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Saturday 9 May 2020
Mom’s rule: Mother’s Day special doc airs on Comedy Central
AP Entertainment Writer
NEW YORK (AP) — Louie
Anderson's late mom is
never very far from the co-
median's mind.
He often references her in
his stand-up, writes books
with her in mind and even
won an Emmy for "Baskets"
playing a character in full
drag inspired by his real
mom. "I'm trying to pay her
back every day for saving This combination photo shows comedians, from left, Awkwafina, Jim Gaffigan, David Spade, Jo Koy and Kristen Schaal who
me and providing me with participate in the documentary about moms and their comedian children, “Call Your Mother,” airing on Comedy Central on
a sense of humor that clicks Mother's Day. Associated Press
with the rest of the country,"
he says. "I've been able to interviews and sometimes "None of us are inured to rather me talk about her His mother had 10 children,
stay relevant for 42 years — captures the real interac- desiring that approval or and her be the center of but she kept them fed,
it's really her." tions between comedians desiring to make mom hap- attention then me not talk clothed and loved. Moms,
So Anderson was a natu- and their mothers. Wood py," she said. "I found that about her at all," Feimster he says, are the shock ab-
ral choice to be featured goes suit shopping with his really across the board." says in the film. Replies her sorbers, the tumbling mat,
in the touching documen- mom, Schaal and her mom Wood reveals he hid his mom: "That is so true." the ball pit. "They're your
tary about moms and their go fabric shopping ,and comedy yearnings from his The film is produced by Car- bumpers in life," he says
comedian children called Spade's mom stops by a disapproving mother, while oline Hirsch, the founder from his home in Las Vegas.
" Call Your Mother, " which taping of his TV show. Judy Jo Koy — known these days and owner of the New York If his dad provided the
airs on Comedy Central on Gold plays phone message for his drop-dead perfect comedy club Carolines on harshness and the cyni-
Sunday, Mother's Day. recordings left by her late impression of his formidable Broadway. She gave the cism, "my mom tried to put
Directed by Academy mother, both poignant and Filipino mom — was scared filmmakers the idea when sugar and cinnamon it,"
Award-nominated filmmak- hysterical. at first to mention her in his she noted that many co- says Anderson, who has
ers Heidi Ewing and Rachel Ewing said she and Grady act. Carr divulges that his medians are obsessed written a letter to his mother
Grady, "Call Your Mother" started by looking at what mother suffered from de- with their moms. Then she addressing the pandemic
has interviews with dozens some of their favorite co- pression, and he quickly opened her impressive and plans to read it Sunday
of comedians, including medians have said about learned that humor could Rolodex to find a fascinat- on Facebook Live.
Awkwafina, Jim Gaffigan, their mothers and fathers. make the tension in the ing mix of comedians. "I really took my mom for
Jimmy Carr, Jo Koy, Bobby They had no agenda, but house go away. "Most of us "I think it makes you laugh," granted. I wish I would
Lee, Kristen Schaal, David something soon jumped are running away from un- Hirsch said. "Look, in what have been a better son. I
Spade and Roy Wood Jr. out. "What we found was happy homes," he says in we're going through right think all sons feel that way
"My hope is that people there's a lot of unfinished the film. now, everybody's look- sometime," he says.
who can't watch it with business that people have Some comedians clearly ing for comedy, comedy, Even as he ages, his mother
their moms, will call their with their moms, and a co- get their talent from their comedy. What could be still provides inspiration. "I
mothers after they see median has this amazing moms, like Fortune Feim- better than to have this on guess its the palette I keep
it. That's our hope," Ew- platform and toolbox to ster, who jokes beside her Mother's Day?" going to. I've got a palette
ing said. The show mixes work out those issues, de- that she loves the spotlight. Anderson grew up with a of paint and I just keep go-
comedy clips with fresh mons, memories," she said. "The truth of it is, she would violent father who drank. ing back to it."q
CBS reimagines ‘Equalizer’ and ‘The Silence of the Lambs’
By MARK KENNEDY Breeds, of “Pretty Little announced the return of
AP Entertainment Writer Liars” fame, will play FBI 23 series, including the
NEW YORK (AP) — Queen Agent Clarice Starling in “NCIS” family, “Young
Latifah, Rebecca Breeds “Clarice” as she returns to Sheldon,” “All Rise,” “Blue
and Thomas Middleditch the field in 1993, six months Bloods,” “Bull,” Magnum
are set to star in three new after the events of “The P.I.,” “The Neighborhood,”
CBS shows for the 2020- Silence of the Lambs.” “The Unicorn,” “Bob Hearts
21 season as the network Chris Noth and Lorraine Abishola” and “Evil.”
adds a reimagined Toussaint also star. CBS is dropping some
“Equalizer,” a show based Middleditch of “Silicon big-name stars and their
on “The Silence of the Valley” teams up with shows: the Edie Falco
Lambs” and a comedy Broadway veteran drama “Tommy” and
about organ donation. Annaleigh Ashford from sitcoms “Carol’s Second
Queen Latifah steps “Masters of Sex” for the Act” with Patricia Heaton,
into the role of a retired comedy “B Positive,” by “Man with a Plan” starring
special-ops agent who creators Chuck Lorre and Matt LeBlanc and “Broke”
fiercely believes in justice Marco Pennette. The show with Pauley Perrette.
in “Equalizer,” playing is about a newly divorced Previously canceled shows
a character previously dad who finds a kidney include “God Friended
In this Aug. 26, 2019 file photo, Queen Latifah arrives at the portrayed on TV and film donor in a woman from his Me,” “Hawaii Five-0” and
MTV Video Music Awards in Newark, N.J. by Edward Woodward past. “Criminal Minds.”q
Associated Press
and Denzel Washington. Earlier this week, CBS