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                                                                                                      science Saturday 9 May 2020
            Bug experts dismiss worry about US 'murder hornets' as hype

            By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                  frankly  I'm  getting  tired  of
            AP Science Writer                                                                                                   it,"  said  University  of  Dela-
            Insect  experts  say  people                                                                                        ware  entomologist  Doug
            should  calm  down  about                                                                                           Tallamy.  "Murder  hornet?
            the  big  bug  with  the  nick-                                                                                     Please."
            name  "murder  hornet"  —                                                                                           Retired  University  of  Mon-
            unless you are a beekeep-                                                                                           tana bee expert Jerry Bro-
            er or a honeybee.                                                                                                   menshenk said in an email,
            The  Asian  giant  hornets                                                                                          "One  nest,  one  individual
            found  in  Washington  state                                                                                        hornet, hopefully, does not
            that  grabbed  headlines                                                                                            make  an  invasion.  ...  Do
            this week aren't big killers of                                                                                     we want this hornet — sure-
            humans,  although  it  does                                                                                         ly not. But the media hype
            happen on rare occasions.                                                                                           is turbo charged."
            But the world's largest hor-                                                                                        For  bees  and  the  people
            nets  do  decapitate  entire                                                                                        who rely on them for a liv-
            hives  of  honeybees,  and                                                                                          ing this could be yet anoth-
            that crucial food pollinator                                                                                        er massive problem, but it is
            is already in big trouble.                                                                                          not one yet.q
            Numerous     bug    experts
            told  The  Associated  Press
            that  what  they  call  hornet
            "hype" reminds them of the   In  this  April  23,  2020,  photo  provided  by  the  Washington  State  Department  of  Agriculture,  a
            1970s  public  scare  when   researcher holds a dead Asian giant hornet in Blaine, Wash.
            Africanized    honeybees,                                                                          Associated Press
            nicknamed  "killer  bees,"  two  dead  hornets  were  humans,"  said  University  of  kill  a  few  dozen  people  a
            started  moving  north  from  found  in  Washington  last  Georgia  bee  expert  Keith  year and some experts said
            South America. While these  December, a lone Canadi-      Delaplane.  "It's  like  the  Af-  it's probably far less.
            more  aggressive  bees  did  an live nest was found and  ricanized  bee  ...  A  dozen  Hornet,  wasp  and  bee
            make  it  up  to  Texas  and  wiped  out  last  September  (stings) you are OK; 100 not  stings  kill  on  average  62
            the  Southwest,  they  didn't  and  no  live  hornets  have  so much."                 people a year in the United
            live up to the horror-movie  yet been seen this year.     University  of  Illinois  ento-  States,  according  to  the
            moniker.  However,  they  Looney has a message for  mologist  May  Berenbaum  Centers for Disease Control
            also  do  kill  people  in  rare  Americans:  These  hornets  said  of  the  worry:  "People  and Prevention.
            situations.                  are not coming to get you.  are  afraid  of  the  wrong  In Japan, Korea and China,
            This  time  it's  hornets  with  "The  number  of  people  thing.  The  scariest  insect  "people  have  co-existed
            the  homicidal  nickname,  who  are  stung  and  have  out  there  are  mosquitoes.  with  this  hornet  for  thou-
            which bug experts want to  to seek medical attention is  People  don't  think  twice  sands of years," said Doug
            ditch.                       incredibly small," he said in  about  them.  If  anyone's  a  Yanega,  senior  scientist  at
            "They  are  not  'murder  hor-  an interview.             murder  insect,  it  would  be  the  University  of  California
            nets.' They are just hornets,"  While  its  nickname  exag-  a mosquito."              Riverside  Entomology  Re-
            said  Washington  Agricul-   gerates  the  human  health  Mosquitoes are responsible  search Museum.
            ture   Department     ento-  threat, experts said this hor-  for  millions of yearly deaths  Yet bug experts across the
            mologist Chris Looney, who  net is especially big — two  worldwide    from  malaria,  country  are  getting  wor-
            is  working  on  the  state's  inches  long  —  so  it  does  dengue  fever  and  other  ried calls from people who
            search for these large hor-  carry  more  and  stronger  diseases, according to the  wrongly think they saw the
            nets.                        toxin.                       World Health Organization.  Asian hornet.
            The facts are, experts said,  "It's  a  really  nasty  sting  for  Asian giant hornets at most  "This is 99% media hype and

              Space agency: Human urine could help make concrete on moon

                                                                      compound in urine, would  amount  of  water  nec-
                                                                      make the mixture for a “lu-  essary  in  the  recipe.  On
                                                                      nar  concrete”  more  mal-  Earth, urea is used as an in-
                                                                      leable  before  it  hardens  dustrial fertilizer and a raw
                                                                      into its sturdy final form.    material by chemical and
                                                                      It  noted  that  using  only  medical companies.
                                                                      materials available on site  “The  hope  is  that  astro-
                                                                      for a moon base or other  naut urine could be essen-
                                                                      construction  would  re-    tially used as it is on a fu-
                                                                      duce the need to launch  ture lunar base, with minor
                                                                      supplies from Earth.        adjustments  to  the  water
              The  full  moon  sets  behind  trees  in  the  Taunus  region  near   The main ingredient in “lu-  content,” study co-author
              Frankfurt, Germany, Thursday, May 7, 2020.              nar  concrete”  would  be  Marlies  Arnhof  said  in  the
                                                     Associated Press   a  powdery  soil  found  on  ESA statement.
                                                                      the moon’s surface known  “This is very practical, and
              BERLIN  (AP)  —  The  Euro-  concrete  to  build  on  the  as lunar regolith. ESA said  avoids the need to further
              pean Space Agency said  moon. The agency said re-       urea,  which  can  break  complicate  the  sophisti-
              Friday  that  human  urine  searchers in a recent study  hydrogen  bonds  and  re-  cated water recycling sys-
              could one day become a  it  sponsored  found  that  duce the viscosity of fluid  tems in space.”q
              useful ingredient in making  urea,  the  main  organic  mixtures,  would  limit  the
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