s domes-
            Mediterranean coast.         funds  and  banning  the  ex-  ects  across  Africa  and  also  the  country’s  biggest  export  tic  dependence  on  nuclear
                                         ports of strategic materials to  improve  its  chances  to  ex-  of nuclear power technology  energy.
            ASE  is  a  subsidiary  of  Ro-  Russia.                  port to countries such as the  since  2009,  when  a  South
            satom, a state-owned Russian                              Czech Republic, Poland and  Korean-led  consortium  won  Yoon in a statement on Face-
            nuclear conglomerate.        Choi  did  not  specify  how  Saudi Arabia.               a $20 billion contract to build  book  said  the  deal  reaffirms
                                         the crisis in Ukraine and the                             nuclear power reactors in the  South  Korea’s  “advanced
            A  senior  aide  of  South  Ko-  sanctions on Moscow caused  Korea  Hydro  and  Nuclear  United Arab Emirates.      technology and safeness and
            rean President Yoon Suk Yeol  difficulties  for  the  negotia-  Power  had  been  engaging                          strong supply chains” in the
            said  the  negotiations  were  tions  between  Korea  Hydro  in  negotiations  with  ASE  as  Yoon,  a  conservative  who  nuclear  power  industry.  His
            slowed by “unexpected vari-  and Nuclear Power and ASE,  the  preferred  bidder  for  the  took  office  in  May,  has  government has set a goal of
            ables,”  mainly  Russia’s  war  which  has  a  contract  with  turbine-related  project  since  pledged to boost South Kore-  exporting  10  nuclear  power
            on Ukraine and the U.S.-led  Egypt  to  build  four  1,200  December,  before  Russia’s  an exports of nuclear power  reactors by 2030.
            sanctions  campaign  against  megawatt reactors.          invasion  of Ukraine in Feb-  technology,  which  he  insists

                        As Boris Johnson departs, UK takes stock of his messy legacy

            (AP) — The moving vans  appearance  in  Parliament  as  has  had  a  serious  impact  on  New customs and regulatory  partner, (are) no better, if not
            have  already  started  ar-  prime  minister  in  July,  he  his  country.  He  bears  much  barriers  are  also  hindering  worse, than when he became
            riving  at  Downing  Street  summed up his three years in  of  the  credit,  or  blame,  for  trade between Britain and the  prime minister,” she said.
            as  Britain’s  Conservative  office as: “Mission largely ac-  Britain’s  departure  from  the  27 EU nations. The benefits
            Party  prepares  to  evict  complished.”                  EU,  a  momentous  decision  of Brexit touted by Johnson  The  other  defining  event  of
            Prime     Minister   Boris                                whose  consequences  will  and  other  supporters  —  a  his  premiership  was  CO-
            Johnson.                     Many political historians take  play out for years.       chance to rip up onerous EU  VID-19, which landed John-
                                         a harsher view.                                           rules  and  create  a  more  dy-  son in intensive care in April
            The  debate  over  what  mark                             “The  one  certain  thing  you  namic economy — have not  2020 and has left more than
            he left on his party, his coun-  “Winston Churchill said that  can  say  is  that  his  legacy  is  yet materialized.  180,000  people  in  Britain
            try and the world will linger  ‘History  will  be  kind  to  me  Brexit,” said Steven Fielding,                     dead.
            long after he departs in Sep-  for I intend to write it,’” said  professor  of  political  history  Johnson’s  promises  to  re-
            tember — if, indeed, he really  Tim  Bale,  professor  of  poli-  at  the  University  of  Not-  distribute  investment  and  Johnson  hesitated  before
            is gone for good.            tics at Queen Mary Univer-   tingham. “You can’t take that  opportunity to neglected re-  imposing a nationwide lock-
                                         sity  of  London.  “I’m  pretty  away  from  him  —  it’s  just  gions  of  Britain  also  remain  down in March 2020; experts
            Johnson  led  Britain  out  of  sure Johnson does too, but I  a  question  of  whether  it’s  a  unfulfilled.  His  successor  later said acting a week earlier
            the  European  Union  and  doubt he’ll find it’s as kind to  good thing or a bad thing.”   —  either  Foreign  Secretary  would have saved thousands
            won a landslide election vic-  him as it was to his hero.”  Johnson’s  backing  for  the  Liz Truss or former Treasury  of  lives.  Britain  went  on  to
            tory  before  his  government                             “leave”  campaign  in  Brit-  chief  Rishi  Sunak,  who  are  have  three  long  lockdowns,
            collapsed  in  a  heap  of  eth-  Johnson  cultivated  a  buf-  ain’s  2016  referendum  on  competing  in  a  Conserva-  a deep economic slump and
            ics scandals. During his final  foonish public image, but he  EU membership was vital to  tive  Party  leadership  contest  one of the highest death tolls
                                                                      its victory. He had a popular  whose  outcome  will  be  an-  in  Europe.  But  the  U.K.’s
                                                                      appeal  that  no  other  cam-  nounced  Sept.  5  —  inherits  vaccine  program,  led  by  a
                                                                      paigner  could  match.  When  a  deflating  economy  and  a  task  force  of  scientists  and
                                                                      wrangling in Parliament over  cost-of-living  crisis  sparked  businesspeople, is widely re-
                                                                      the departure terms brought  by such factors as Brexit and  garded as a major success.
                                                                      down  Prime  Minister  The-  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
                                                                      resa  May  three  years  later,                           Victoria Honeyman, associate
                                                                      Johnson succeeded her with  Margaret MacMillan, emeri-    professor of British politics at
                                                                      a vow to “get Brexit done.”  tus professor of international  the University of Leeds, said
                                                                                                   history  at  Oxford  Univer-  the verdict on Johnson’s pan-
                                                                      He  led  the  Conservatives  sity, said Johnson has left the  demic record is in the eye of
                                                                      to a huge election victory in  United  Kingdom  weakened  the beholder.
                                                                      2019 and took Britain out of  both  economically  and  con-
                                                                      the  EU  the  following  year.  stitutionally.            “His supporters would argue
                                                                      But the long divorce feels far                            that  his  actions  were  ben-
                                                                      from “done.” Relations with  “The  Union  is  weaker,  the  eficial and justified,” she said,
                                                                      the EU have soured amid un-  status  and  future  of  North-  “while his critics would argue
                                                                      resolved  disputes  over  trade  ern Ireland in question, and  that the actions were the bare
                                                                      rules for Northern Ireland.  relations with the EU, which  minimum.”
                                                                                                   is still Britain’s major trading
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