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A30    world news
               Diabierna 26 augustus 2022

                            One year on, Afghans at risk await evacuation, relocation

                                                                      have. To make matters worse,  freely  under  a  Taliban-led  conducts research on migra-
                                                                      his passport is no longer val-  government.               tion  and  displacement.  Ma-
                                                                      id.                                                       jidi was speaking at a seminar
                                                                                                   The U.S., together with oth-  organized  by  the  Migration
                                                                      Like millions of Afghans, he’s  er  Western  nations,  hastily  Policy Institute looking at the
                                                                      also  been  impacted  by  the  evacuated more than 120,000  situation  of  Afghans  in  Af-
                                                                      country’s  economic  freefall,  people, both foreign nation-  ghanistan  and  abroad  a  year
                                                                      caused in part by internation-  als  and  Afghan  citizens,  in  after the withdrawal.
                                                                      al  sanctions  and  vanishing  August last year.
                                                                      foreign aid.                                              Around  2,000  Afghans  and
                                                                                                   Some  46,000  Afghans  who  their  families  who  worked
                                                                      “We eat once a day,” the inter-  remained  in  the  country  af-  with  NATO,  its  agencies,
                                                                      preter said. Still, he continues  ter Aug. 31 have since applied  and  member  countries  were
                                                                      hoping he and his family will  for U.S. humanitarian parole,  among those evacuated from
                                                                      leave  Afghanistan  at  some  according  to  the  Migration  Kabul according to the mili-
                                                                      point.                       Policy Institute. But only 297  tary  alliance.  But  the  evacu-
            (AP) — More than a year  home.  They  (then)  destroy                                  have been approved so far.   ations were organized by in-
            after  the  Taliban  take-   my  office,”  he  told  AP  via  “I  never  give  up  because  of                      dividual  member  countries.
            over  that  saw  thousands  WhatsApp  referring  to  the  my  future  and  my  children  Because there is no longer a  NATO,  as  an  organization,
            of  Afghans  rushing  to  place  where  he  taught  Eng-  future,” he said.            U.S.  consulate  in  Afghani-  had no repatriation plan.
            Kabul’s  international  air-  lish. He asked that his name                             stan,  asylum-seekers  must
            port amid the chaotic U.S.  not  be  revealed  for  security  Since their return to rule, the  make  their  way  to  other  Evacuations   from   third
            withdrawal,  Afghans  at  reasons.                        Taliban  have  been  trying  to  countries  with  consular  ser-  countries are still happening,
            risk  who  failed  to  get  on                            transition  from  insurgency  vices  for  in-person  inter-  although sporadically. Earlier
            evacuation flights say they  This month, he was interro-  and  war  to  governing,  with  views.                    this  month  a  plane  carrying
            are still struggling to find  gated by the Taliban again for  the  hard-liners  increasingly                        nearly 300 Afghans who had
            safe and legal ways out of  more than two hours.          at odds with the pragmatists  The  list  of  obstacles  to  get-  collaborated with the Spanish
            the country.                                              on how to run a country in  ting out of Afghanistan is ex-  government  landed  in  Ma-
                                         During  the  chaotic  days  of  the  midst  of  a  humanitarian  tensive, starting with the dif-  drid.  Germany  and  France
            Among those left behind is a  the U.S. pullout, he had tried  and  economic  crisis.  But  a  ficulty in obtaining passports  also have continued to work
            49-year-old  interpreter  who  several  times  to  reach  Ka-  year on they have so far failed  as offices repeatedly close due  on  evacuation  cases,  Majidi
            worked for a NATO contrac-   bul  Airport  but,  like  many,  to gain international recogni-  to technical problems.  said.
            tor  in  2010  accompanying  failed to get through massive  tion. Initial promises to allow
            convoys  in  Kandahar.  Only  crowds made even more dan-  girls to return to school and  “Today,  the  vast  majority  of  But thousands of Afghans are
            six  days  after  the  Taliban  gerous by attacks around the  women to continue working  Afghans don’t have access to  still  living  in  limbo  in  third
            reached  the  capital  last  Au-  airport that killed dozens. He  have been broken.    legal identity, meaning if they  countries  including  Qatar,
            gust,  they  came  looking  for  then  tried  to  leave  Afghani-                      need  tomorrow  to  be  able  the  United  Arab  Emirates,
            him.                         stan  by  crossing  the  land  Those  who  have  failed  to  to  get  to  safety  legally,  they  Kosovo  and  Albania  while
                                         border with Pakistan but was  evacuate include interpreters  can’t,”  said  Nassim  Majidi,  they  wait  for  their  applica-
            “They come to my house and  stopped  by  the  Taliban  who  and  drivers  but  also  women  co-founder  and  executive  tions  to  be  processed  for
            they  threatened  my  son  and  demanded  $700  per  person  journalists, activists and ath-  director  of  Samuel  Hall,  an  resettlement  to  the  United
            my wife (when) I was not at  to cross — money he did not  letes who say they cannot live  independent  think  tank  that  States and Canada.

                          Pakistani court bars police from arresting ex-premier Khan

            (AP) — A Pakistani court                                  mass rallies, seeking to return  it,  we  will  also  take  action  Khan  came  to  power  prom-
            on  Thursday  barred  po-    Hundreds of Khan’s support-  to power.                    against you.”                ising to break the pattern of
            lice  from  arresting  for-  ers gathered outside the court                                                         family  rule  in  Pakistan.  His
            mer premier Imran Khan  building,  chanting  slogans  Khan is also to appear before  Since his ouster, Khan has al-  opponents  contend  he  was
            through  the  end  of  the  against Sharif’s government.  the  Islamabad  High  Court  leged  —  without  providing  elected  with  help  from  the
            month, officials said.       Demonstrators  said  Khan  on Aug. 31 to face contempt  evidence  —  that  Pakistan’s  powerful military, which has
                                         is  being  politically  victim-  proceedings  on  charges  of  powerful  military  took  part  ruled the country for half of
            Imran  Khan  is  accused  of  ized by Sharif’s government.  threatening  a  judge.  His  in  a  U.S.  plot  to  oust  him.  its 75-year history. Since his
            making verbal threats to po-  Later, Khan left the court for  conviction,  in  this  case,  will  Washington,  the  Pakistani  ouster,  Khan  has  also  de-
            lice  officers  and  a  judge  in  his home on the outskirts of  mean  his  disqualification  military and the government  manded  early  elections  and
            his speech at a rally over the  Islamabad.                from  politics  for  life  under  of Khan’s successor, Shahbaz  vowed  to  oust  Sharif’s  gov-
            weekend.  The  latest  devel-                             Pakistani  law.  No  convicted  Sharif, have all denied the al-  ernment  through  “pressure
            opment comes days after the  Sharif replaced Khan in April  person can run for office.  legation.                   from the people.”
            government  of  Prime  Min-  when  he  was  ousted  in  a
            ister  Shahbaz  Sharif  leveled  no-confidence  vote  in  Par-  It  is  the  second  time  that
            terrorism  charges  against  liament.  Legal  experts  say  Khan — a former cricket star
            Khan, escalating political ten-  Khan  could  face  from  sev-  turned  Islamist  politician  —
            sions  and  drawing  nation-  eral  months  to  14  years  in  faces  contempt  charges.  Af-
            wide condemnation from his  prison,  the  equivalent  of  a  ter elections in 1993, he was
            Tehreek-e-Insaf party.       life  sentence  if  he  is  found  summoned but pardoned by
                                         guilty by the court during the  the Supreme Court after de-
            Earlier, Khan’s lawyer Babar  trial which has not started yet  scribing  the  conduct  of  the
            Awan requested the court to  against him on the terrorism  judiciary  as  “shameful”  and
            grant bail to Khan, who is the  charges.                  saying it did not ensure free
            country’s  popular  opposi-                               and fair elections.
            tion leader. Arriving at court,  Thursday’s  appearance  of
            Khan  was  asked  to  walk  to-  Khan  before  an  anti-terror-  Legal  experts  say  Khan  has
            ward the courtroom as ordi-  ism  tribunal  amid  tight  se-  limited  options  and  could
            nary  suspects  do.  The  court  curity  was  the  latest  devel-  avoid a conviction if he apol-
            agreed to extend Khan’s pro-  opment in the saga between  ogizes for his remarks against
            tection from arrest until Sept.  Pakistan’s  government  and  Judge Zeba Chaudhry, when
            1.                           Khan, who has been holding  he told her to “get ready for
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