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                      Saturday 9 May 2020

            Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort’s Hi-tech, Hospital-grade COVID-19 Safety Protocol
            LEED, ISO and HACCP certified Aruba resort details ongoing and enhanced commitment to guests’ safety

            EAGLE  BEACH  —  Bucuti  &  Tara                                                                            along  with  staff  that  cleanliness
            Beach Resort in Aruba has elevat-                                                                           guidelines are paramount. Recent
            ed  guest  health  and  safety  to  an                                                                      accolades – certified CarbonNeu-
            art  form.  As  couples  continue  to                                                                       tral®, LEED Gold certification  and
            make  reservations  for  the  adults-                                                                       Travel  +  Leisure  magazine’s  2020
            only enclave, they will be assured                                                                          Global  Vision  Award  –  celebrate
            of  experiencing  the  Caribbean’s                                                                          Bucuti’s  success  in  providing  the
            healthiest and safest vacation.                                                                             highest  standards  in  a  hotel  envi-
            As  the  region’s  most-eco  certi-
            fied  hotel,  Bucuti  has  long  had                                                                        New dining experience
            a  heightened  awareness  for  the                                                                          For dining, tables are spaced even
            health  and  safety  of  both  guests                                                                       further  than  the  customary  un-
            and the planet. Its new COVID-19                                                                            crowded  design  and  the  popular
            safety  protocols  were  developed                                                                          morning  buffet  service  has  been
            within  Center  for  Disease  Control                                                                       updated  to  made-to-order  and
            guidelines,  World  Health  Organi-                                                                         safely  served  individually  by  staff.
            zation  recommendations  and  in-   have  temperature  checks  before  •    Step  1.  Environmentally  safe,  Its  Elements  restaurant  menus  will
            person  evaluations  by  practicing  beginning each workday. Anyone         hospital-grade  hydrogen  per-  now  be  sanitized  and  labeled
            ICU  (intensive  care  unit)  doctors  showing  any  suspicious  symptoms   oxide cleaning solution contin-  disinfected  for  every  guest  who
            and nurses currently being hosted  will be sent immediately for testing.    ues  being  used,  which  is  both  will  then  place  their  order  from  a
            onsite at Bucuti & Tara.            From the moment a couple arrives        EPA and LEED approved.          social-distanced  server.  Bucuti’s
                                                stepping onto the resort’s walkway  •   Step  2.  An  AtmosAir  Rainier  private palapas also offer couples
            Study  reveal  travelers’  new  priori-  to  the  moment  they  depart,  this   Summit  ionizer  treatment  re-  the  ultimate  in  social  distancing
            ties                                new touch-free experience blends        moves  any  mold,  mildew  and  dining experiences.
            A newly released study by Magma  proven,  high-tech  hospital  grade        bacteria or viruses
            Global Travel asked guests to rank  protocols  with  Bucuti’s  signature  •   Step 3.  Sanidyne® Premium UV  During this quiet time, the property
            what is most important to them as  hospitality  so  the  experience  re-    Portable Air and Surface Sani-  is  even  renovating  its  guests-only
            parts of the world continue open-   mains warm and familiar.                tizer treatment                 SandBar, which will further provide
            ing  back  up  to  travel.  The  over-                                  •   Step  4.  HEPA  air-cleaners,  more space for each couple.
            arching  reveal  is  that  86.3%  want  Guests  are  greeted  curbside  by   which  have  always  been  in
            to  know  exactly  “how  the  hotel  their personal concierge with wel-     each  room,  continue  to  pro-  Home  of  the  most  beach  space
            cleans their rooms.” The other top  coming  smiles  rather  than  hand-     vide the purest air on the island.  per couple
            priority is 59.3% indicated a hotel’s  shakes  and  escorted  directly  to                                  Bucuti & Tara has long guaranteed
            cancellation policy will strongly in-  their  room  for  check-in  via  per-  No expense has been spared. The  social  distancing  every  couple
            fluence their travel decision. Bucuti  sonal tablet. Throughout their stay,  investment in UV and ionizer treat-  with  paired  sun  loungers  that  are
            shares  these  health  priorities  and  their personal concierge is at their  ments  surpass  $100,000  at  this  pri-  indulgently  surrounded  by  or  dis-
            has  also  implemented  a  flexible  ready,  so  no  guests  ever  have  to  vately  owned,  boutique  resort.  tanced  with  24+  feet  of  powdery
            policy  of  waiving  all  cancellation  wait in the company of others.   For  Aruba’s  tropical  environment,  white sand. Couples cherish being
            fees through Dec. 22, 2020.                                             Bucuti  has  specifically  selected  able to converse with one another,
                                                Hospital-grade, hi-tech protocols   and  implemented  a  superior  pro-  away from others. With its signature
            The  ultimate  in  social,  yet  distant  Using  sophisticated,  advanced  tection  process  with  the  newest  red  flag  service,  staff  only  comes
            service                             technologies, the process has four  sanitation  steps  of  the  UV  steriliz-  when  guests  request.  This  atmo-
            Every  aspect  of  the  guest  experi-  phases  that  guarantee  perfectly  ing unit and state-of-the-art ionizer  sphere of peace and tranquility is
            ence  has  been  revisited  and  re-  sanitized  public  areas  and  guest  technology. The sterilization-grade  prevalent throughout the resort by
            vised to create an entirely touch-  rooms which are treated and then  lamps emit UV lights and the ionizer  design with couples often remark-
            free  vacation.  Aruba  has  con-   sealed until guests arrive.  With no  projects  ions  that  actively  attach  ing they think they have the whole
            tained the COVID-19 virus success-  harsh  chemicals  being  used,  the  to  and  eliminate  all  viruses  and  property to themselves.
            fully,  however,  Bucuti’s  associates  multi-step  process  is  administered  germs. Finally, after sterilizing every
            will continue following a regiment-  by  highly  trained  staff  resulting  in  room, it is then sealed with a sticker  Open for business, accepting res-
            ed  protocol  ensuring  guests  and  every  accommodation  always  ensuring  guests  they  are  entering  ervations
            staff are in a healthy, safe setting.  having  a  hospital-grade  steriliza-  a  hospital-grade,  sterilized  room.  Bucuti & Tara continues to remain
            All  staff  will  periodically  undergo  tion  that  treats  the  air  and  every  Additionally, at no time will a staff  open.  The  community-oriented
            COVID-19  medical  tests  and  will  surface of all spaces:             member ever enter a guest room  property is providing fine dining via
                                                                                    when guests are present.            delivery  for  locals,  hosting  guests,
                                                                                                                        accepting  reservations  and  even
                                                                                    New  initiatives  join  bedrock  of  housing  ICU  doctors  and  nurses
                                                                                    safety protocols                    who  are  helping  to  train  Bucuti’s
                                                                                    Operating  with  the  guests’  safety  staff.
                                                                                    and wellness has been at the core
                                                                                    of  the  resort’s  offering  –  decades  “Every  day  we  hear  from  guests
                                                                                    before  COVID-19.  Bucuti  &  Tara’s  and  travel  professionals  who  are
                                                                                    ongoing  commitment  to  sustain-   ready  to  return  to  Bucuti  &  Tara
                                                                                    ability and wellness is evident in its  and  we  are  pleased  our  new
                                                                                    extensive  technology  supporting  touch-free  safety  protocols  will
                                                                                    clean  and  healthy  accommoda-     provide guests with peace of mind
                                                                                    tions.  Rooms  have  always  been  so they can focus on what is most
                                                                                    outfitted  with  individual  HEPA  air  important  –  one  another,”  shares
                                                                                    filters  and  dehumidifiers,  guests  Owner/CEO Ewald Biemans.
                                                                                    breathe  the  purest  air.  HAACP
                                                                                    and ISO certifications assure guests  To learn more, visit
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